Female Scammer Irina Votyakova
E-mail: irina2004polush@hotmail.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Irina |
Location [Address]: | Russia, Murmasnk, Lenina prosp Murmansk (Russia) |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Ira, Irena, Irene, Irinka, Iri |
Reports :
Letter 1This is the first email where we talked about meeting ?Hi my dear Kev! I am glad to speak again with you! Thank for yours e-mail. I am glad Kev, that in our relations there is a promotion and we became more close people. I tell about you mine much to parents and friends. They hope, that will sometime get acquainted with you Kev. They insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my parents are especially persevering. I have told him , that is serious I treat you Kev, also that you the good person. You know Kev, that parents always wish children only good and are pleased, when their children are happy in all. The daddy loves mine fishing and he now goes pleased on an apartment and speaks, that now he has person , which can be invited for fishing. I for a long time laughed and have told to him, that at all I do not know, you like it to do{make} whether or not. Also that he early it is pleased, in fact it is possible to you not interestingly. Also know, that he answered? he has told, that in the summer he will be going for you good fishing tackle also will learn you to cook present to an uha (soup with fish). And you Kev, told to close people about me? What they have opinion? inform me please it. You have any plans concerning our relations? I think, that for us will be very much it is good, if we can carry out some days together. It will be to strengthen our relations and will help us to learn better each other. Probably the next month we can meet. For example in Europe or the other place. Understand me correctly Kev, I cannot yet to invite you to itself. I live at the parents and for the present not enough I know you for this purpose. Between us there were only we messages and I think, that to us it is better, all over again to meet in the friend place. I very much would want to be with you alone, to see you the eyes and a touch to you! Dear so we can make full opinion on us to learn about many things. On a photo with my family I have by a number of the son of my cousin and my mum with the father. And extremest is the sister whose son near to me. Let's be to discuss it Kev. I wait for your opinions, I miss also a kiss of you. Yours Irina.? 11th January 2007 - - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - DIAL-UP NETWORKS TATTELECOM This is where ?she?, surprise, surprise, thinks it is better for ?her? to visit me. ?Hi mine dear Kev! Have good day! I am glad, that my messages pleasant for you. How you feel yourself , dear? I - ok. I a little excited, and yesterday I hardly fell asleep. I was grasped with an idea about to our meeting. For me and I have this joyful event from it much emotions. Such as excitement both the big impatience and expectation of this day . You have brought the whole sea of emotions in my life Kev, and it is difficult for me with it to consult, but I can tell, that it pleasantly and gave me new push and the purpose for life. I think, lovely, that it is necessary for us to arrange our meeting so that there were no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. I can arrange on my work, that to have some days free for me. Kev, and your work will be to allow you to make it? Probably you have the intense schedule with the work also you should be absent. Then we can meet more close from you or even I could arrive to you on some days. For me there is no problem to make longer travel. If such way more convenient for you and my arrival to not create inconvenience for you Kev, let's choose this plan. It for me even it is more good, because I can see as you live , your friends, you can show me the city and various, , that you can loved for you, a place. And if for you it is necessary to visit the work. My work not so important also can manage without me, therefore I do not worry about the affairs. Inform me dear, the opinions! If it is a good way for you too I shall make preparations for travel. My kisses and embraces. Yours Irina.? 12th January 2007 - - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - DIAL-UP NETWORKS TATTELECOM Now ?she? is trying to justify visiting me after I told ?her? I would prefer to meeting in a neutral location. ?Hi my lovely! It is pleasant for me to read your words. I am glad to learn , that you are ready to accept me in the house. Thank, that you trust me , my dear. Kev, I want to tell to you that in the past the message I wanted to check, as far as seriously you treat to me . Forgive for this lovely, but you should understand me. For me was it is very important to know, whether you will agree to accept me in the the house whether or not. If you insisted, that we met somewhere in hotel or in the other place, - that to me should to think, what not you want to play host to me because you have the wife or or you not it is serious enough to me, and you want to meet me for an entertainment. It check - was small precaution. I heard, that many people get acquainted to have only sex with the new person, though in the structure inform, that have serious intentions. Now I am sure in you Kev, and I am glad, that you appeared really that the person whom I want to meet! Loved, I with big pleasure, I shall carry out at you some days. These days I shall reach in agency of travel and to receive the information for that , to reach to you the next month. I shall inform you for detail about it in the following e-mail. I wait your messages. I of you adore mine dear Kev! My kisses!!! Yours Irina.? 