Female Scammer Iraida
E-mail: priparka2005@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
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First Name: | Iraida |
Location [Address]: | unknown Apastovo (Russia) |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | |
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Reports :
Letter 1
Hello my Paul! I am very glad to receive news from you. For me really such big happiness to receive letters from you. I am very glad, that our correspondence has very well developed and soon we can meet each other. I very much wish to meet you. I hope, that we shall together very soon. My dear, please, excuse me that I did not answer you during some time. Simply my computer had malfunction. Only today the master could make my computer and now all works. I so was glad, that I at last can write to you. My darling, please, excuse me that probably I have forced you to worry. Paul many thanks to you that you have informed me the airport to which I should fly. Also for me it was very important to hear your support in occasion of death of mine of the daddy. I really very much appreciate your understanding and care. Thanks! I am really so is glad, that soon we can meet each other. My documents are ready for travel to your country. I hope, that I can buy avia-tickets very soon because I very much wish to meet you. My brother speaks, that very soon he will receive its money from its business from abroad. And as soon as he will receive its money, he will give at once to me money. I so am grateful to my brother for his help on my travel to you. He knows, how seriously I concern to our correspondence. He is very glad for me, that I have met the good person. My brother wishs our only many good luck and love in our attitudes! It speaks you greetings and also promises, that he can soon give me money for my travel to you Paul. I very much miss and constantly I think of you every day. I am even more often seated by a question, really so it happens to find the love, sense in life, so through the Internet. On the first sight it is strange. On the business so it happens. Also it is one of few examples, it you and I, only you and I and no anybody this mad world more. For us there is only this small world, world of love and fidelity. But he is very fragile and is unstable. We know a little about each other. Only our meeting and some time together can up to the end understand to us, that we are very necessary to each other, I thinking of our meeting, as we shall undertake hands, we shall see in to each other in eyes and we shall kiss each other. With you I would feel protected and really only with you I shall be happy. Can you yet are sure in the feelings to me. I am sincere with you. Sometimes words have no meaning, but not in this case. I like you Paul and I want to be with you! I talked with my brother about you. I speak him, that you very well concern to me. My brother is very glad, that I have met very good man. He speaks you greetings. My brother speaks me that its production is on sale for good money. I am very glad for the my brother. I am very grateful to it that it will give me money that I could travel to the USA and live there prior to the beginning of the work. My brother has told to me, that as soon as it will receive its money, it will give at once them to me, and I can travel to you. I hope, that it will be very fast. But while my brother have some problems with reception of money. Aleksey has earned already some money, but cannot receive them because money should go only to the citizen of the USA. Paul probably you could help to receive to my brother of its money? Your help would make our meeting more quickly. I consulted with Aleksey about it. It speaks, that you the reliable person and if I was going to meet you soon we can trust you. I really trust you. And my brother has told, that would be very glad, if you could help it and me personally. I am valid much thinking about you and about our meeting. I very much dream of our meeting because I am valid I can assume now, that you the man which I searched. It is very easy to communicate with you. You very much like me my darling! I very much wish to meet you soon, I hope, that we shall meet each other before I shall start to work. We could have more free time with each other. As soon as my brother will give me money, I can travel to you to the USA. My dear Paul, I very much regret, that I cannot call to you while. I can call to you only in the end of this week as I have some problems with phone. And only in a weekend I shall have new. I so wish to hear your voice. For me it will be valid to talk to you very happily. I hope, that you also wait for my phone call and wish to hear my voice. For easier me are necessary money for residing up to my contract. I shall wait very much for your letter. I hope, that you will write to me very soon. With this letter I send you my photo which has been made in this weekend when we with my brother and its wife went on lake. To tell the truth it is a shame to me to send you such my photo a little. I hope, that you will not be offended. I hope, that you will like my photo. With greater respect, yours Ira. 2 Hello my lovely Paul. It is very pleasant to me to see your letter. How are you doing? How your weekend? We have very cold weather now. I very seldom am ill. I try to dress more than warm clothes to not be ill. I understand that we for the present far apart. But very soon we can give each other our care and attention. Oh, I shall be happy, when we shall be spend time and enjoy a life together. I with impatience wait for our meeting too. I very much want that days up to our meeting have passed quickly. And I hope that soon I shall ascend aboard the plane and I shall arrive to you. This week I worked and when I had a free time I spent its houses. For fun I like to play on a guitar and for relaxation I listen to music or I read books. I have stopped to make a song for you, and in some weeks you can hear it. Paul I wish, that your days passed all well. Paul I am very glad, that you also are happy, that very soon we can meet each other. I understand that you will hold your phone with yourselves. I shall call to you today to talk to you. I hope, that we shall have good conversation. I so wish to hear your voice. I think, that it for me will happily talk to you. My brother was very glad, that you will be happy to help it to receive its money. It speaks you many thanks. I also very much thank you for that you will help my brother to receive money because I can be very fast with you. My brother speaks you greetings and