Female Scammer Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith

Female Scammer Lisa Smith

E-mail: lisa_smith@uymail.com
 4 ratings     

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First Name: Lisa
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 27
Birth Date:

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-Original Message-
hello!!! Thanks for your reply so much!!! I hope soon I will be able to come to your area by my birthday and we will meet each other! This time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any common interests. I'm 27 years old, not that young I suppose? My birthday is on 21 December. I'm 168 cm tall (5.6.) and 51 kg weight (about 120 pounds, I'm not sure how much it is in pound but I'm not *** which you can see from my photos!). I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body is proportionate )) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times a week and two times a week I go to a swimming pool. I have an older sister, you can see her with me on photos. She is 31 years old now. She recently divorced and she had 4 years old daughter. Her husband cheated on her. We live with our parents in 3 room apartment. The name of my city is Bratsk, it's near Irkutsk city. Bratsk is quite small city unlike Irkutsk which is a large city, the main city in our district. Have you ever heard about the lake Baykal? It's near Irkutsk! It's the deepest and cleanest lake in the whole world. It's very beautiful! I graduated from Irkutsk Humanitarian University two years ago, the dance faculty. Yes, we have such faculty in Humanitarian University! So I'm a professional dancer. I don't want to have a dancer's career because I will have not much time for my private life and for relationship with a man. I work as a dance teacher, I teach children from 12 to 17 years how to dance! Also I have a certificate of fitness instructor, this is my another hobby. So it would be perfect if later I can find a work as a fitness instructor or teacher of dances!!! I think it's a very good job for a woman, I'm always in a good shape and I keep myself not that busy! Do you know how to dance? If not I can teach you! I can dance many different styles. When I come to your city I will work as a waitress in a restaurant. I would like to work as a dance teacher but I think you understand it's not possible to arrange such work by Internet because they want to see the level of my dancing. Anyway I will try to find this kind of work when I come over there. Or maybe not a dancer but aerobic( fitness) instructor, I think it's also very good job. I'm sending few photos for you today! I hope you are not tired to look at my photos? First two pics were taken in Sochi (the Black Sea) last summer. The next two pics were taken during New Year's holidays while we were shopping for presents with my sister. In winter I like skiing, although we have cold winters... our summers are warm usually. Mom is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. My mother is a teacher of music in the school. I can play piano also, she tought me to play piano. I finished music school and I still play piano about once a week. My father is retired engineer. I cannot say I enjoy one particular type of music. It might sound strange for you but I can listen to almost everything. The list is endless actually. But anyway, there are a couple of things I have always enjoyed to listen to. They are Enigma and Deep Forest. I adore their music. It is so sensual and helps relax a lot. I also like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I want to try how to ride a motorcycle someday! I've never tried it! By the way, do you have an International Airport in your city? Please write me the name and the code of it. Or write me the name of the nearest airport to you. I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer. I suppose in few days I will leave for Moscow and start my trip! There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails? My address here is Russia, Bratsk, Gagarina 54 street, flat 6. So now you know who I am.... I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the fullest, I like to try new things. I'm not that smart.. I was not that good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person. Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own minuses and pluses. I don't look for any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate! OK... it's time to finish my email. I'm sending a kiss by the wind to you and if I sent it to the right destination you should receive it by evening )))) I hope you will catch my kiss somehow ))) By for now!!!



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