Female Scammer Ismaila Abdul
E-mail: everythingdonebygod1@yahoo.com
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Details |
First Name: | Ismaila |
Location [Address]: | Accra |
Age: | 31 |
Birth Date: | 19-04-1984 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1
Hello my sweet love xxx!!!
As you at me all is good. Read today your letter and simply died
with happiness!! You so are romantic!! You simply amaze me you able
to make pleasantly to the girl. Your words mention my heart. I try to
understand sense of all your words.
Loved as today I have tried to learn necessary things to visit you.
All that I were learned by I shall write to you. Appeared what to
travel to other country very dearly. And it confuses me. Whether I at
all do not know really it with my incomes. I have learned that the
visa to you for me will cost $620 in a total sum. This cost includes
the price of the passport and necessary documents. Which I should give
a package of documents at registration of the visa the reference, the
information on incomes, the information about family position and
fineer documents includes two photos. The passport for travel abroad
costs $270 it is do 3 days. The rest it is cost of the visa.
Whether as I have learned really it to receive the visa to you. As you
know now it difficultly. In travel agency to me have told that it
really. But then I will need to make the visa in Moscow. Will come to
try but receives the visa I can. But as I spoke there is only one
problem. All this is very expensive. And I do not know as to act? To
ask your help to me it is inconvenient. But also I can not find such
big money for Russia. And consequently the opinion in this occasion is
important for me. That we shall do lovely. Who might think that to
begin happy me money will prevent. But now such time that for all is
necessary to pay and anywhere from it will not leave. From it to me it
is sad. But I am sure only in one if I would have opportunity I not
thinking would give all to be with you.
Today I went to bank and have learnt, that the fastest and easy way
of the transfer to me money it Money Gram. You heard about it? It is
very simple, quickly and safely. If you agree to help me I send to you
data for transfer of money:
My name: Janna Buharina
City: St.-Petersburg
Index: 190000
The country: Russia
It is enough of it, that you could send me money for travel.
To get the money, I should tell to employee of bank your full name,
full address, exact sum which I should receive and some confidential
numbers (Money Transfer Control Number), which will give you, when you will
send the money.
I dream of our first kiss in the airport.
And also about the first strong embrace.
I always present our meeting to you, as in a fairy tale.
I very much want, that our meeting remembered well.
I very much would like it, my love.
You for me an ideal of the person.
Each minute of reflection about you brings for me huge pleasure.
I shall expect your letter.
I shall write to you tomorrow.
I love you!!! I want you!!!
I very much miss on you, my charm!!!
You are very necessary for me.
Your Queen Janna!!!
Your Bride Janna!!!
Hello my lovely xxx.
Many thanks for your letters. It is very pleasant for me, that you
wait my arrival with impatience. To send money you should go in office
money gram. There everyone will explain to you and will tell as you
can send me of money. I should give to you any number. On the
contrary, you should give me number of transfer of money, the
ambassador as you will send it to me. I have found for you link
www.moneygram.com. Please read there about that how to send money and
find the nearest office to your house. To me have told, that you
simply should come in bank, fill in the questionnaire and give money
to the operator. Then to you will give out other form confirming your
transfer of money and there all your and all my data will be
specified. Also there there will be number of transfer of money. You
should inform this number to me that I could go to bank and receive
your money. All is very simple. You simply should find office money
I shall try to call to you today and to explain all.
I wait with impatience our meeting and your letter.
With love, yours Janna.
Hello my lovely xxx!
Many thanks for your answer. When I have read your letter I at once
have gone to travel agency and informed them, that there is a ticket
for $760 for June, 29. To me at once have found this ticket and have
told, that I can reserve this ticket. I never flied by the plane
earlier and I do not know as it it happens. Therefore I only informed
you that to me have told in tourist agency. Now I can buy the ticket
for $760. I am very glad, that we have found cheaper ticket. I am very
glad, that you can help to buy to me this ticket. Now to me it is
necessary for me for the ticket of all $760. Therefore send me of
money for the ticket as soon as possible that I could not worry about
it and very quickly reserve this ticket. I am very glad, that soon I
shall with you. I wait with impatience our meeting. I already dream of
how I shall leave from the plane and to see you. I in an anticipation
of our meeting. I love you.
Write to me as soon as possible. With love, yours Janna.
Hello my loved xxx.
I went today to one of the largest banks of Moscow and have found
out about that as I can receive the credit. To me have told, that any
problems with reception of the credit will not be. They now have good
credit offer "" Have a rest on credit "". This program allows to receive
quickly and easily the credit to people which go on rest. I go to you
as the tourist and consequently I can receive the credit in bank. I
have filled in necessary papers for reception of the credit and to me
have told, that I should come tomorrow behind the decision of bank. I
have specified the sum of $1500. I think, what you can send me missing
As to your departure in Jersey on July, 16 I concern to this easy.
I am sure, that we shall make friends with your mum both I shall not
miss. And it will be good time to take a walk on shops.
On it I should finish this letter as the intern - cafe here costs
very expensive. I very much miss and I wait with impatience our meeting.
I love you.
Yours Janna.
Hello My soul and heart, xxx!!!
