Female Scammer Irina Novop

Irina Novop

Female Scammer Irina Novop

E-mail: irinanov20081@yahoo.com
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First Name: Irina
Location [Address]: My full name is: IRINA NOVOPASHINA My address here (where I rent a room) 121354,Russia,Moscow,street
Birth Date:

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Scamming scenario:

she is back !!! Just days after joining the Singlesnet.com, I received 5 e-mails, 2 from Ghana 3 supposedly for Russia. On the 2 emails from Ghana I received pictures of a young woman that look just like a model, one of them asked for money on her 2nd letter, I guess they got discourage from me asking too many questions. Now the one from Russia was different, the pictures look real and the letters were so real, anyway the names are Vasilisa and Irina Novop. I corresponded with 4 different emails and quickly notice mistakes and errors, such as copy and pasting the same letters or pictures. Anyway, this is so very interesting, at this time, I lost contact with Vasilisa but Irina is active, now she is in the process of traveling to Moscow to start her journey to USA, according to the letters I found in these website I think today she will ask for money. Oh, thanks for your information I was able to find out she or her IP is not in Russia but in Ghana, the return receives are in Russian.??????? I will post more pictures and the letters and will try to see were from Vasilisa was sending her emails. anyway I am working her or him hard. Thanks to all you ….. THis is one of the letters; Hello again! Today i want to write to you more about me and my life, for you to learn me better! If i'm not mistaken in you ,we can communicate well and enjoy it. First of all here comes the best news : I am coming very soon! I am so happy we will have possibility to meet shortly in real life! But before my coming I just wanted you to know more about myself. And you know there is so much I have to tell you. Firstly let me introduce myself. As you know? my name is Irina and I am 25 y.o. I'm single and never was married before and dont have children. My birthday is 18 February 1983 . I'm 169 cm tall (5.6.) and 50 kg weight. I am lucky to have good shape. I care about how I look like, so I visit the swimming pool several times a week, which makes me feel dynamic and active. As I told you before I am blond and attractive as people say. I will send you some more photos of mine for you to know how i look like. I really hope you will like me!!! I live in Russia as I also said. The name of my city is Seversk, it's near Tomsk city. Seversk is very small and Tomsk is a large city,the main city in our region. I love may family which consists of my father who is 55 years old now, my Mom, 45 y.o and my older sister. You see my mom is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. You know I also dream of finding some one so that I could be as happy and comfortable with him as my parents are together. Yana, my sister, is 27 years old, she has a 3 years old daugther. Yana is divorced, because her husband was an alcoholic. We all (me, my sister, her daugther and my parents) live in 3-rooms flat. It is not easy as you may understand but I love my family so much and will miss them all. I like sport very much and i have sport degrees in swimming and in sport dances!!! I have sent you my photo ,where i have clothes on dance dompetitions,i will send you some more. Although I want to be happy myself and eager to do everything even if to move to another city, another country! I finished Tomskiy State University (Pedagogical brach) and always wanted to work with little kids. Since I finished the University I worked in the kindergarten with children. I loved this kind of job but my income was so poor that I had to quit and work as a private baby sitter with our neighbors' children. So I can do the same abroad you see. And have much more pluses like seeing the country, learning the language and finding my destiny, I really hope so! I can work as a baby sitter with very small kids cause I also have such an experience. I helped a lot my sister to take care of her little sister. Else I can work with older children to take them to the school and back. And of course i can work as a swimming instructor and dance instructor. You know I am so excited that I am coming soon and will see so much new things. And the most important that I will see you!!! I want so much that you would like me!!! Do you have an International Airport in your city? Please write me it's name an code. Or write me the name of the nearest Airport to you. I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer. If you want I can call you on next week, it would be nice to talk to you. We don't have international calls here. People in the 'Au pair' program agency told me that everything is ok with my documents! I suppose in few days I will go to Moscow to start my trip! I can call you from there. I will tell my parents about you and I am sure they will be so happy for me! Because there is somebody who could take care of me and help me in a foreign country. I want you to know all about me. You see I don't have secrets from you. There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails? My address here is 636070,Russia,Seversk,Vishnevaya 4-10. Now I think you will have at list a little picture of who I am and I really hope you will like me! What's more about myself+ To tell you the truth I'm not that smart.. I was not that good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! I don't like to be smart! But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person. Sometimes I can be not well organized. But I know to love and take care. I want to spend my life caring of my future husband and kids. I don't look any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soul mate I told you! I really don't care of my man color of