wishes you all good. It sells its production on auction in the USA. And now one of its partners should pay off with it. The partner of my brother can pay off with it through bank. My brother cannot open the account in the USA and consequently it asked you about the help. Also my brother is not in the USA independently to receive its money. Money the person who is in the USA can receive only. My brother has told, that the most convenient to receive money is to receive the personal check. Therefore you will soon receive the personal monetary check. It will come to you on your real home address. Paul please inform me your full name, your correct home address that to you could send the personal monetary check. After you receive the check, you should bear it in your bank. There you receive money from this check. And after money will be at you on hands, you should send money to Russia to my brother through the Western Union. Aleksey will give at once to me this money that I could buy the avia-ticket without problems and travel to you before my contract on work. I so am grateful to you and my brother that so help me with my travel to the USA. Only with your help I can travel to the USA soon. My dear, understand, that the partner of my brother cannot pay off with it through the Western Union because on auction there is no such kind of calculation. I hope, that you understand a problem with which my brother has now collided. I hope, that for you problems will not receive the check from the partner of my brother and to bear it in your bank to receive money. Only so we can meet each other very soon. I hope, that I can already travel to you in some days. I so wish to meet you. We with my brother very much count on your help and we hope for you Paul. We with my brother trust you. I hope, that you will send me the information on you very soon. I with greater impatience wait for your letter with the information. I send you the kisses and gentle embraces. Take care, yours Ira. 3 Hello my friend Paul! Thanks to you for your letters. It is pleasant very much to me, that you write to me the letters, thus you show to me the attention. And I am glad, that you respect me. I very much respect you, and I do not want, that our relations in general came to an end. Paul I am very glad to hear that you have very good weather at you in San Diego. It means, that when I shall travel to you, I should take more than easy clothes. I hope, that our meeting will be real very soon. Many thanks to you that you have informed me the information concerning you that to you could send the monetary check. The partner of my brother was going to send you the check today. I shall inform you when the check will be already sent to you. My brother also speaks you many thanks for your help. It is very pleasant to me to hear that you would like to hear a song which I wrote for you. I hope, that you will be very glad it to hear. My darling, I very much wish to hear your voice. I think, that I shall call to you within the next few days. I shall write to you when I shall call to you. I am assured, that we shall have good conversation. Certainly, I think of you Paul, and I very much I wish to meet you. I so am glad, that our meeting will be very fast. I think of you very well, and I know, that you the most perfect man, about which I never forget. You know, certainly, that there is such ideal the woman, concerning which everyone dreams the man. I know, that to you would like to meet the love, wife. And you would like, that she would be beautiful, attentive, careful, kind, sincere, sensitive, and gentle. Such to me would be desirable to be for you. I know that each man has lacks. But in the future to me would like to put all efforts that you were happy. I shall try to make so that per one day you could not live without me. Certainly, you were not once set by a question that prevents me to meet the love in shape the Russian man. To me would like to continue the life with the foreign man, because the majority of Russian men to concern to the women very bad. Now in Russia very heavy economy, it has resulted in shortage of workplaces. And now there are more Russian men use alcohol in the large dozes, and do not work. In Russia it is very heavy to find good job, with the decent earned payment. I very much want to develop our relations, and I do not want to lost you. Please Paul, do not forget me and write to me each day. I shall try necessarily to answer your letters often. I think that it is pleasant, when you receive from me my letters. I wish to you all most perfect. To me would like as, that all your dreams and desires were necessarily carried out. I shall wait from you of your new letter. I send you the kisses. Yours faithfully to you Ira! 4 Paul I was so is happy to call to you today. I was so is glad to hear your voice. You have very pleasant voice. I already very much miss on your voice. Today there was really big day. I very much would wish to talk to you always. I hope, that we can communicate very soon face to face. I also very much wished to go for a drive with you on a bicycle. It really is very healthy. I always also very much liked to go for a drive on a bicycle. I hope, that very soon we can go for a drive on a bicycle together. It is very pleasant to me to hear that you would like to take me to some beautiful places. It would be very happy for me, to walk with you together, I would take your hand in the hand. We could sit somewhere, enjoying a society each other to study eyes each other. But most of all I dream of our meeting at the airport. I hope, that this day will be real very soon. Many thanks to you that you have informed me the information on you. Many thanks to you that you will help my brother with reception of money. It also is very grateful to you and speaks many thanks and greetings. I am valid so is glad, that with your help I can be faster with you. My brother speaks, that very soon its partner will send you the monetary check. I shall inform you on when the check will be sent. I hope, that it will be very fast. It really is very healthy, that you live with your mum and help it. I so wished to have acquaintance to your mum. I very much would wish to communicate with it much, to talk about you. Please, speak your mum greetings from me. Very soon we can have with it acquaintance personally. It was very interesting to me to learn that your brother married the Russian woman. It really is very healthy! My lovely Paul, i want to share my ideas about my passion, my future husband. First of all, i think, sincerity is a key to long-term serious relationship between the man and