Female Scammer Lisa Solovieva
E-mail: magdalena.von.ravenhorst@gmail
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Lisa |
Location [Address]: | Yoshkar-Ola |
Age: | 34 |
Birth Date: | 1/1/1981 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Scamming scenario :
Mariya : 1/. refused to supply surname 2/. refused to supply telephone number 3/. arrival times of emails did not match up with 'her' claims of when sent (believe sender resides in America's) 4/. Letters stylised - just fill in the name !! (Spot the blanks left by careless editting)
Letter 1
Helllooo xxx !!! I'm sorry i have not replied sooner.
Have good day! Good surprise to receive yours message. :)
The computer in service of acquaintances found to me some profiles of people which coincide with my inquiry.
I preliminary studied them and has decided to send you to the first the message because
your structure seems to me more interesting. I like your profile and I hope that you have time to send me
some messages and we could learn about each other.
Well..I am 26 years old.
My name is Mariya, I never married and I have no children. I very much dream, to create the family.
I live in an apartment belonging to my parents.
I very much would like to speak with you (yahoo or msn).
But my work occupies a lot of time! Therefore I cannot load (yahoo or msn).
I will write to you in the evening after work!
I am a dispatcher in a trucking business.
In our organization composed of 17 trucks, I supervise them for the
time that they come in and leave on a job. I fill out the traveling sheets.
I also measure on a map their route for the distance that will be used to
determne the delivery price for the customer. Tell me about your work and do you like it?
I like to travel to new and different places, but my work does not
allow me to travel often.I have many friends and we spend time together.
Usually we go the cafe, to the movies and to concerts.
We have many other entertainments. Also I prefer a healthy style of life.
I visit the gym 2-3 times a week. I hold my body in the healthy form.
Have you any sports in your life now? Please write me. I ask you to send more photos! I have sent you my pictures.
I hope that you like them. Tell me about what interestesting things you
like to do, such as your hobbies. Tell me about your character.
I hope that we shall have time for emailing each. We shall look what will be..
Hi xxx ! so glad to hear form you. I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message.
By the way, I really like your email to me, thanks for letting me in on your life there.
But you have not sent me your photo, I asked about it you. Please send to me your photo.
Your mail means for me, that I too was interesting in me.
Do you really like me on picture? well...
in the next letter i shall send you another my picture.
Ian , i have questions and i would like to ask them in letters,
I hope to get your answers OK? It is important for me to know your opinion on some things.
I have serious intentions im looking for serious relations....
I shall try to tell a little about my character. well...
I think im very romantic woman.
I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me i like good humour.
Also i very much estimate, honesty,loyalty, understanding, patience.
I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected.
I adore, to hear compliments and is ready to listen indefinitely.
For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness,
I often do cleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I enjoy
in the silent evening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things...
well also I am always ready to be the most patient.
i think i good woman :) Probably all women dream to find good
man and dream about beautiful romantic relations.
But often such things come to the end very quickly.
In relations should be not only romanticism but a reality also.
I have no intention to spend my time on such relations.
While I have not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such person.
I hope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or other success.
Happy good family and love person are main.
Tell me please what you want in the life?
What the woman You dream to meet in the life?
Excuse xxx , that i ask you to discuss such frank thing with me whom you know couple of days.
But it is interesting to me to know it about you. I shall wait yours e-mail.
Take care.
Yours Mariya.
Good to hear from you again, every day we shall learn more
about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual day but
i have received your letter and now my mood became much better,
it is really pleasant for me that you write to me.
Thank you for yours some answers to my questions it
helps me to learn more about you and to understand you.
In the last letter I promised you to send the photo...
in this letter I to you I send the photo.
I hope you like me on photo. Ian,tell me more about your family.
Do you have many relatives? How oftendo you visit each other how often do you gather?
I have very good family. In my family very much close relations.
As i already wrote i live with my mum and daddy.
We live in a cosy flat, there are three rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony.
I have my room. I have loved mum and loved daddy,
i one child in family i always wanted to have the younger brother
or the sister that them to look after. My parents very good,
careful and kind people, they always understood me, and never brought me.
