Female Scammer lisa
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | lisa |
Location [Address]: | Easthampstead |
Age: | 49 |
Birth Date: | 1972-06-18 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Original Message
Letter 1
This letter is from you, I have been waiting for it! I guess I've never felt so impatient waiting for your answer, Charles. Of course, this is due to the fact that I am waiting to hear your positive response about our meeting. I am very glad that every day you and I have thoughts about our meeting). How are you doing? I'm fine, the mood is good as always). I am ready to follow you, and I want this path that we have chosen with you to go to the end, until the very meeting).
It's great, it's nice to hear that you are ready to meet me and accept me. This certainly made me very happy. And I'm very satisfied. Now you can see how seriously we look at each other. My dear Charles, I have carefully read your letter. I read your letter and was glad that you support me and are ready to meet with me in real life. I read the message several times to make sure that I understood your words correctly. Yes, now I am sure that our correspondence and communication was not empty for you. My heart has sincere intentions to create relationships in real life. It was very important for me to make sure that our feelings are mutual.
Charles I am ready to discuss our meeting with you. I don't know how to describe my feelings of joy. Charles my dear, I don’t know how to thank you for giving our relationship the opportunity to develop in real life. This is a really important and necessary step for both of us. I am grateful to you! I am overwhelmed with emotions and, probably, I really want to share with you those feelings of joy and happiness that I am experiencing right now. I must confess that I have been dreaming about our meeting for several days now. A few days ago, maybe five or seven days, the thought began to enter my head that our communication was progressing. I also began to think that the logical conclusion of our correspondence should be a meeting in real life. Moreover, I always said that I was ready to create a new life in another country. Charles ready to take me to your house? Are you ready to share your life with me? Ready to schedule our meeting?
Charles, I have to closely follow the news and the latest military events in order to understand how I can leave Ukraine. I will try to explain to you in detail how at the moment I can leave Ukraine and fly to you.
According to the latest news from Kyiv, several directions of humanitarian corridors have been opened so that refugees can safely leave the country. To be honest, there are few options to leave Ukraine. Currently, I can get to Romania because it's a safer option. I can take the bus. This is by far the safest, best option for me. Then fly from there to you.
Charles, in order to choose a specific option and decide through which humanitarian corridor I should leave Ukraine, I must know the airport where you will meet me in your country. Charles, please let me know the city and airport where we will meet and I can choose a safer and more reliable route for you.
Charles, a very important point. In the conditions of hostilities, I lost my job, I wrote to you about this in my first letters. Therefore, at the moment, I have to turn to you for financial assistance to pay for my trip to you. Charles, can I count on your help!? Otherwise, I will never be able to leave Ukraine, and all our meeting plans will not be realized. I really hope for your help and a correct understanding of my situation in this terrible war.
I will hopefully wait for your new letter, and I hope to hear good news. I look forward to an answer.
Letter 2
my dear, good afternoon!
I see your letter and hasten to read it. Each of your letters gives me the understanding that our meeting will take place very soon. Every day we are getting closer to our meeting and our happy future. Charles, I am grateful to you that you, like me, believe in our relationship, believe in me and in our joint future.
How are you doing today? Do you have some new!? I hope you are doing well and you, like me, dream of the day when we can look into each other's eyes and touch each other. I'm sure it will be the most beautiful moment of my life.
Charles, I carefully read your letter, and then studied in detail my route by which I can leave Ukraine, taking into account the arrival at Madrid airport. I looked through several options for humanitarian corridors and chose the most convenient and safe for me. I decided that it was faster and safer to get to Romania in the city of Bucharest. I will take the bus to Bucharest. I will have to stay there for 2 days. I need this time so that I can get the necessary documents at the embassy to enter your country. These two days I will need to stay at a hotel in Bucharest. As soon as I receive the documents, I will fly to you immediately. There are Volunteers there, people who help in obtaining documents for Refugees from Ukraine. My way to Bucharest will be by bus through several checkpoints, then the customs border and then again by regular bus. I calculated the expenses.
The bus ride will cost $110. Upon arrival in Bucharest, I check into a hotel for two days. A hotel for two days will cost $60. I buy tickets in advance. Therefore, as soon as I receive the documents that are necessary to enter your country, I immediately fly to you! I looked at the cost of airfare from Bucharest to Madrid, the airfare will be 370 dollars. There are special prices for me, since the state pays for almost half of my travel. So the prices are cheaper for me. Charles my dear, so for my trip I will need about 110+60+370 = 540 dollars. On the one hand, this is not a big amount for you as a man, but for me it is a lot of money at the moment. So I really count on you, that you will help me. This is my chance to get out of here and come to you! I have nothing to rely on right now. hope only for you. Because I have a very difficult situation! I hope you treat me with understanding! Can you send me $540?