13th January 2007 - - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - TATTELECOM Here is the apparently difficult to get Visa email. ?Hi my dear! I am glad to your message and thank, that you understand me . You are, one of those few people Kev, in which I can find understanding. How has passed your day dear? I hope, that at you all OK! I have some news to you Kev. Today I had telephone conversation with agency of travel. They have told, that to receive the visa of the tourist in your country difficultly, but they, probably can to help me in it. The agent did not begin to discuss a detail by phone and we have appointmented tomorrow. Tomorrow I shall meet them and to discuss a question with the visa. I hope, lovely, that all will be - OK. I have some excitement concerning all it, but also I have firm intention to meet you dear! Therefore any difficulties and charges of money, will not stop me. My parents are very glad for my decision. I for the present do not know on how much I can remain with you. I think that you which that man I searched for all this time. I want to see you and your parents. Write to me, yours messages, dear, give me many forces and energy. My gentle kisses. Yours Irina.? 15th January 2007 ? ( - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - P-T-P NETWORKS TATTELECOM Here the update on the Visa enquiry, stating it is difficult due to terrorism, which is rubbish. If anything things are being made easier to get the Visa these days according to the British Embassy in Russia. Also from this point onwards, all the emails come from the same PC on a network rather than a PC using a modem to dial the Internet. ?Hi my lovely Kev! I am glad to speak again with you! dear, I have good news to you. Today I have met the agent travel to learn concerning the visa. he has explained me a situation about reception of the visa to you. Your government has made more strict control over entrance to the country because of terrorism and consequently to receive to you the visa uneasy. But the agency will make it for me. The agent has told, that they recently already received some visas of tourists in your country. I am very glad Kev, that we will not have with it big difficulties. I all over again had fears, that the agency cannot it to make or for this purpose very long time will be required. But the agent has told, that the visa will demand from them two or three weeks. Tomorrow I will need to reach in office of agency, to sign there the contract and also we shall decide question on payment of them. Now it is time to me to go lovely to make photos for the visa and to fill in questionnaires for embassy. The agent has told, it should be is prepared tomorrow when I shall come to them to office. I very pleased Kev, that now our preparations have begun and through small time we shall be together! I have the foreign passport as I had travel on earlier to Europe as I wrote to you. Write to me lovely ideas. I send you other my photo. Kiss of you!!! Yours Irina.? 17th January 2007 ? ( - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - P-T-P NETWORKS TATTELECOM Now for the Money talk. ?Preparing? me for needing help with money. ?Hi my dear! I am glad to welcome again you and I with impatience wait, when I can tell to you HI - personally. Thanks for your message. Kev, my day was very intense and is very tired. I reached in office of agency and signed with them the contract. In conformity with the contract, the agency will prepare me for all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket and to deliver me to the plane. From my city there are no planes to you and consequently I all over again will need to reach to Moscow, and therefrom already to you. My agent needs some information for a route of the plane, inform me dear, the address and the nearest airport to you to which I shall arrive. This information is necessary tomorrow that the agent could develop route and to establish all cost of travel. Today I paid in him the first part of money, for the visa and other documents for travel. It was in some times more, than I thought. I planned, that the visa will cost for me about 200 $, but because of difficulties for its reception is was for me 400. dear, it is possible, that to me you will be required the help for payment of other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, and also took some money at my parents, but it is possible them will not suffice for payment of the second part of cost, for insurance and tickets. It will be known after the agent will develop a route. The second part of cost I should pay under the contract, before to take away the visa. I shall inform you Kev, if to be necessary for me the help. I hope, that it will not be a problem for you and I can not worry about it. I informed you all news about promotion of our meeting and now I go to have a rest, I am very tired today. I hope, what I can soon embrace you Kev. I wait for your messages my loved. My kisses and embraces! Yours Irina. P.S. Do not overlook to inform the address and the near airport. name of agency "Fortuna" City: Naberezhnye Chelny? 