Female Scammer Larisa Panteleeva

Larisa Panteleeva

Female Scammer Larisa Panteleeva

E-mail: larisapa@rambler.ru
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Larisa
Location [Address]: Russia, Kanash, Gagarin street Kanash (Russia)
Age: 34
Birth Date:
Aliases: Lara, Larica, Larissa, Larris,

Reports :

I'm sorry for disturbed you. The thing is that I am sick of being single and decided to try Net dating site! I think that this will be a new stage in my future lifetime. First of all,I will tell you a little bit about myself! I hope that the letters between us will not interrupt, and you will wonder and read my mail. I don't really know where to start my description. I've never tried to write to someone like that before. I can describe my individuality as the merry, strong, true girl. I am a gentle person though at the same time I'm a certain girl. I have normally appreciated candidness, honesty and forthrightness. I want you to be interested, so that our letters will not interrupt. In the next email, I would like to read more about yourself, your way of life. I am sending you my photo. I hope that you like it, and we can get closer to each other. If you are interested Please write ONLY to my private



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