Charles my dear, under the curfew here in Ukraine, I am unable to go outside at any time. I called the banks and found out the ways of money transfers under the circumstances. The bank consultant explained to me that the fastest, most reliable and convenient way to transfer money is Western Union. Western Union branches are located all over the world, in every city. Another important advantage is the ability to send money online from the comfort of your home from your computer or smartphone. you can go to the website or app westernunion.com.
I must confess I have a lot of thoughts about our meeting. The thought that very soon we will be able to see each other in real life brings me a lot of joy and distracts me from the horror of hostilities that are taking place right now.
I will continue to study the important points on how to leave Kyiv in order not to make any mistakes. Charles, please read my letter carefully, I think you will do everything correctly and without mistakes.
I will be waiting for your next letter.
Your Lisa
Letter 3
Hello my dear! Charles, you are a hot man. It turns me on so much. You just have no idea, I have not had a love relationship for so long. I really want to see you so that you are there soon so that we can make love to you and enjoy each other. I want you to take me soon. You're so cool).
Dear, how is your day? I hope you are ok! I'm not a lot sad, and it's hard alone. I constantly imagine us together, it will be a lot of emotions, and a lot of love. I ask only one thing, take me to your place. Honey, we've almost done everything with you. The only thing left to decide is money. As soon as you send me 540 dollars. I will come to you right away. I really hope that you have the opportunity, today or tomorrow, to send me this amount of money. Dear, as I wrote to you, there are three options to send a money order to me in my name. 1. You can send money quickly, easily and very conveniently via Western Union. The advantage of Western Union is that you can send money online at westernunion.com, or install an app on your phone. But you can also go to the Western Union office and send a money transfer there. 2. You can send money through the "Money Gram" office. 3. Money transfers "Ria Money Transfer". Charles, here are three ways you can send money to me. You can use any of these options. They are available to me. And I can quickly pick up the money order. Charles I really count on you. I hope you will use one of these offices today or tomorrow to transfer money to my name. I am now leaving you my full details so that you can transfer money to my name.
Fine? My data:
name: Lisa
country: Ukraine
city: Easthampstead
address: st. School 11. Index 627033
Dear, after you make a money transfer, indicating my details, you will have a Check, Receipt. You will also be given a Secret MTCN code. To receive a money order, you must give me information. Tell me the following:
your name:
Your last name:
The address:
The exact amount you sent me:
Transfer Number (MTCN):
Dear, after you transfer the money to me, please send me the receipt, a copy of the receipt, of the money order. good?
I hope that you and I will go to the end. We will have a hot, and the warmest relationship. We will deliver a lot of emotions to each other, and we will be a beautiful couple together! Now my arrival is in your hands. And I hope that you arrange all this for our meeting. Honey, I rely a lot on you. You are my only chance.
Kiss you.
Your Lisa
Letter 4
Hello my dear! Charles, I hope today is a good day. How is your day? I hope you planned your day in such a way that today we can solve our business with you as well. I'm fine. I am very bored and very sad to be alone. I'm tired of these gray everyday days in which I live. I need you, I need your support. Sometimes I'm afraid to go outside. Because things are not going well in my country. And I'm already so tired of this life. Take me to you soon!
I had a dream today, the day of our first meeting, how we make love or passionate, hot, wild ***. It's so exciting. Honey, I've been without affection for quite some time. Because I am alone. And probably when you touch me, it will be a great excitement for me. I so want to see you as soon as possible. I'm so turned on by the thought of all this, so many thoughts. We are both young, and of course we need ***. Charles, and for now I'm alone here, sometimes I also have to satisfy myself, I even have *** toys and ******. But when I am with you, I will forget about all this. Because you will be there. I need you a lot. How do you imagine our meeting? In ***, I like my man to dominate, be strong, I am sure we will enjoy each other, every moment, every touch. It turns me on so much. Honey, yes, I understand it all. But I try to control myself. I need one thing, to come to you.
Honey, you can help me with your support, and what you promised to saddle for me. Charles, know that I'm counting on you today. I hope you will take the time today, as promised, and make a money transfer to me. You have all the information, you also have my data. So, when you make a transfer of money to me today, be sure to tell me all the details. The ones I asked you to write. Fine? And also sent a photo of the Check, Receipt when you make a money transfer. I rely on you a lot, and I hope you will.