the woman. It is very important for me that in conversation with the man i can speak on different topics. I want that my partner always was fair with me, in any cases. It is very important to observe the tactful and delicate attitude in each question between partners. Also it is impossible to wound or push away the partner by a careless word or the rough reference. As for me other important qualities which i shall always appreciate in the partner are: kindness, generosity of soul and skill to see in the partner a true friend. I want my partner to become relative for me, the person not for one day or month, but for ever. One of the most important quality in the partner is opportunity to protect the closest friend from danger, to become a support in a life for me and in the necessary moment to be able to protect me and himself. These qualities in the partner are the most important for me. And I think that you have all qualities which i appreciate in people. I do not like nonsense and greed. In fact everyone have lacks. But I do not love people who use to tell silly things. In Russia we often collide with illiteracy among the population. My workers use to complain, that their husbands do not know many simple things, which children study in initial classes. My future husband must be clever, but not the Nobel Prize winner. I want that my husband had normal work, but did not think every day and every night of work. I want my husband to be generous, but he should not carry all the earned money in charitable houses. I would like my husband to be kind and soft, but not with people who envy it or speak about it badly even if it is his boss. Our relationship should be easy and simple. When we will be together, I will try to please you every day and to bring set of smiles to your face. I hope that we will always have warm, careful relation to each other. Paul I'm sending you some new pic. Hope you will like these photo. I will be waiting for your soon answer. Have a very nice day and be careful. Thinking of you, Ira. 5 Hello my dear Paul. How are, how is your weeckend? Today I tried to name you, but I had failure in it. First your number of the subscriber has been blocked, and then to me have informed, that cannot connect me to your number. To me it was sad, that I could not hear your voice. I tried to name you 3 times and nothing has left. I shall try to do a call to you again soon. Paul, I was happy to receive such good photos from you. You look very well and you so like me. Ok, I shall feel now more confidently. Even if there will be any difficulties, my Paul can visit me in Russia. It really does me more confident. However, I hope, that all will be already good now and soon you receive the check then will send these money to me or the brother. My dear, my brother has informed me just, that the check for the sum $2,649.00 should be sent to you. You will receive it next week possibly. So, please check your mail on a regular basis next week and as soon as you receive the check, you should cashing it. Then you will send money to my brother to Russia and we shall order air tickets here. I hope, that the check will come in time, and it means, that absolutely soon we shall together!!! Your words that I shining your day a lot of pleasure bring to me. It is always pleasant to hear these words from the person who is close to you. Certainly, I shall transfer mum and the brother your greeting and they will be very happy with it. Once in the future you necessarily will get acquainted with my family and I am assured, that you will love them just as I. They really good and open people. Yes you are right, that it is easier to you to keep in contact with me every day as your work consists in a computer. In any case I try to write to you as much as possible. To me it is sad, if I do not receive the new letter from you when I check mail. For this period of time, that we have the correspondence, we have approached also you will agree with it, for certain. I have understood now, that your sister will move to your house by September. I hope, that you successfully will find a good apartment where will meet me soon. Paul, I have been assured, that you estimate and will experience the sense written in my poem for you. It is pleasant to realize, that the person close to you has such thinking as you. It pulls together and does us more open to each other. Fairly to admit, I do not wish to wait for a meeting with you till November and I very much hope and I trust, that soon you receive the check and then I shall travel at once to you, my honey. Ok, i will wait your letters and warm words. Be safe, my dear and i am kiss you. Yours and only yours Ira 6 Hi my dearest Paul! How are you doing? How was your weekend? I hope, that my letter will find you in good mood. Today good weather here. It is shine, but is cool enough. Under forecasts of weather forecasters it is last hot week will be then there will come autumn. To Me interesting will hear any news about you directly. Paul I thank you again for willing to help me and my brother. Your assistance will make our meet in person really closer. Today the brother has informed me, that the check with the sum $2,649.00 will come into your postal during this week. The name on the check is GEORGE SUBITI. So, please check mail on a regular basis. As soon as you receive the check, you should go and cashing it. The whole process of the check cashing-out will take about 15 minutes, so you will get the cash from it very soon. Then you will make sending these money resources on my brother. I shall inform you in the end of this letter its full information. The brother once again asks to thank you and it is glad, that we soon we shall together. I would like to write to you even more often, my darling, but it is impossible always. The main thing that you remembered that be in my ideas always. Now I feel inspired. As soon as the brother will receive its money from you, I shall buy at once air tickets, ok?! Well honey, i will wait your mail. Good day and good night to you, my dear Paul! Yours Ira 7 Hello Paul. It is great, that you so often write to me, it is unimportant on work you or houses. I am tired enough today for all day. Therefore excuse, that mine the letter will be short. I only wished to remind of myself and to tell greetings. You should know, that you for me are very close also I wish to be near to you. Here today was hot too and I had a good shower now. In the end of my letter I shall inform you the information on my brother. As soon as you receive the check, you will be cashing it and to send it to my brother, ok?! I shall nec