Female Scammer Ksenia Romanova
E-mail: firstsnowdrop@rambler.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Ksenia |
Location [Address]: | Donetsk |
Age: | 34 |
Birth Date: | 1/1/1981 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Hi !To me it is very pleasant, that you have reacted to me. I shall be glad with you to communicate. Write to me on e-mail ksenia donetsk1980@gmail.com. I very much do not have the true friend.Hello My love ****!!!I had problems at landing aboard the plane. I was passed by customs as I go under the tourist visa and I do not have hotel it appears to me is necessary have at itself on which I could to remove hotel and normally to eat abroad. To me have told, that it is necessary for me to have with itself about 1820 euro . As at me the ticket for 26 days, at me with itself should be on 70 euro a day. I have for the first time collided with it . I do not know, that to me now to do. To me have told, that the ticket can change for other days. This money is necessary for showing only. At me with itself it is typed approximately nearby 50 euro, to me parents and I have given a visor the salary. It turns out, that 1770 euro still are necessary for. If you could send me so much money, I would return to you at once as I shall arrive in the airport. I shall wait for your letter here at the airport. I very much love you also I hope, that our love will overcome all difficulties which divide us. Your loving Elena more... ****! Today I have received from you the long-awaited letter. I have not enough time to write, therefore I shall try to be brief. Your undertaken throw through half of globe , have put me in difficult position. I do not know, what decision to accept. On the one hand your interests, on the other hand mine. Today I go to the grandmother to village. It is necessary to help her with a kitchen garden. In the street it became absolutely warm. It will be possible to plant carrots, an onions and flowers. ... I still shall consider the created situation... To me your offer is the closest to meet in a neutral territory. That the place of a meeting was familiar, at least one. I do not know Moscow. I was there on the way. In St.-Petersburg I was not. And I very much would like to look the Europe. Probably my ideas will upset you, yes? Still I wish you to have told your opinion Really my dream of flight will come true? Since the childhood I dream of flight. You know, I very much love a swing... Probably because I wish to fly. On mine Darwin is not right, people have occured not from monkeys, by from birds. The person always wished to fly up... What do you think of this? flied? It is fine? Oh. Excuse me, I have fallen into a reverie... It is time to me to run for work! I shall call to you on Monday! Your Elena more... About, my darling ****! I could read through your letters just now. My heart was broken off with feelings... I would like to answer you each letter... You so suffered... And I could not write to you I was at the grandmother in village. She needed to be helped with a kitchen garden. She very old. To her of 79 years. She cannot without our help. I have planted an onions, carrots and flowers. My favourite flowers are tulips, lilies and certainly roses. When we have finished work in a kitchen garden. The daddy has persuaded me to go on fishing. How I can refuse to the my darling daddy? I so love him... I always compared men to the father. That was difficult to be compared to him to whom. He always was for me on the first place. He the former militarian! I in general cannot write about him. He till now remains at weighty matters of state. My daddy always will come to me to the aid, will outdo when to me badly, will listen, will help advice. He always behaves in the form of, goes in for sports, does not drink and does not smoke. His favourite hobby is a fishing. He and to her has accustomed me. I like to sit with him in the evening with a fishing tackle, to talk. To me the main thing at all no a fish. Here such daddy at me. What for I to you have told it? Probably because I want, that you would be same. Thanks for your letters, for your feelings, for your love. I could not sleep normally these days. I experienced for you... My holiday will be prolonged 28 days and officially he begins on May, 25th. I shall be yours all the month long if at all of us it will turn out. It is necessary to trust in this. Together we can all. If I have correctly understood you, I need to receive the visa to Great Britain . And if it will turn out maybe to Australia. Yes? if to make the passport for travel abroad through militia it will be stretched for some months. Nobody knows precisely even how much. Therefore now many citizens leaving abroad legalize necessary papers (the passport for travel abroad and the visa) through travel companies. So is easier and faster. It is less than refusals of consulate, as employees of firms spend necessary occupations and are engaged in preparation of documents. In one of travel companies to me will make all for a week for 915 y. e. 250 y. e. - the Great Britain tourist multi-visa 200 y. e. - the Australian tourist unitary visa 465 y. e. - the passport for travel abroad I am happy, that day of our meeting all becomes closer. ****! I also am in search of necessary means. I wish to enclose them in our future. For today I have 3750 roubles that makes approximately 134 dollars. My city is on distance of 1200 kilometers from Moscow approximately. Tomorrow at us the big holiday - on May, 9th. Day of a victory. The organizations do not work. Therefore on May, 10th I wish to go to travel agency to give them documents on registration and to pay money. ****! It is inconvenient to me to speak you it! But I ask your help. If you can help me, send please money through the Western Union and I can receive money there. I to find the Western union in my city. I to give you the address. Western union. the address: VNESHTORGBANK Ivanova 80A Cheboksary, 428018, Russia. Elena Fedorova. When you to send me money please inform me of ten figures which should give you on the Western Union (MTCN.) Also inform me the data: the address, a name, a surname which you will inform the worker of the Western Union when you will