Female Scammer knittlepan 


Female Scammer knittlepan 

E-mail: knittlepan@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: knittlepan
Location [Address]: losangeles
Age: 32
Birth Date: 29-11-1987

Reports :

-Original Message-
Also I would like to tell you that I work in a hospital in my town. I am optional surgeon. But I earn not much in our country. About 200$ in your money per month. Its very little money. Now I would like to tell you about my last weekends. It was +2 C digrees ( this is a teperature in Celcius), and I with my friends went to the forest for a camping. And it was very funny. Do you like camping? By the way, I will be 35 years old soon. My birthday 7 of May.Can you believe it!!!. I am very lonely in my birthday because I don't have a man who loves me. Now I am very sad that you are so far away from me, because we could not be together on my birthday. I have a dream to have a family, to take care about my husband. It is all I want in my life, I just want to be happy. And it does not matter in what kind of country my future husband is living. I will be next to him, and I will find any job I can to help have a good style of life. Ok, there are some more questions for you: what do you feel about such relationship as we can have; what did you do for fun; what did you do on weekend. Please answer these questions, because it is very important for me. I will be waiting for your reply very much. Goodbye for now, I have to go for a work.



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