Female Scammer galina 


Female Scammer galina 

E-mail: galochka@mailcomfort.info
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: galina
Location [Address]: Olha, Russia Lenina St. 3, Flat 9
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
Now I have an opportunity, so I immediately write you an answer. I'm very happy to hear that you understand how far we are from each other. and because of that, we can't be together right now. but I hope that after the end of the contract, we can get together and maybe create a strong relationship. I'm happy to hear you say that you already love me without even seeing me in person. I also hope that after my arrival we will be a great couple. As I promised, my dad has already received your email address and understood all the instructions if something goes wrong when you can't contact me. I hope this moment never happens and we don't lose contact. Now about the plan for our meeting. you still haven't answered that question. you must understand that it is very important for me to get answers to my questions from you. I hope you understand my plan well and agree that I should come to your country as an ordinary tourist? This is the only way we can safely arrange our meeting. I hope you like my plan with the alibi at the airport and agree to follow all the instructions. Yes, it will be a bit like a spy movie, but I will be confident and calm that I won't have any problems. I can't wait to implement this plan in reality. I often imagine how it will all happen: the first meeting, the first words, the first touch, and most importantly, our first kiss. But if you follow all our instructions-our first kiss is possible only after we leave the airport territory. ;) I know it won't be easy to keep from kissing each other. But safety is most important! But in order for our plan with an alibi at the airport to be as successful as possible, we need to come up with a backup plan for how we can contact each other, other than email. When I arrive at the airport, I will not be able to write you an e-mail, as I will not have the Internet at hand. But it would be nice if I could text you that I've already landed, I'll go pick up my Luggage now,and then meet you. But you know that security checks my phone number, so I can't use my phone number to contact you directly. But I have a plan: I'll ask my aunt to make a new SIM card specifically to contact you, so I can text you when I'm at the airport. now I will write a letter to my father to talk to his sister and ask her to make a new SIM card for me. This will be safe for us, as the SIM card will be registered in her name. No one checks on my aunt. I hope she can help me with this. As soon as I get the information, I'll let you know. Ok? I am now finishing my email and sending my new photos after a hard day. As you can see, the bullet on my neck is the same one that was shot in the leg. I want to give this bullet to you when we first meet. it's part of me, part of my soul - my Horcrux (Harry Potter). has anyone given you something like this, a part of themselves?? I also hope that soon your "Glock" will warm me up, if you know what I mean. :P see photo ;)



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