Female Scammer kate sorkpa

kate sorkpa

Female Scammer kate sorkpa

E-mail: katesokpa412@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: kate
Location [Address]: Accra
Age: 38
Birth Date: 24/09/1982
kate sorkpa

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kate sorkpa

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kate sorkpa

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kate sorkpa

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kate sorkpa

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kate sorkpa

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Reports :

-Original Message-
She contacted me as I am a member of Cupid Junction. We exchanged letters daily and photos often. She told me that she loves me and can't live without me. I sent her money for a Visa and more for plane tickets. She sent me a flight number and arrival time in Phoenix and flight schedule after receiving the funds via Western Union. On the day of her arrival she called me and told me that she was delayed in Moscow. I went to the airport and expected her to arrive on a later flight. I waited for over 3 hours with a bouquet of flowers in my hand, but she did not show up. She wrote to me the next day that she could not get through customs because she had a Russian medallion in her luggage and she could not take it out of the country. She continued to write to me daily, she said that she had to use part of the money that I sent for an operation for her grandmother who would die without it. She continued to write to me daily, she told me that she had to take care of some unfinished business before she could come to me and would not be able to write for a while. I have not heard from her since. I spent over $2,000.00 and all I have to show for it are a bunch of photos and a ton of letters. Although she has my street address and home phone number, she told me that she does not have a phone and her grandmother does not want her to give me the address. I really don't care so much about the money, but this was emotionally devestating for me!



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