Female Scammer Larisa Ivanova

Larisa Ivanova

Female Scammer Larisa Ivanova

E-mail: lara785@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Larisa
Location [Address]: New York, NY
Age: 34
Birth Date: 1/1/1981
Larisa Ivanova

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Reports :

Scamming scenario:

Yes she first contacted me with no pic and used the name Maude. The very next time we chatted she used a pic of angelina and told me here name was Kate Boadu from accra ghana. After only 2 emails she told me she loved me and would need a passport and visa, all the documents and that it would cost about 1.700 us dollars. i give her money to repace a stolen cell and a passport plus phone air time. then i seen her pic delphifaq and that is when i asked her to take a picture holding that days newspaper, thats when she started that i didnt trust her and how could we have a relationship when i dont yrust her. I asked that maybe someone stole her id and she swore that never happened. I asked her to explain how her pics got to the website and she would just ignore my questions, Then she would start to say that i was ruining her good name by posting her phone number and her email adresses. 2 days later she started being super rude calling me every name under the sun i hope by posting a couple pics and reporting to a few websites more people will know she is a scammer. she knows how to talk and screw with your emotions.



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