They very much love me, and I even more.......
My mum's name is Victoria, she is very sensual and kind woman.
She is 48 years old, earlier she worked as the children's doctor
but now she does not work. My daddy's name is Alex. He is strict, but fair man.
He is 50 years old. But now he lives in the other city.
It is not far from ours and we meet frequently. He works as the manager.
The firm in which he works It is engaged in design of furniture is very
much distributed now. Because the district basically consist of woods.
Therefore it is a lot of tree - processing of the companies and companies on
manufacture of furniture. I love my family very much we frequently spend time together.
mmmmmm...... think, I am more look like to my father....
who do you look like , your mother or your father?
I shall be brief Ian. I wait your letter.
Take care.
xxx it is pleasant, that you were interested in my some ideas in messages.
Usually i do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, but i has written to you,
because i has felt desire to open it to you. I more independent woman, but probably
sometimes am necessary that there was one man, which i can to open and trust - sometimes
it happens hardly to reflect all these things.
I am glad, that has found your understanding you see it happens not frequently.
Thank xxx, that you have written to me some details about your life and family,
I closely studied it. It has helped me more well to understand you and your
life and you become closer man.
I understand that you speak me and for me it is not important how old
are you. I as understand that you speak me about money. I do not wish
to ask from you money as if I wish to come to you that I shall find a
way for whether what to come to you and to look really we the friend
for the friend or not.
Ian It is time to me to go to do some businesses and it is necessary to meet the friends.
By the way I told them, that i got acquainted with you, and parents too.
So I'll email you soon with some more information about me.
Have good day. I wait your letters. Yours Mariya.
Dear xxx
It was nice to get your letter today when I returned home from work.
Thanks, for not the big story about itself.It is very pleasant to me to learn you.
Ian i did not inform you earlier my address because i not enough knew you.
Now I would like to speak you the home address!
I live in average area of Russia, in city Kanash.
It is located in the republic Chuvashiya.
My address: country: Russia. City: Kanash.
kotovskogo street 5-37, zip : 429330
I have never been there where you live. To my regret it is far from you,
else it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to learn each other.
We could meet, talk, to spend some time together and good learn each other.
But for us it will be not a fast way. But if we shall decide to meet, I hope,
that it will be not a problem for us because earlier I travelled to other countries.
I was in the several countries of Europe; for example Finland. Poland. Latvia.
Dear Ian, I as to ask your full address? Well now ..
In this letter I have decided to send you photos of my house.
I think, that they will like you.On a photo I am at home.
I would like as to see your house.
I ask you send me a photo of your house and your photo certainly. I shall wait your photo.
I am confident that you are able to give tenderness and
able to care of women and if we have decided to meet i hope i would be surrounded your attention.
Dear xxxx! Thank for yours e-mail. your messages are very pleasant to me.
Now i have a new theme for reflection, and these new ideas excite me.
I do not know, how you , but for me is important our exchange of messages.
I want to tell i haves new emotions, in my quiet soul.
For me it is unusual to begin relations with the e-mail.
That there is a distance between us pulls my ideas to you.
I already for a long time have understood, that if there are some difficulties
to achieve the purpose - the desire to achieve this the purposes is increasing.
Probably it is one of those things which forces me to reflect frequently about you Ian.
I think I should grasp your heart and you cannot struggle with this female magic.
What will you answer?
Today I have again decided to send you a photo....
Dear Ian, i again want to ask you what is main values in your life:
family, work, money or something another?
What do you have plans for the future? Write me your ideas,
My dear xxxx!
I reading your letter and it is interesting to
me to find out your opinion about my ideas that i spoke last time.
We have good our exchange of and i think, that now i can make some opinion of your character.
Thanks again for some answeres on my questions.I hope it not tired you.
Well about values in my life......
My main value is honesty, Honesty to me, to my love one, family and
friends. 2nd value is hard working because it is good to busy. 3rd
value is generosity , to be generous to poor people or close freinds
who need help.
