Female Scammer kolotilova nataliya
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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First Name: | kolotilova |
Location [Address]: | Russia |
Age: | 36 |
Birth Date: | 1986-08-19 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Original Message
Letter 1
I opened my mail and received your letter. And just a ray of sunshine illuminates my heart. How are you Steve? What is your mood? my great.
Because I received your letter now. Steve Do you have plans for us together? You already understood what are we doing? Or will we do it spontaneously? What do you want to do? What are you saying? We will meet. Steve I am sure that the first time will succeed be together every minute. Steve we will enjoy hugging and loving each other Other.
Steve to give affection, tenderness and care. Feel the rhythm heart and chest tension. We'll be doing massages, keep going our hands. I'm going to make breakfast in bed and cook delicious flavored coffee. We will walk around the city or just in the park. Maybe a movie or a dance. Go camping. Go to the beach and hug in the sun. Steve we do everything together. Everything you dreamed of! When I Imagine this, my heart wants to burst out of my chest. I want to your hands. I forget everything when I think about it. Do you like it? Do you like this idea? Steve or do you have other ideas? Will you help me? For example, would you rub my back? When I bath? Or cook delicious food together? Steve can we go shopping? Buy goods or products? I could get a job. I would do everything that we need. We would make the perfect couple. And our world will be filled with love, understanding, care, affection. We are made for everyone Other. Steve and to be sure, we need to meet. And you know that I willing to take risks. Steve I am willing to take risks by leaving my country and fly to you. Yes, I don't know anything about your country. I have no one in your country except you. Steve but you didn't leave me alone? If I come and wait at the airport? Are you sure you're meeting me? Steve promise me? Steve I really miss. Every day I miss you more. you, your letters with thoughts and dreams. I want to know more and more about you. You have such a feeling? It's important for me. For us. you are the best person Steve. I am happy that God connected our destinies. Tell me what did you do it on goal?? Charmed me, and I, like a schoolgirl, am in love with you? How did you do this Steve?! I am very much looking forward to your letter. Steve and I send you A photo. I think it will brighten your day and night? What do you think Steve? Answer soon.... I wait and miss, kiss and hug.
Your tender and beloved Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 2
Steve I am glad to receive your letter. I really wanted to know how many pages are enough for your desires. And what would you do and Feel. How was your weekend? how are you doing? That's all I wanted to say well, I was with my grandmother in the village and helped her around the house. Mv she's cute talked. Steve I told you that I think about you all the time. I figured it out something. But I won't say yet. I think it should be surprise. What do you think? Do you like surprises Steve? I think so do you like. Or no? Last night I couldn't sleep. I thought about doing it or not. Thought over many things. And I want to surprise you. I can't sleep at night. I watched TV and thought about us. Time goes by and we I can't press stop. I am asking you this because I have good news for you. I'm on vacation in 2 weeks!
I will have a minimum of 45 days of my vacation. And, I have no plans for my vacation... I thought it would be the best time for our first meeting. This is the only chance for me to meet you this year. Fate gives us this chance so that we use it. I hope you will have some free time to meet with me. If you don't get your vacation these days, it won't hurt us to meet. I can walk you to work and meet you after work and cook dinner in the evening. What do you think about it? I think that this time spent together can show us what we could not see for many months on the Internet. Today I spoke with my mother about our relationship with you. She's glad we're doing well. :) Mom wishes happiness for us, she sends you greetings and best wishes! Steveee, I'm ready to meet you. Are you ready to meet me? Steve I will come to you? Do not you mind? I know everything about how and what to do. And I'll tell you when I can do it. You do not mind. Are you happy that I'll be with you? Steve I want you to think and say me. Do you want me to come? I need your answer "YES". And I will do it! If you say "NO".
I hope this is not what you are saying. I won't even think about what I'm doing. I think I need to go to a travel agency and find out everything about the trip there. I don't know what I need for the trip. Therefore, I will use the services of a travel agency. Steve, I think you don't mind if I ask you some questions... - Which airport should I arrive at? To make it close and convenient for you to meet me? - Are we going to live in your house? Will I have a private room?
Or, should I stay in a hotel? And some questions that I'm also interested in knowing: - Can you give me your full name and address? I think it's important. Most likely, I will need your data to process my documents. I hope that you answer all my questions, because this is really important to me. Good? I'm waiting for your answer. Steve and I'm very excited. I hope you won't make me wait. And you speak honestly and frankly, "YES YES YES!!!" Steve Waiting for your letter.