18th January 2007 ? ( - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - P-T-P NETWORKS TATTELECOM Now for the money request. Also ?she? finally tells me ?her? name after asking her three times. ?Hi dear Kev! I am glad to read your message and to learn , that I can hope for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient. Because I had to address to you for the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you Kev, - the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life. After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! Kev, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the staying charges for me. It will be for me 950 $. Here tickets, insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges. With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of cost. It near 400 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days near 550 $ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear, that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in 7-8 days, 550 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so, not become angry about me please! My complete name Irina Stepanova. I very much miss on you and I wait for ours meetings. I wait for your messages Kev! Thousand kisses. Yours Irina.? 20th January 2007 ? ( - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - P-T-P NETWORKS TATTELECOM Here ?she? starts to slip up and asks me questions already asked in previous emails. Also now starts the sexual aspect of the correspondence. ?Hi my loved! I am glad to speak again with you Kev! How you today? I hope, that your day is good! I yet do not know when I shall fly to you. As soon as I shall receive the information I shall write to you. Kev, I want to speak with you about many things, but probably you will be tired with the big message. Therefore I shall be to ask now the most important things for me. Dear, you have pleasure when you think of our fast meeting? Whether you informed the close people that is fast you will accept me? What they have opinion on it? My parents and friends are pleased, that I shall meet you. They are glad, that I at last have met the person to whom I have big respect and serious intentions. I the daddy always spoke me, that the man in relations mainer and, that the woman should listen to it always. And I always argued with him concerning it. During those moments of the life when I had relations with the person, I always tried to be the leader in these relations . But with you Kev, I feel, that all differently. I would like to be obedient and gentle to to you. Probably mine the daddy of the rights when speaks, that the main instinct of the woman, it to be near to the man and to be obedient to him. he speaks, that the woman can be happy, only if lives thus. I have such relation to the man, as to you, for the first time and consequently I think of it much. I think, that probably the destiny not casually acquainted me with you! Kev, you have any sexual ideas about me? Tell to me about it. I have such ideas about you, but I not shall tell their the first.-OK? I very much want to learn , that you think of me, as about the woman. I shall wait yours the story about it! the message. I wait your letters lovely!!! I asked the agent in what way it is possible to transfer from you money for payment of them. he has told, that will learn about it and to inform me. My gentle kisses! Yours Irina.? 21st January 2007 ? ( - RUSSIAN FEDERATION - P-T-P NETWORKS TATTELECOM This is where the scam 100% shows through. In my previous email to this I told ?her? that I wouldn?t talk about sex as we haven?t met, knowing full well this was a scam. But in this email ?she? thanks me for telling ?her? my sexual desires with ?her?. :-S. ?Hi mine dear Kev! Excuse, that I yesterday was absent for you. I have been very much tired with my work and hardly got home. I lay down in bed a little; to have a rest, but have fallen asleep and woke up only in the morning. Loved, I was very glad to receive your message. Thanks, that you answered on! Sex. Imaginations! My questions. To me was It is pleasant to read your ideas about me, it raised in me! And Has answered on! Some desires. It is pleasant for me to read your words and To learn, that I involve! Dear Kev, I miss on you. I very much want to embrace you and to nestle on you the body. I frequently present for myself, as we for the first time see each other. As we remain together and we carry out together our first night. I think, that we not let's sleep this night. I shall try, that you did not forget it never and I hope, that you will make too it for me. We shall be this time in bed and we shall make a break only for coffee and sandwiches. Also, lovely, I very much wanted to take a bath with you. We could rub there a back each other and still something. I very much wait this time and I am glad, that it is necessary to wait already a little. I frequently think of things which we can make with each other. I think about it in full details. I do not write these details to you, my confusion does not allow me to write it. To me to have constantly to stop the ideas that there was no big excitation. I with my imagination can represent very precisely , we shall make what things. Even now I have some shiver in my body. And consequently I stop now this theme in my message. now Kev, I shall inform to you some news which I learned from the agent. He informed me, that they do not accept, for payments, bank moving of money to the account, from private persons. They accept such payment only from the organization at travel by groups. Therefore I to me too should make the second part of payment by cash. The agent has told, that in our city some banks are engaged in moving of money from other countries. he has told. That they make it quickly, it demands for them about one day. In our city some systems for moving work. It " Money Gram " and " Western Union ". Tomorrow I shall reach there and to learn, how it to make. I shall inform to you full details about it in the following messages. I did not want meeting in Europe because I want to see you, of your family and where you live. Understand of time and on always your money is not necessary to me. I ask you about the help that we could meet. Now I finish the letter. I wait for yours the message my lovely. My kisses and embraces!!! Yours Irina.?