Female Scammer Kate 


Female Scammer Kate 

E-mail: pet_babykate008@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Kate
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 32
Birth Date:
Aliases: Cate, Kat

Reports :

"I am glad that you got my gift. Everything is very simple, in a few days there will be a draw of our circulation with you and if in your or my ticket will be fairly winning coincidences, the ticket will be considered advantage. On the Nigeria channel you can see the draw yourself, but for me it has always been much easier to see the result on the Internet than to watch the lotto on TV. As for You, You can easily check this on the website of the lottery company by going into your personal account.I like to dream and think about us, about our future and our first meeting, for some reason I guess that it will be at the airport. The most significant circumstance for our story can be if we see eyes each other.The main thing here proximity to each other, the possibility to try to exist with each other. Its important, many couples break up because of neighboring problems. I try believe that we will compatible and we will not have problem. I want to feel how waking up with you, I hope that in our future there will be many glorious nights together. I want to be open and honest with you. I do not want to just fantasies and now dreams and I trust that your messages are as sincere as mine.I will be wait, write to me. I kiss you gently, Kate."



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