Female Scammer kovvalolga jo

kovvalolga jo

Female Scammer kovvalolga jo

E-mail: kovvalolga@yandex.ua
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: kovvalolga
Location [Address]:
Age: 43
Birth Date: 6-02-1999
kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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kovvalolga jo

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Reports :


Hello my dear
I'm so happy that you're write to me again! It's great for me to continue our communication.
So lets get to know each other more closer. I'll tell you a bit information about me and from your side I wish the same ;) I live in Ukraine, in city with name Alchevsk.
This city of regional significance in the Lugansk region, during April-July 2014 the city came under the control of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic because of the war. If you looked the news you may know about situation in my country. The martial law now in our region. All state-owned enterprises was closed but now the state is trying to restore everything but the war still continues and I don't know when will be the end of this horror... But anyway we are used to live here within 2.5 year.
I'm 28 years old. I was born in Ukraine right there in Alchevsk and still live here because it's my motherland. I live alone. My mother and father live separately but we often see each other because I miss them and they too) I work in sport store. I sell sports devices, clothes and other things in different ways. In free time I like to train. My favorite sport is cross-fit.
I do my best to train for feeling good, healthy and be fit! I wish to have the ideal figure to make happy my future husband and be healthy. I will take care about his health to because I want to have a good and healthy family and there is no other way) Do you like sport ? I don't drink, no smoke and don't use the drugs. I think that these things were invented for killing the nation. We have to fight this for the health of our next generation. By the way photo in dress - it's my favorite dress. My father present it to me on my birthday) You like how it look like?
I send you some of my photos to see how I look like. One of them from my work. One from my training and other photos were made by my best friend from school Dasha. She lives near me. We know each other from childhood) Hope you'll like them all)
Now is your turn! Tell me about you and your life? Where are you from? What is your work? Do you have some hobbies? What do you do in free time?) Are you family oriented? I hope you're here not for playing games or asking for the nude photos of woman. Most important thing for me it's strong relationships for creating good family in future and making kid's :) I hope you have the same opinion) Tell me your first impression about me ? I'm very interested in it ;)
I'll be waiting for you letter.

Hello my sweety...
Every time when I getting letters from you I feel happy. I love to read them and really always enjoy them. So I should tell you thank you for being so amazing) So what's new ? How is your health, honey ? My day was the usual one, morning I started from jogging and shower. Besides this night i couldn't sleep up to 3 hours so before going to work I had a cup of coffee) By the way do you like coffee ? Or do you like tea more ? If tea, what kind ? Black or green ? As for me there is no difference, I like black and green equally.
I sent you some of my photos. One of them it's my photo after my training. It was hard day for me because at that time I trained legs and next day I had severe muscle pain in the legs and buttocks muscles) I just need to spend more time for stretching next time) I hope my future husband will like the way how I look like :) Do you like it ?) It would be nice if someone give me massage) Do you like massage ? Maybe someday we will make it to each other ? How you look at this ?) Do you know how to do it ? I know a little but I need practice and I hope you'll help me with it) Last photo I made when I came home and got relax) Hope you'll like all my photos and I wish to see some photos from your side :)
I should to tell you this night i couldn't sleep because of things about you. I wish to try making serious relationships but I want to be sure if it will be ok. I don't want to have relationships on-line. I wish to have real man ! I think it's not hard to understand why. I wish to see you on my eyes, to feel your hands in my hands, to hug you for the first time) Do you wish the same ? Maybe we will find the way how we can meet ? Answer me, honey, I'll be waiting for you letter.
Wish you to have a lucky day at work and be happy ;)
With love your baby

Good day dear
I'm always glad to get letters from you) As for me it's so good to start new friendship because last time i felt alone and this communication makes me happier) So I should tell you thanks for your answering and your positive letter)
This morning was started with thoughts I'm still not ready for summertime, so I decided to start jogging a bit every morning. First train was hard for me and I'm able to understand why. But I hope soon it will be more easier with every training. After jogging I always do stretching cause of this on the next day I feel less muscle pain) After my workout I came home, took a shower and went to work. How was your morning ? Did you sleep well?
Besides I have a question for you... Do you like animals ?) If yes, what kind of animals do you prefer ?) I adore rabbits. It's my favorite animal. On my last birthday my dad gave me a present and it was so little, so cute and so pretty rabbit. I was so happy. He knew from my childhood about rabbits. Since when was popular Vinnie the Pooh :) Ha-Ha) Sorry for my childhood memories)) What is the most crazy act you did when was young ?) Or were you a good boy ? ;)
I send you few photos of me and my sweet rabbit. His name is Ralf. He is 1 year old, will be soon) It will be his first birthday) Looking so cute, I know. But I told you earlier it's my favorite and I do my best to take care of him) It's like training to be the best mom in my future :) By the way all who see my birthmark like it. It's my feature)) Do you like? Do you have something that differentiates you from others? As for me it's very interesting get to know you more closer that it was, maybe you have special birthmarks in special places? ;) And I feel we will succeed with every letter. Maybe soon we will me much closer than friends. Who knows...
I'm waiting for your answer : I always read your letters with interest and always waiting for them. So answer me when you'll be able)
Have a good day, dear.
Write me back, I'll be waiting for !



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