Female Scammer Irina 


Female Scammer Irina 

E-mail: irinalapushka@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Irina
Location [Address]: Kazan
Age: 35
Birth Date: 3/11/1980

Reports :

Letter 1
Hi xxx, writes to Vam Irina.
I liked you!!! I very much would wish
To fix with you serious attitudes xxx. I
I shall tell in more detail about me directly:
I Was born on November, 3rd,
1980, in city Kazan in Russia.
Kazan 800 km the east from Moscow. I
I live with parents, mum and the daddy. In three rooms to an apartment
Somewhere 47 Meter. My therapy of mum-doctor in hospital, it will be fast
Leave work above pension. The daddy works the turner above factory. In
The house with us lives a dog - "Shahter", to it of 10 years. I very much with it
Walk. I have finished research at university 2000, and now I work above
School - high schools, the teacher of elementary grades. My work
With children, very much to similar me. I try to give children
Knowledge with a heat and kind feeling. Children love me, try to
Understand me. From employment we go to release time on various
Excursions, we visit theatres and cinema. Actually my small pupils and
To all of them it is interesting. I understand xxx, that YOU thought
During this moment, reading to my letter.
About my hobbies: to similar me melodious music.
I have left musical school in 18 years. Professionally I play
On a guitar. xxx everyone speaks, that in me very good and pleasant voice
And therefore when in me I sing good mood vokal a little.
It is pleasant to me and modern melodious music. In me it - a
Party of a hobby if we we shall continue the correspondence, I promise
Tell about me directly and about a life very much and in detail. I am tired
From loneliness. I very much would like to begin a new life with hope
In the future. I wish to love and a favorite the spouse.
If I you interest xxx? I wait for love and understanding!. Speak please more in
Details about itself and family. I wish to know about YOU so
As far as possible. About your work, a hobby and a way of life and.... You
Really interested me xxx. Very much I wait for YOUR letters. I wait
For your photos!!!. It is good to speak in English, thus dialogue will be
Not, to be a problem. I write to you with pure heart. I love business and
Serious People with good manners and sense of humour. Reliable and
The correct friend is necessary for me, I am tired from loneliness. It
It seems, that I repeat. xxx than you right now are borrowed? As carry out
Your free time? Inform please in more detail concerning your hobby. I
Very much would like, that you were for me the most interesting
The interlocutor also has in detail written about you directly. Yours country-
Describe it, beautiful city in you? That does you think rather a
Life IN GENERAL? Want I shall inform concerning our city xxx. Mine city-
Kazan, Tatarian area. It is a lot of wood, on many km.
The city costs on the river "Volga". The river, not wide, but - is a lot of from
Zigzag and therefore beautiful. Write concerning your city, it
Very interesting to me to know it is more concerning that place, where there
There lives the person with whom I wish to continue dialogue. With
Impatience I wait your answer,
sincerely yours,



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