skin, eyes, his age or profession. I am afraid this time my letter is too long. Sorry! I wanted so much to tell you! We shall meet very soon!!! Please never hesitate to ask me questions, but if I won`t answer some of your questions - pls feel free to ask again, I will answer in next e-mails. It is just not so easy and comfortable to right letters in the i-net cafe' always so crowded and noisy!!! I hope to hear back from you sooner! Tender thoughts Kisses Irina another letter!!! Hello, dear what is your real name? Your photo looks great! Again such a pleasure to write to you! It's so pleasant to know the words tapped by my fingers will reach you in reality+ I think a lot about you. If only the miles that separate us could disappear+I wish I could see your eyes and hear you speak to me. I want to speak to you, not via e-mails but in real life! My parents were really glad to know I will not be all alone in another country! They found it was an excellent idea of mine. They wish just the best for me! And I am so happy I will finally see you there. I am sending you some more pics of mine. Hope you will like them. Please let me know what of them you will like most, ok? I have gave a lot in my life to sport and to education. I was in dance section for 10 years and in swimming for 7 years. I like to ski also! As I probably told you I have several hobbies. But I am sure I didn't tell I adore cooking. I really do! If you are not against we try one day my cooking debut for you. If you don't like Russian cuisine I can make something else for you like Italian or Japanese food. What do you prefer? I can prepare pizza or pasta or Mediterranean salad. In Japanese food I can make rolls and sushi. If you are not against of sea food of course)))); As for me I prefer eating vegetables, fruits and chicken. But suits are adorable too! My parents love when I make a dinner for them. Really hope you will appreciate it too! You know Russian men could never appreciate such things as dinner made for them. They all take for granted and don't know to communicate with girls. But I was so lucky to meet you in this e-net world! I also love painting and drawing. I especially love painting the landscapes and different beautiful views like flowers, nature, animals maybe+ I am not a professional painter of course but this is just from the very heart. If you like I can paint something nice to upon arrival. Will you show me your city? I can picture some of its beautiful views. In our city there is not much things to see, unfortunately. Besides the weather is not always fine. In fact it is almost all the time all of black and white everywhere. As for cultural issues there is only one cinema in my city and no ballet theater. To visit places like that I have to go to Tomsk. I like this visits but it's just expensive to go there often. I like cinema. In my city I go there quite often. Do you? My favorite cinemas are romantic comedies. What is your favorite type? Maybe you have a particular film that you like most? Could you see it together when I come? I wish I like it too! I also like films like Spiderman or Star Wars, Lord of Rings. Have you seen them? I don't remember if I told you that I have a driving license. That's funny I can drive but I don't have my car! Driving skills will be required for my work abroad hope I will manage to do it with no probs! By, the way, one thing else about my trip. I will live at family where i will work or agency can help me to find the room to rent to stay near my future work. It will be even possible share this room with a few girls . who are travelling there with same job programm as me ,if some of them will go to your city also. it is usual procedure and it helps to pay the rent (it will be cheaper). I am a little afraid of that. I should have never lived in a rented room with other people I don't know and may be don't; like+ and I thought about you+ please tell me what if you will like me and I will like you? What if we would find it more comfortable to be together is it possible that we live together? Will you be against? I keep my fingers crossed I wish so much you would like me! I will stay in your country three months, but you know if I enjoy it I can stay longer. I hope we would like being together, studying cross-cultural questions about our different countries or simply talking. Remember I also wish to improve my English!!! We can just chat or watch TV or to sport together. What do you think? So it's time to finish my letter to you, dear. I am going to Tomsk right now and from there exactly to Moscow!!! This will be the very first time I can take a plane! I never did it before! Hope it all will pass ok for me! It is several hours from Tomsk to Moscow. When I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I hope today I will be able to write you. Please don't worry about me if you don't hear from me tomorrow, that will mean I was not able to find a place to stay ,but all the way i will try to find internet cafe there and I will write you tomorrow. In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all final arrangements with my documents in the agency and after it I will come to you! I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city! It is so crowded and noisy with all these people hanging around+ and my best desire is to give you a call from there, right from Moscow! Unfortunately I don't a mobile phone of my own.(( So I will have to search a public phone that can perform the international calls.. I am not a specialist in such technical things but I will do all a can to contact you from Moscow! And to tell you the truth I am just eager so much for all these changes in my life especially for meting with you! So will get back to you really soon from Moscow! Tender thoughts and kisses!!! Irina This image was also posted here:Dating scammer Irina NovopKeywords:



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