Your excited and loving Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 3
Hi, darling ! How is your day? I'm in a great mood today. :) I got all the information from you. Now, I can safely plan our meeting. I'm coming to you, which means we will share your room for two. Steve I can't describe in words how I feel right now. My heart wants jump out of my chest. I'M HAPPY! I can't wait to meet you! And see you at the airport! Steve I'm sure we'll be happy!! I go tomorrow and find everything. I will do whatever is necessary. I do It! I love you Steve! You are my man! You are the person I was looking for life! Steve I don't know how to describe this feeling. I just happy! This feelings right now. And know everything. But now it's too late. Steve Even if I run, I still won't make it. In the evening I am going to go to the travel agency. I will let you know all the news when I know the details of my trip. Okay? You know that my vacation starts soon. There are many important things at work. I'll try to go to the travel agency after work. But tomorrow morning I know. And I'll tell you when I arrive. I want to hug you right now Steve! I want to feel you tenderness and affection. I want to cuddle up to your chest and feel your heart. Steve I love you! This is what my heart is! this is new the feeling that you gave me. And make the happiest in this world! We will be good together. And you yourself know it. I'm right? Steve I we will do everything to make us happy. Nobody will separate us! And nothing will stop us. NOTHING! NEVER! I didn't sleep the night and thought about you. Steve I'm afraid that you just don't answer. I don't know what would happen to me if you Not written. Steve I guess I'm just crying. And don't come near Internet cafe. You are my man! You are the most wonderful man! And men there is no one like you! I'm glad you come into my life. And change it's for the best. Steve I know and I will come. And change your life for the better. I will make you happy. Promise!
I LOVE YOU!! And I love you very very very much! You will know how much when I come to you. I will do everything possible. For you, I'm ready for anything! Steve answer me soon.
Your love and anticipation of our meeting Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 4
Steve, my dear, beloved, my only Steve,
I don't know what to do. There are tears in my eyes, in my soul there is pain from the fact that I cannot come to you. I I want to scream in pain. I don't know how to start this letter... sorry.... forgive me.... forgive your ****** girlfriend who swore that soon will be with you. Why??? Steve can you explain to me why?? ...... Why is this????? Why is this happening? Why is everything in this life not the way you want. I lived, you lived, we did not know each other and were sad Without true love. But we found each other, met and are ready for We meet and are already almost sure of our feelings for each other. But now It turns out that we can not meet. We may not meet only because it is very expensive. When I heard how much the trip will cost, I almost fainted. Steve, I asked them where they got such prices. They explained to me that if I I'll do it myself, there will be even more. Since I will need myself travel and receive documents. And they have contracts everywhere, and that's why they do it cheaper and faster. I was asked if I would sign a contract for a trip. I refused. Steve, forgive me, forgive me for what I am I reassure you, I'm sorry that I told you very soon about our meeting. I believe in our love and believe that all dreams come true.
Steve, I don't know what to tell you, I understand that I'm guilty before you. I'm sorry, I don't know... As I told you, today I went to tourist agency. I learned everything about my possible trip to you, And what package of documents do I need. On the one hand I'm crazy I'm glad it turned out to be not as hard as I thought. With another On the other hand, I am very upset. For all my expenses (documents +insurance + tickets) I need 1360 dollars. Registration of documents in accelerated program lasts 7 days, it costs an additional 200 dollars.Separately, each document and plane tickets are not expensive. But, when everything is collected in a total amount, then this is already a large amount. Of course, I assumed that the trip would be expensive. But when I found out how expensive it is! I was shocked... My salary is only 300 dollars. That is all I have. Probably now you you understand that it is simply impossible for me to pay for this trip on one's own. I am sending you this letter and will wait for a reply. If all my expenses for you will also be expensive, then I will understand everything without a doubt. I don't want to, and I'm ashamed to ask you for help. But, in this situation I myself am really powerless. I understand that this is a shame for me. I I do not want to lose the chance for our meeting, because this is a chance for real relationship between us! I love, I love you, with all my heart and want scream so loud that you can hear it!!!!! I need you and yours love!! I beg you, forgive me for being so ****** and not knowing all about it in advance. I thought my savings would be enough but this is not enough. I just didn't know. Forgive me Steve!!! If a If I'd known it was so expensive, I wouldn't have told you that. Steve I don't know how to do it, I understand that you probably now They were offended by me and most likely do not want to communicate with me, because. I deceived you, swore to come soon, but I can’t, Steve but I beg you, don't leave me. 'Cause you're the best that I have Life, in there is nothing more beautiful than you. And only for you I live and will live, and I understand it. I hope you understand this and I will receive yours. letter tomorrow. I'm sorry, I really didn't know, it's not my fault. I did not want to cheat, if I knew how much it costs, I would immediately spoke. Noah didn't know. I ask you Steve, forgive me.
