Female Scammer Evgenia
E-mail: evgenyasur@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Evgenia |
Location [Address]: | unknown Surgut (Russia) |
Age: | 33 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Elia, Elka, Ely, Elya, Eugenia |
Reports :
Letter 1Hello Mark It is very pleasant for me that you have answered my letter, for whatTo you many thanks. I am very glad that you have answered my letter. Iam very grateful to the girlfriend that she has registered me on thissite and I have met you, my girlfriend has found the favourite personin US on this site and now they are very happy. And from first linesof my letter I want To you to write about itself and about my parents.
My name Evgenia, and we live Russia in fine city Ivanovo, this City atus in Russia name city of brides, and have named it as In our city itis a lot of weaving mills and basically for us work Only girls. My mumin the childhood told about our city What is time from all cities cameto act in ours educational The establishment to study on weavers. Iafter the termination of study too work On this factory in a staffdepartment, I accept people on work.
I the daddy tragical was lost inAfghanistan it was the militarian To me there were at that time 14years to us with mum I was very hard also did not know that to me todo as after a while at me mum very strongly was ill and through ineight years she has died of heart attack Now I want to write aboutmyself. To me 30 years and I Has been never married as in me the bigconflict to mine Once was The guy as my former guy Has changed on meand very much frequently Deceived. I tried to speak with it, but allthis without was useful and Then I have decided, that to us it will bebetter to forget to us each other.
And after that I any more do notwant to speak about it. After that I have decided that In Russia isnot present fair about kind men. And mine girlfriends have advised meTo find the friend in yours the country of the man respect women andconcern To them with the big respect and very well appreciate women.My close friend Katja married a foregner. She met her future husbandon this site. I know everything is OK with her now.. loving family,own house own employment. She found her luck abroad. I want to followher example. I understand that we belong to different cultures.. butcommon human values such as hospitability, kindness solid family arethe bedrock of both.
And I think that at you Interest will lay to meand in the further correspondence we can learn each other better. As Ivery much hope that I was not mistaken in that that have decided towrite to you. I was born in 1976, October 04:), in an atmosphere ofthe zodiac of "Libra", my growth 5 ' 6, and mine Weight 56 kg. Colorof my eyes - brown, and color of hair - the black. Please write to meas a little about itself? To me will be as interestingly a little Toknow and about you and your remarkable country. On it I shall finishmy letter and with impatience I shall look forward to hearing fromyou. As I send you the photo and I hope that she is pleasant to you. Sincerely yours the friend from Russia Evgenia!!! Greetings my friend Mark. It is very pleasant for me that you have again written to me. I am alwaysglad to your letters. As I already spoke you that when I receive from you the letter at me there is verygood mood. Mark Today I would like to ask your phone number what call you I could to give younumber but recently when I went home from work at me from a handbag have pulled out my phone I at allwho and as it did has not noticed. At us in Russia it happens very much frequently and at us in thecountry many crimes because people cannot find work and even if she is that very little pay andconsequently people go on a crime. At me in an apartment which I remove too there is no phone and Itherefore ask you number and as soon as I can call you I of you I shall warn also we can talk to you.
And as I would like to know your home address and your full name that I could know approximately whereyou are located. I to you can give you the home address:The Russian FederationIvanovo 153000Smirnova st. 23 ap. 56Evgenia SolovyovaSo I shall wait from you for the answer and remember that to me verypleasantly when you send me letters and if you that that intereststhat you can ask I you with the great pleasure I shall answer. Todaywe with girlfriends have decided to gather and sit in a place I Ithink that all the evening long only and I shall think of you and himto tell they are very glad for me that I have such friend as you and Iam proud of you. I with impatience shall wait from you for the answer and very much you I ask write tome. I send you the photo and I would want that you recollected me when will see. On it I shall stop andwith impatience I wait from you for the answer. Your girlfriend Evgenia!!!!!!! Greetings my friend Mark It is very pleasant for me that you have again written to me the letter. Iam very glad when you write to me letters. I want to tell to you that Iwrite to you letters from the Internet Cafe. I write to you when at me a lunch break. The Internet of cafe is notfar that of my work. I can write to you letters every day. And as I canreceive your letters every day. It is very pleasant for me when I come inthe Internet of cafe and I see that you have written to me the letter.