Charles, I have complete confidence in you. I want us to have a future, to be together. We are on the right track. Soon we'll be together.
Kiss. Your Lisa
Letter 5
Dear, I apologize for writing to you just now. There were circumstances that turned off the electricity. And only now is it possible to write to you. I am sending you a copy of my passport. Honey, I hope you still have time to make the money order. I really hope for you, and count on you. Because this is my chance to get to you soon. Please, when you make a money transfer, be sure to send me all the details, as well as a copy of the Receipt, Check.
Charles, you are such a hot man, and I really like it. I really need your affection, tenderness, your touch. I want it so much. I want to be in your arms, enjoy kisses. I want to kiss your body, smell your body. Every day while I am here in Ukraine, this is really a test for me, because it is very difficult to live in such conditions as I live. But I know for sure that a new life will begin with you soon. And I'm ready to follow you, go to the end. Knowing that ahead of us lies success and enjoyment of each other.
I so want to meet the dawn together, and see off the sunset. Hold hand in hand and walk together. I envision us together and we will be a happy couple together! Yes, I'm not a lot sad, because I'm here alone, all alone! And I'm looking forward to you. Kiss you.
Your Lisa
Letter 6
Good morning dear! I want to touch you so much, I want to be close to you. Every morning we will wake up together, in each other's arms! How do you start your day? Charles, I'm fine, but every day is an experience for me, because the situation is not simple with me! Honey, I hope and expect that you will take the time in the morning to go to the bank. And I hope you will not delay until the evening to send me information. Fine? I hope that you will write to me in the afternoon with detailed information and enclose a copy of the Check. Fine? I will wait for your information. You are like a ray of sunshine to me, and I really value what we have. We have come a long way to be together. And now a lot depends on you. I want to go with you to the end. I want us to love each other! We deserve each other. Yes? We will become good partners, lovers, because we have a desire for this! You are all that I have! Kiss you. I will wait for your letter, and I will write you more, I will also send photos! I miss.
Your Lisa
Letter 7
Good morning dear! How are you today? I hope you are well. I honestly don't feel like it today. I was so determined that today I would finally resolve the issue in order to go to you as soon as possible. I thought that today on Friday, you will write everything to me. But you didn't find the time(((to send me the information.
When you ask me for something, I always do it, no problem. I am not much in a misunderstanding now, and I don’t understand what prevented you from telling me the information right away? Dear, you were at home in the evening, and you could write to me calmly and send all the information. Charles, now, I have to wait again until the evening, when will you write to me? Charles if you made a transfer of money to me, please send me the information. Send a copy of the check! I hope you write to me in the morning.
Charles, I have surprise for you. I'll send you something hot, you'll like it, but it will be a little later. I'll wait for your information. I hope you think of me. And text me this morning.
Letter 8
After all, you could have thrown off all the information at home last night, but you didn’t write. Now I wrote, I could indicate everything in the letter. I understand that you have a lot of work to do. So if you can't download the Receipt yet. You can write. At least write me the information in a letter. You can write. You can give me the details in a letter for now.
Send me this information:
your name:
Your last name:
The address:
The exact amount you sent me:
Transfer Number (MTCN):
Please, you can write it in a letter. I am patient. But still, if you did this, because I can already get the money today, and not wait now. And already on the weekend to get together and go to you. Charles, I feel so bad right now, I hope you write me these details at least.
Letter 9
Darling, it's not all right. I don't have a receipt.
I just got back from the bank. None of the mood. Everything is ruined.
There is no such transfer Transfer Number (MTCN). There is no such translation I am told.
Or there is some error here. Please show me the Receipt. It's not hard to do. Take a photo and come so I can see.
Or is there something wrong here?
I hope you write to me soon. I am now in tears, and I am very sad and bad!
Letter 10
Hello my dear! The Internet has just appeared, and I can write to you. Thank you for sending me a copy. I'm about to go to the bank again now.
Just yesterday there was a problem in that I was looking at the status of a money transfer on the westernunion.com website, and for some reason it showed me an error.
Now I will go to the bank again, I hope that I will pick up the money transfer. Everything should work. Because I received all the information.
Charles, thank you very much. I really appreciate and respect you. I need you a lot. I want to wake up next to you every morning, enjoy you every day.
You are my only man! Kiss you.
Your Lisa