Yours and only your loving and tender Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 5
Hello my dear Steve. Yesterday I thought a lot about everything, and I made a decision. We can not give up on each other! We must fight for our meeting together! I'm sure we can realize our meeting in the coming days if we both put in enough effort. Recently, I was talking to my mom and my friends. They understand our problem and want to help us. But, they don't have that option. Now you and I can only rely on our own strength. I have 300 dollars. It's all vacation money my boss gave me. I am ready to spend all the money for our meeting. I still miss 1250 dollars for a trip to you. I think this is our common meeting. I'm glad you offer me yours. help. Yes, I have a bank account, I send you my details:
Country Russia
Beneficiary's bank: Halyk Bank of Russia JSC
Account number or IBAN: KZ706010002015734726
Last name: Krutova
Name: Kolotilova Nataliya
Middle name: Evgenievna
BIN/IIN: 970807451376
I also give you my address: East Russia region, city Shemonaikha, Suvorova street house 75 apartment 9, Zip code 366326
This amount includes the execution of all necessary documents (visa,passport, round-trip tickets) Of course, we shouldn't give up halfway! We must meet in the real world and develop our relationship. Now our happiness and our future is in our hands! I hope our meeting is important to you? Personally, I don't want to spend my life alone! So I've been single for a few years now. How much longer can you be alone? I really want to meet you. I would be the happiest girl in the world if I were by your side. Our first meeting is very important to me. This is a big step for us. both. And I'm glad we decided to take this step! I really hope for your help, and that you can send me your help soon time. I am ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of our happiness, and to be with you. I hope you understand my love for you and my intentions. I would love to do everything myself, but at the moment I am really powerless and very dependent on you. When we are together, I will try to give you the love and warmth that you deserve
Together we can do it. I'm right? My dear, I'm looking forward to your reply.
Gentle kiss.
Your Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 6
Hello my love Steve!!!! Steve How is your health? I'm worried about you We are now in such a weather that you can easily catch a cold. And I'm sorry that I am still alone. My dear, yesterday I prepared the package all day necessary documents for the travel agency me everything is ready i I plan to contact them already Monday I don't want to waste our time I want to sign a contract with them and start the clearance process documents, I am extremely glad that on Monday you can send me funds. I'm sure everything will be great for us. In it Christmas we will be together. You have no idea how I feel right now.
My emotions overwhelm me. Steve I'm sad from our distance, I'm sad that you are not by my side. Steve I want to snuggle up to your shoulder. I want to hold your hand. And lay next to you. I so want warm in your strong arms, but unfortunately every time coming home. I lie down in an empty and cold bed. And I become very sad. Steve I look at your picture next to my bed, and imagine you next to me. Steve I take a pillow and press it to yourself. I think of you. I think of you always. Steve I often think About. How could we lie in our arms now. And just look into each other's eyes. Steve my beloved, I am so looking forward to our meeting. Steve I don't I can think of nothing else but when I get out of aircraft. And you will meet me. You are all so beautiful, flowers. And a smile. You stand and wait for me. And I'm getting off the plane. Steve when I think about it. I feel very warm and pleasant. The feeling of when we will be together, it warms me. Steve and I I hope that this will happen soon, and we will be together already completely soon. Steve tell me about what you are doing in these dark and cold evenings? What are you doing there without me?
Steve me now I am finishing my book "A kingdom of dreams" it is a very beautiful novel. And it was written by Judith McNaught. I really like the story of the main heroines. Steve, I have very little to read. And I hope that I I will finish reading my book on the plane when I fly to you. Steve, yesterday, when I was walking from the library. The sky was clear. And burned stars. A lot of stars were visible. And it was very beautiful. Steve I stopped for a couple of minutes to enjoy this beauty. And I looking at those stars. Steve, you know, you and I are like these stars. Steve our love with you, it is just as bright and very beautiful. And we are just like them. We are very far from each other. Steve, You are my star. Steve you are my brightest and most beautiful star in the dark sky. Steve I so want you and me together enjoyed lying in each other's arms and looking at stars. Steve, I want to lie on your shoulder and just talk to you about everything. We would lie under the starry sky. And only the moon would illuminate our bodies. Steve imagine the moon covering my body in beautiful blue color. Steve my eyes in the moonlight, they would have their magic color. Steve you would look into it and the stars would be reflected in my eyes. And you could see the whole universe in my eyes. Steve this universe, she's all yours. Steve everything that is inside of me.