Iagain want to tell to you a little about myself and about that than I liketo be engaged. I very much like to prepare and as I it seems to me do verywell. Mine very much it is pleasant to girlfriends as I prepare. I very muchlike to prepare for various dishes from a fish, I very much like to preparefor such dish from a fish which refers to an ear. As I very much like tobakee pancakes and various pies,For example very much it is pleasant to me cabbage pies and meat. As I like To do various salads in which various vegetables, such as cabbage, aparsley, tomatoes cucumbers, fennel and many other vegetables enter many. In the summer we with girlfriends sometimes go to a wood and we do there Shish kebab.
As in a wood we like to collect mushrooms and berries. As ourwoods are very rich and in them many berries and mushrooms grow. Whether it will be very interesting to me to eat at you in woods withmushrooms and berries. I as very much love pets. At me the was cat which callPaw. I as very much love dogs But I not when did not have dog. Whether as it will be interesting to me toeat at you What or pets. I want to send you a photo That year went with thegirlfriend to have a rest on lake Baykal. I think she to you to like.My friend today I have told to the girlfriends about that that I havegot acquaintedWith the fine person on the Internet. My girlfriends very much weredelighted for me. They asked to transfer you huge greetings. I too am veryglad that we have got acquainted with you and that we write each other. Asit will be very interesting to me to learn that you like and do not likewrite to me please about it.
I as spend a lot of time on the work. After work I not I hurry to go home as there me not who does not wait. And I as well as anywoman would like to come home and that in this house the man which loves mewhich shows about me care was. I as very much wanted to show about whom notbe care, to look after and like. On it I shall finish the letter and with the big impatience I shall waitfrom you the answer. Your friend from Russia Evgenia. Greetings my friend Mark!!! It is very pleasant for me to receive your letter. Your letters heatMy heart and soul and after I shall read your letter at meThe weight day good mood also is very much pleased soul.I am very happy that have met you and now you like me more and moreEvery day.I the Christian and every Sunday I go to church as soon as I shall goin church I shall necessarily put for us with you a candle, for thatthat we have met and that our friendship when did not come to an end butonly we with you went in before and learned about each other more andmore.Now at us very bad weather and it is rain and in such weather at allhunting to leave on street.
My girlfriends and as on work of me ask aboutyou and as us you affairs. I answer all that at us with you simply allwonderfully and perfectly and that every day we all become closer andcloser.I want to tell to you that that you for me become closer than simply thefriend and I test to you sympathies and after such words you likely willbe surprised, but I write to you only the truth and I do not play withyouin games, you really like me.Mark, I would like on to learn more about your fine country, aboutbeautifulplaces. When I look cinema on the TV and I see that in America manybeautifulplaces, sights and at me such sensation that at you as in paradise. Thetruth that at you in America very beautifully? As I heard that Americaand Russiavery much differ the our countries. Our city Ivanovo too beautiful, but unfortunately very few such placeswhereare possible to sit and have a rest simply. If at us the person has hada mealice-cream it there and then throws a candy wrapper from ice-cream andgoesfurther and as at us throw empty bottles, and I heard that at you forsuchgive the penalty.
I play on a grand piano a little and I think that at me not badly turnsout, asmy girlfriends speak that I even very well play. In the future I alsocan toyou be necessary I shall play. I have a little written down for you that I play.I thought of arrival in America and I think that already soon I shallarriveto you on a visit and I shall be very glad if you will meet me.On it I shall finish the letter and with the big impatience I shall waitfromyou the answer. With the best regards Evgenia. Greetings my love Mark!!! I very much am very very glad that you have again written to me theletter. Today when I have gone to the Internet of cafe and have seen that youhave written to me that I were ready to jump with joy. In my last letter to you I haveadmitted to you love, for me it was very difficult to do it, but I could do it and now it is verygood me on soul from that that I have opened to you my feelings. I as have told to my girlfriends aboutit and they very much were delighted for me. They are very glad that that I at last havefound the present love, and this love you my fine Mark My girlfriends asked totransfer me to you huge greetings.