send money. All this to me to tell in bank, but I might forget something, therefore ask the employee of bank that else you should inform me that I to receive your money. Lovely mine, I so miss on you and very much I wait when we shall be together. I with huge impatience shall wait for your letter. For ever loving you Elena. more... My darling ****! How you today? I very much worry pending our meeting. To what I shall seem to you... Every day I think of you. You have appeared in my life and all have changed in her. Probably it to the best. I Seem for a long time I know you. And I waited for you... Today I have risen in the morning early and have gone on stadium. Small jog and some exercises from aerobics have freshened my body. Then I have gone home and have seen a bird cherry tree at road. She only starts to blossom. The smell costs insanity. I have made very badly... I have broken one small branch and have taken home. Mum also was very glad. At you the bird cherry tree grows? I have taken a shower and have gone to have breakfast. Then we with mum have gone on the market, to buy a oil-cloth for a hotbed. After we have finished the affairs in the market, I have asked mum to let off me in the Internet-cafe for a short while. "" Probably lovely **** has written to me "" - I have told. Mum has told: ""to fly""! I have not found your letter. I hope soon you to me will write... I shall wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we shall go to make a hotbed for cucumbers and to plant them. Good-bye my darling ****!!!!!! I very much miss and with impatience I wait for our meeting. I shall write to you tomorrow... Write to me please as can. I kiss you strong, strong!!!! more... My darling ****! Today I have gone to the Internet-cafe after work. I very much wished to receive your letter. Now I sit and read him. Thanks you for warm words. Your support is of great importance. I feel nervous trembling in all body. I wish to share with you the my pleasure. Yesterday I have received the passport for travel abroad and the visa to England. I have specially grasped them with myself to show you. I am very happy. :) I go to the Europe... To you mine ****! In me all shouts for pleasure. While I have not received the passport and the visa, I did not trust in an event. For me it was a fantastic dream. You my prince from a fairy tale. Unfortunately Agency could not make the visa to Australia. The manager very long apologized and has returned money. On May, 25th at 18:20 I leave Cheboksary. On May, 26th at 6:46 I shall be in Moscow. I badly am oriented in Moscow, therefore I plan to take advantage of services of a taxi to reach the airport. Did not suffice still to lose the way in Moscow. I shall think of you my love ****! Good-bye! Pleasant to you of dreams!!! more... Hello My love ****!!! I had problems at landing aboard the plane. I was passed by customs as I go under the tourist visa and I do not have hotel it appears to me is necessary have at itself on which I could to remove hotel and normally to eat abroad. To me have told, that it is necessary for me to have with itself about 1820 euro . As at me the ticket for 26 days, at me with itself should be on 70 euro a day. I have for the first time collided with it . I do not know, that to me now to do. To me have told, that the ticket can change for other days. This money is necessary for showing only. At me with itself it is typed approximately nearby 50 euro, to me parents and I have given a visor the salary. It turns out, that 1770 euro still are necessary for me. If you could send me so much money, I would return to you at once as I shall arrive in the airport. I shall wait for your letter here at the airport. I very much love you also I hope, that our love will overcome all difficulties which divide us. Your loving Elena more... Free Translation> > Dear **** Dunn!> At capital airport "" Domodedovo "" our employees of customs house had been detained a citizen of the Russian Federation - Elena Fedorova. At it(her) the icon has been found out. Work of the end of XVIII century. The sanction to export of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation was absent.> From words And suspected nothing about obligatory written declaring and > The custom charges for export of cultural values.> Our experts had been lead(had been carried out) estimation of cost of an icon.> Its(Her) cost has made 48500 dollars. For export of cultural values > The custom charges which makes 10 % from cost of a curiosity is stipulated.> It was offered to arrested person to pay the custom charges, > It will be solved the problem differently on excitation of criminal case in> Its(Her) attitude(relation) under clause(article) ""smuggling"" (a part of 2 clauses(articles) 188 УК the Russian Federation).> The arrested person has asked about the help in a spelling to you the letter.> If you will make translation into its(her) name and she(it) will pay the custom charges, > Incident will be exhausted(settled). > The arrested person will be released(will be let off), differently it(she) is threatened with the criminal liability.> Administration of the airport. more... ****! Forgive me for long absence. I with a head have left in work to forget my shame. Now I already am better. Time treats all soul wounds. My plants become more. In the summer time very quickly flies. To look back you will not be in time, already half of summer has passed. At us hot weather was now established. 30 degrees. All the same in hospital not so hotly, as in the street. While I went to the Internet-cafe, I felt myself as a pie in an oven. Now I dream of the river. There it is good. And about you. That you have kept my the company. We would find a secluded place, swashed and would play only together. Long kissed... Then we would send on coast and I would rub you with a cream for sunburn. ????? Eh Dreams, dreams... Well all right, will suffice to dream... Today still it is a lot of the work just connected with the sun. Careless mums badly watch children and they burn down on the sun. It is very bad for them. It can lead to illness.. I shall go. You release me?.... No? But I need to go! You also need me? To me it is very pleasant. Your loving ksenia donetsk