All warmth and all love. It's all thanks to you my love. Steve all happiness which I now have. You gave me all this, my beloved. Steve I love you my prince. And I hope that soon we can enjoy watching the moonlit sky. Steve you are my gentle angel. And you you give me warmth and happiness.
Steve I am yours, and only yours.
Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 7
I miss you very much my gentle prince. It's very hard for me to bear separation! I really want to be in your tender arms. All my thoughts my heart is occupied only with you and thoughts about you. I really want to see you. I I want to feel all your caress, love and tenderness. I miss your heat. You are all I have! I thought it was strange that you asked me to take such a photo, but for me it amounts to no problem, I'll send you a photo. You doubt me? I sent you a video where I told you that I love you. You think what did someone else do? I really hope that you don't have will doubt me, and yes, my dear, I would like that you would not compared me with other women, I sympathize with you that you deceived the girl, and I hope that this misfortune will all return to her in life. I really hope that today you can send me your Help to get me started on all my paperwork. Steve, I feel very bad without you! I really want to be with you Steve!!!! I want our lips to merge into hot passionate kisses. I want to breathe passionately and tell me that you do you love me. I want you to caress my ears with your tongue and lips. I'm dreaming every day to cover your beautiful body with kisses! I like very much your dreams, I would give anything to make them come true. I very much I want to be with you, I only need you and your love. My heart, soul and the body is asking for you! I love you very much, I would I gave to be with you now. Oh Steve, my love is very I like your dreams, I would really like them to come true as soon as possible! Your dreams are amazing!!! We will be the happiest couple on earth when we are together. Our love grows every day and grows stronger. Our love is strong and together we can overcome everything on our way. Love is a feeling that allows two loving people do miracles. We in Russia have such a saying "Separation for love like the wind for a fire, extinguishes a small one, and inflates a large one "I think that this is a very correct phrase. She reflects in herself a very correct meaning. Steve, our love is strong and separation is only more for us fall in love with each other. I can't live like this anymore with you separation! My heart is crying in pain. This pain will go away, only then, when we are together!!!! Steve, I hope that soon we can be together forever!!!! I love you, my sun! You are like a beam to me light in the dark sky. You shine only for me and you shine for me the way to happiness, happiness is with you!!!! I can't live without you anymore love and affection!!!! I really want you my angel. Steve, you my other half! I want to see you, I want to see you hug kiss! I want to give you all my love every day!!!! I will looking forward to your next letter! I LOVE YOU Steve!!!!! I'm tired of suffering, I want to be happy! Steve, I'll be happy just next to you! We should be together, we deserve happiness! We already suffered enough!
I send you millions of air kisses let them warm you until I can warm you with my kisses and with your body.
Yours and only yours Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 8
Steve, how are you? Steve, how are your days? My day is terrible today. Steve, I'm tired, it's very hard for me to live. I can not live without you! to me need you! I need your Love! I was waiting for your help yesterday, I stayed with her friend Kristina, because she has the Internet. I hope you saw my letter with my passport photo? I really hope that today everything will be fine with you, and I will be able to start decorating all my documents. And yes, honey, today I think I can call you. yesterday when I'm free. Steve, I keep asking myself, when will we be together? My my heart breaks with pain when I imagine how far we are we are. With every day of separation from you, it becomes harder for me carry it! I try to set myself up for good thoughts, but I have it doesn't work anymore! I used to tell myself that we'd be together and I felt better! Now my mind began to doubt our meeting. I tell myself hundreds of times a day that we will be together, but this does not work. My mind stops believing in our meeting! _______, tell to me! DO YOU BELIEVE IN OUR MEETING? Tell me what your heart feels! Steve, I'm tired of suffering! I can not do this anymore! I want to be happy! I want to be in the arms of my lover! I want to feel necessary! Steve, I don't want to fall asleep alone anymore! I'm tired! I need you Steve!!!
Your Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 9
I have read your answer. You know. I decided to take my mom's advice.
I don't want to go to your country. If you really want us to meet. I will wait for you in Russia. I'm tired of all this distrust of you. It's strange to me that someone else makes decisions for us. I don't understand why some Roger says something about me. He doesn't even know me. I was ready to risk everything and come to you. Since you listen to Roger's advice, then let him look for you a woman who will be ready to risk and come to you from another country. Yes, our communication was not long. But this month was enough for me to understand that I want our meeting. If you're not ready for it. I will understand. I will wait for you in Russia. If you or your friend Roger think that my goal is to get richer at your expense. You have never been so wrong in your life. it's ****** to compare all women just because one day someone betrayed your friend. I have nothing to do with this. I did everything you asked. But you still doubt something. I don't want to prove anything anymore. It is also ****** to think that someone can use my photos, videos, documents in order to get rich. Just remember that I was ready to come to you and experience our happiness. I really thought I could build our future. Now I'm not sure. Think about everything and make a decision. And don't let someone else's mind decide our fate for us. This is our life with you.