Whether but they as have asked me the truth you love me and I haveanswered them that it is the truth. And I once again want to ask you you love meWhether or not? I simply want that you have understood that it very important for me. Asmy true love seems to me that you. I want to tell to you that I not when in alife was not so is in love as now. And as I already spoke you in my last letter at me very goodmood and I again want to live normal and happy a life. Yesterday we withgirlfriends even have decided to drink a little sparkling in this occasion as I and theywere very glad.But when in the evening I have come home that to me why that became verysad. To me It became sad because we with you not in a place and that I cannotembrace you and kiss, and I very much would like to do it.
I very much would likecares of you and to be withyou. I as very badly slept saw you my lovely at this night because assoon as I closed eyes that I all time Mark I very strongly love youand it notseems to me that I can live without you. I as Has told to my girlfriendsthat I wantto arrive to you and that I cannot live without you,And then they have asked me, whether I have considered all and whether Ishall regret then about it. And I have a little taken offence at them when they have asked to me this question.I have told him that I have solved it very firmly and I not when I shallnot regret about it because I love you. It seems to me that when two persons they love each other that should bein a place. You think as? It seems to me that we with you can be in a place and like each othersincerely, the big and pure love, I very much would like it.But today I again shall come to myself home and I shall sit one with acat,And I shall dream of you about that that probably is fast we with you weshall in a place, about that that you love me and gently caress, kiss and embrace me because I very stronglywant it.On it I shall finish my letter to you and with impatience I shall waitfor tomorrow's day when I again go to the Internet of cafe, and I shall hope that there there will be yourletter to me.I love you all soul and heart. Yours Evgenia. You have ICQ? My number ICQ 217639760 Greetings my prince Mark!!! I am very glad having received from you the letter and for me it is very big pleasure as I more and more and I am more convinced that you that person about which I all time dreamed also you my ideal. I to you want to tell that I all time think of you and I do not have rest when I would wait from you the letter what to see your gentle words and to enjoy that that you of me too like. My love I think that that time has come what to open our feelings and to decide that us to do further if you not against? For the beginning I want to inform you that in the last letter I spoke you that I told to the girlfriends as I love you and I can not without you and I have decided that at us in the country holds nothing me and if you agree I can to plan the arrival to you my love and I think that we should solve all and to not torment each other you me understand I want to tell that when two persons love each other that him very hardly when beside is not present loved and for me it is very hard as I do not find to myself a place and at me in a head all ideas only about you my love. At me in soul so much all has collected also to me it would be necessary for you to tell but I think that in the letter of all will not write I certainly I can not tell for you what ideas at you but I see under your letters that we should be in a place and I am ready to you to arrive and we could solve our destiny as at an our meeting we can tell much each other.
Sometimes I think that when I you can see that I shall be sure that you mine and I shall give you to nobody also I too I would want that you to me have told that I for you unique for you and you too as well as I think only of me. My love I think that if you agree what I to you have arrived that you to me inform also I all I shall do what to hasten to you of me already nothing I hold also has told to the girlfriends that as soon as it would will want that I to it have arrived I shall not deliberate and I shall go to it my girlfriends very much for us are glad that we have found each other and I very much am proud of you. My love I do not know as you to express the feelings to you but you my love and I with impatience I wait for an our meeting to me I would be necessary to embrace and kiss you want to be always near to you and we shall enjoy our love and I think that it will be for us the finest days of an our meeting. I today am going to learn that would be required to me for that that I could arrive to you if you not against me it seems that we should not play for time if we like each other and are ready to be in a place and I shall do all what you knew that you my unique in whom I can trust and with whom it will be good me and that it will always love me.