Today in the morning I have arrived to Moscow and at once have gone
to the American embassy. I wanted not losing time to receive the visa
and to go to have a rest in hotel. But I have faced a new problem from
which I now feel a rage and anger and confusion and fear. I at all do
not know that I now feel.
My honey, I should explain to you. This serious obstacle for me.
Because I cannot pass customs house. Me I shall not pass in the plane.
I shall arrive to you, as the tourist. Therefore I should have money.
I should have cash. My visa for the period of 60 days. But each
tourist should prove solvency. I should have not less than $50 on
every day. I should have $3000 that I could pass customs house. This
obligatory condition for all tourists. Your government to create
serious conditions for tourists. Because such condition will not
allow, that beggars arrived to your country. It is a barrier to
terrorists and refugees.
I shall show this money at customs house. The customs service
should be convinced, that I the safe citizen of Russia. They I shall
check money at me. This money will not be spent anywhere. It only for
the proof. All this money will come back to you. Because I shall
return all money to you when I shall be at your airport. You should
understand. It only the proof. These not money will not be spent. I
shall always have it with me. And I shall return this money to you.
When we shall meet at the airport.
I cannot fly to you on the 29 June. Because I have no money for
entry. It refers to entry money. I did not think, that exists so many
obstacles. I should ask your help. I very much hope on your support.
Because you are my hope. If I shall not have money till 28 June. I
should cancel my flight. And I can order tickets only if I shall have
money for entry. You understand? It is necessity. If you can send
money till 28 June, then I cannot fly to you.
My prince if you cannot send money till 28 June. I can replace my
tickets on other date. Because I cannot fly without cash. It is very a
pity to me, that we to have such problem now. It is a pity to me, that
I have not found out it earlier. About this I have found out only in
embassy when I have come to receive the visa. If I I would know about
it earlier I necessarily would inform you about it.
I shall wait your letter. We should solve, that we shall do further.
Because I cannot do anything, without your decision. In each 2 hours I
shall come in Internet - cafe to check my mailbox. Please answer me as
soon as possible.
With love, yours Janna.
P.S. In embassy to me distances link where you can read about
necessity of money for entrance to the USA.
Hello my love, xxx!!!
Excuse me, that I could not write to you earlier. I could not write
to you earlier because I have some problems. When I have arrived to the
airport, I have decided to be registered at once. I have gone to a
department of registration of tickets and the control of luggage. But
I was in a shock when to me have informed awful news.
xxx, I have been detained in customs house when passed the customs
control. I wanted to bring with myself an orthodox icon. This icon has
got to me by right of succession from my grandmother. Now it belongs
to me and it always with me. I wanted to bring it with myself. But I
had some problems. When I have given my luggage I have been detained
in customs house. Then I have gone to a room for interrogation. I have
been strongly surprised. But then all have explained to me. To me
informed, that I tried to bring abroad an orthodox relic. But I have
explained to them, that it is my icon and it belongs to me. Then to me
informed, that I should record my icon.. I should have documents to
bring an icon. To me have explained, that this icon is an orthodox
relic, it has been covered in Jerusalem. It is the truth!!! But I did
not know it. I did not think, that I should have documents on an icon.
But to me informed, that it is the important rules which I should
My love when to me informed all this I thought, that it is terrible
dream. I was frightened!!! Then to me have told, that I should pay the
penalty. I have told him, that I have no additional money. They have
understood me, but have told, that they have such rules. I should pay
the penalty in any case. Jason, I should pay 200 percent from cost of
an icon. Representatives of customs house have estimated my icon. Cost
of an icon is equal $1150 USD. Thus I should pay $2300 USD. I should
pay money in any case. It is the penalty for attempt of the
non-authorized transportation of the state and orthodox relic. It
sounds very awfully!!!! But it is simple misunderstanding! I did not
know, that I should legalize papers on this thing. I did not know
about it!!!! I hope, that you understand me and trust me.
My dear Jason, when I have found out about it I was in a shock.
All my documents were available. I wanted to finish more likely all
requirements and to arrive to you today. But when I have found out
these news I was in a shock. But now I have a little calmed down! I
should pay the penalty, but to me gave some time. I have told him,
that I have no now money to pay the penalty. Representatives of
customs house have believed me, but they have taken away all my
documents. Thus I cannot arrive to you while I shall not pay money for
cost of the penalty. It is the law!!! I should pay money in any case.
I hope, that you understand me!!! My dear Jason, I can hope only for
you and on your help. You are my unique hope. I am sure, that you can
help me very soon. I am sure, that our meeting will take place very
soon and we shall meet very soon. It is last barrier which we should
overcome. I do not want and I can not stop on half of way. I want to
meet you as soon as possible. I love you!!!
My love, now my life depends on you and only you can help me! I
want to arrive to you, but I cannot. I should have at myself $2300 USD.
I certainly understand, that it is very big money, but I should have it.
If I shall not pay money I can have the big problems. Me can judge and
get on me criminal case. I do not want to have it. Therefore I very
much hope for you and on your help. I ask you help me!!! Now all my
documents are in customs house. I shall not receive documents while I
shall not pay money. I hope, that you understand me. Therefore I ask
you send to me necessary money.
I ask you understand me and forgive!!! Forgive me, that I have forced
you to worry.
I love you!!!