And only we manage it. We met from 7 billion people. I don't think it's accidental. I will wait for an answer. I love, kiss
Letter 10
Hi, darling. I did not expect such a thing from you that you just took and left me in my time of need. I do not know what to do. I was talking with her mother and told everything. That you took and left me. She was surprised and upset. I still can't believe what you left me. Hope to hear from you.
Your love Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 11
Hello my angel Steve I HAVE GREAT NEWS!! Everything is fine Steve! My mom took out a loan. Are you happy about this news? This is a huge step that has brought us closer together! I am very excited!!!! We'll do it! Now for sure. Now it's not just words and dreams. Steve I'm starting the process registration of documents. I'm glad we did it.
Steve I got the money today. And the first thing I did was go to the agency. We signed a contract with them. Now the travel agency has to prepare my entire trip. We signed the contract and notarized it. You can imagine? Steve I started preparing my trip to you! Steve I paid for their work. I do not know exactly how much more funds need to be added. I will find out when they choose my ticket for you and arrange an interview date at the embassy. I will get a visa at the embassy. at your embassy. And then I can fly to you. The travel agency says what and how. By the way, I need to clarify once again at which international airport, will you be able to meet me? This information will be required for a travel agency. There is nothing more from you required. Letters and invitations from you are also not needed. Since my visa is a guest. The agency will do it themselves. Steve only the name of the airport. Now we only need to wait for the agency to prepare everything. I am insanely glad that there are no problems.
This is a good sign. I have chosen a new photo for you. Like it? Steve Imagine, soon we will have a lot of photos together. Any, different.
Funny and cute. Happy and romantic. I can't wait!! I do not know how to describe what is happening to me. The closer I get to you, the more and more my heart is pounding. Steve I'm afraid my heart will jump out of my chest! I LOVE YOU!!! Steve I've been wanting to say this all day. We will do it and we will be happy! Steve I can't wait for your real kisses and hugs!
Your happy and loving Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 12
Hello my prince Steve. Steve I am glad that everything will be fine soon and that all our dreams will come true. I believe it won't be for long. I'm going to the travel agency today. I'll check what's going on and how. Steve I really want them to do everything as soon as possible. Honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, but we're celebrating our Christmas On January 7, we are going to the whole family, at my grandmother's in the village. I wrote down all the information you gave me in my notebook. Steve I'll keep it with me.
And I will definitely take it with me when my journey begins. I'm preparing for an interview. To obtain a visa without any Problem in Almaty. I do everything as the travel agent said. Steve almost learned all the questions and answers. I have time. I'm learning everything. I prepared for this very well. And I know that I will get a visa. Steve how are you doing? Are you all right? I hope so. Are you ready for my arrival? I'm so excited. I've never felt like this before. But now we 're getting closer. And I feel you and your love. Every day I dream of us together. Steve I dream about how you kiss me, hugging. Steve can't wait for more! I want to have your gentle hands right now! And I know it will be soon. Very soon! Steve my best friends have prepared gifts for you. They just asked me not to tell you what it is. Let it be a surprise. They also said "hello" to you. I'm waiting for your letter tomorrow. I love you, I want to see you and I dream of us together.
Steve and also it will be a reality. EVERYTHING WILL BE PERFECT!!!
Your gentle and loving Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 13
Steve a new day has come. And I'm so glad. Because every day brings our meeting closer. I'm so happy that it's going to happen soon. My heart is beating madly and I'm looking forward to being together. When we can feel kisses, tender and sweet hugs. Steve I can't wait for this day. Steve today I was talking to my friends. I taught them how to use emails. They understood everything. They say that they will write to you and me. We will send them our photos with you. with our smiles. Do you mind? Steve do you have a camera? I think, we need to take a lot of photos together. So that at any time we could remember all the happy moments. Steve today I went to a travel agency. They smile when they see me. Asked not to worry. All documents have been processed.
And the answers and the time will be known soon. I'm very excited.
Steve I always think about you. And I have butterflies in my stomach because of this. I am glad that God has joined our destinies. I 've been looking for you all my life. I found you. Steve and I will fight for you. And I will never give up to anyone!! I LOVE YOU!!! Here are a few kisses for you. Let them come to you when you're in bed. I'm waiting for you Steve......And I miss you very much...
Your gentle and loving Kolotilova Nataliya
Letter 14
I didn't think you'd give up on me so easily.