On it I shall finish the letter to you my love and with impatience I wait from you for the answer and I send you the tender feelings and embraces and as I kiss you gently yours Evgenia!!!!!! Hello my love Mark! I am very much excited reading your letter. My love I ask to excuse me but I could not write to you on Saturday and Sunday. The Internet of cafe did not work as there was easter and I had no opportunity to you to write. I saw beautiful dream about us. I saw that I ran on a high grass on a field. I ran long and the longer I ran the more strongly I felt heat on the body. Then in the distance I have seen your silhouette and began to run faster. I have approached to you, have taken your hands, then have strongly embraced you and you have presented me a sweet sweet kiss. I have woken up from it and my body was damp.
I so with impatience wait for a meeting with you! I with impatience shall wait your answer. Your Evgenia! Hello my love Mark!!! I am very glad to letter! Days of expectation of our fast meeting do not give me to sleep at night. I cannot fall asleep that I to represent our meeting. And each time all this in a new fashion. To look each other in the face and to speak our feelings is a top of pleasure. All beautiful the world of words will not suffice to describe this feeling. You for me all in it and lives. My life in your hands. I all for you. I learn about the visa. I shall wait your letter with the big impatience. I love you. I dream of you. Yours Evgenia! Greetings my love Mark!!! My love, I thought of us with you much and has decided that we shouldbe with you together and never leave each other. Today I have learnedthe information to arrive to you. Today I went to agency and havelearned what to me documents to arrive to you are necessary. In agencyto me have told that visa is necessary for me, it is the visa of thetourist and she is valid during 180 days and my visa I when you Ishall not leave will not be terminated yet. Still to me have told ifwe shall decide to marry, we can prolong the visa for longer term andto be together. Full cost visa with all taxes of 396 dollars. And toarrive to you in America to me such sum of money is necessary. Thevisa is made approximately during two three days. When I have learnedthat the visa costs 396 dollars very strongly was upset and has begunto cry, as I do not have such money to arrive to you, but believe me,except for you to me who is not necessary.
Then I began to explainfrom agency that it is my love and I cannot without this person, mehave certainly understood, but have told that than cannot help, asthey have told that we cannot go against the law. Then the agent inagency to me has told that I can be helped by your favourite person,that is you my love Mark!!! My love if you love me just as I of youyou realize me I is confident that you to me will to help to dotranslation into the visa of 396 dollars. My agent has told to me that you should make to me translation through MoneyGram, it is veryreliable translation system and except for me who cannot receive your translation. In branch of bank MoneyGram to you will give control number which will consist of eight figures and you should write it tome as I shall go in bank and to receive your translation under thisnumber. Without this number I cannot receive your translation. Mylove, I believe you and as I am confident for hundred percent that you understand me and will make to me translation into the visa already today and during one week I shall arrive to you and when you I shall not leave. You should make translation to me Russia,Ivanovo 155000,Bank VOZNESENSKIY , VOROBEVSKAYA STR 11AFor name Evgenia Solovyova.My love, please make to me translation today. I love youand I can not wait for that moment when I can strong embrace and kissyou. I with impatience shall wait from you the letter. Your love for acentury Evgenia. Hello my love Mark!!! I very much am very very glad that you have written to me the letter. In your gentle letters I feel similarly to princess. You are always glad to me and I see, that I am valid to you is necessary. I could not present at all, that you such gentle, kind, tender. I am ready to go for you on edge of light if it will be necessary. I enjoy each your letter. I want to wake up in your embraces. I want to wake you a gentle kiss in the morning. I shall wait for your letter, At you is ICQ? My number ICQ 217639760 You get to know about ICQ in the site icq.com.We can communicate with you in online. I hope at you there is time for this purpose.
My dear I will need to know what nearest international airport the I closest to you to learn about the ticket on Monday. Accept my sincere wishes of good day and excellent mood. kiss. Evgenia!!!