Dear Ian, i would like to learn, how do you like to spend free time.
I very cheerful person also i think out various entertainments for
itself and the friends. I like to help them to make life interesting.
It can be different things: dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on
the nature. But if to speak frankly in last time these entertainments give less
pleasure. I frequently dream about romantic evening with the favourite
person, it can be a supper or simply walk . I think, that in it there
is a lot of charm. Do you think, sometimes, of such things? Ian,
excuse for a question: do you have there now any woman? I think, that
you are good man and many women see you as good man too. You like to
me. What your private life now, please tell me about it. Write to me
more about your feelings and desires, i like always to read, when you
tell about yourself. I wait for your messages. Hugs and kisses.
Your Mariya.
Hi my lovely xxx!
I am very glad to news from you. Ian, Today on work I thought of you and,
it was pleasant for me to know, that there is a person, which thinks of me too,
reads my ideas and writes something for me.
Today i with friends plan to have some entertainment. It will be
possible some club or a disco, or some concert. It is a pity, that you
is far now. I think, we could spend perfectly together evening. I
hope, we'll do it in the future and we'll can well have fun. I am
sure, that it will be good time for us Ian! We shall drink easy
wine, then to dance, while our legs can maintain it. And after that we
probably shall reach somewhere else....., and where we'll make some
things. Ideas about it me beforehand raise. My imagination very much
advanced and I can represent many details of ours appointment. I think
it is time to me to finish this letter, otherwise I shall write a lot
of superfluous and I shall have then confusion before you. In this letter..
I would like to speak you :)... That: AT the moment I am alone,
without a men, but I am working on it, I want to change it soon,
i dont like to be alone.
I waityours e-mail, my lovely. Hugs and kisses !!! Yours Mariya.
Hi my dear xxx !
I am glad, that you like these products. Thanks!
Maybe one day we can share a romantic meal with candles.
I am glad xxx, that in our relations there is a
promotion and we became more close people. I tell often about you to
my parents and friends. They hope, that will get acquainted with you
someday. Ian they insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my
parents are especially. I have told him, that i seriously treat you
Ian, also that you the good person. You know Ian , that parents
always wish children only good and are pleased, when their children
are happy in all.Yes my daddy. By the way my dad loves fishing and
right now he goes pleased here and speaks, that now he has person,
which can be invited for fishing. I laughed for a long time and i have
told to him, that I do not know, would you like it and that he early
is pleased. And know, what he did answer? he has told, that in the
summer he will make for you good fishing tackle also he will learn you
to cook good fish soup. And did you tell to close people about me?
What they have opinion? inform me please it. Ian You have any plans
concerning our relations? I think, that for us will be very much it is
good, if we can spent some time together. It will be to strengthen our
relations and will help us to learn better each other. Probably the
next month we can meet. For example in any country in Europe or the
other place. Understand me correctly Ian, i cannot yet to invite you
here to me. I live at the parents and for the present not enough I
know you for this purpose. We had only messages and I think, that it
is better for us to meet in the another place. I very much would want
to be alone with you, to see you and a touch to you! Dear so we can
make full opinion of us to learn about many things. Let's be to
discuss it xxx. I wait for your opinions, I miss you i kiss you.
Yours Mariya.
My lovely xxx!
I am glad to see yours e-mail. To me pleasantly to learn, that you
support idea to meet and also want to see me and to spend with me
time. I think, that in our following messages we can discuss in more
detail our meeting and establish time and a place for this purpose. I
want to tell you dear, that it is very pleasant, for the woman to be
convinced that exist the man which waits her also wants to hold in the
hands. Such idea influences opinions women and her behaviour.
Therefore thank you xxx, that you have given me to feel it. And
what you have ideas and imaginations about that day, when you will
meet me? Inform me please it. Dear, at me there is a plenty of ideas,
how we can spend together our time. Also I shall prepare for you some
surprises I think, you will be pleased it. I'll tell you xxx, about
some ideas in the following messages. When you will be in my hugs you
can't get out of my embraces. well ... i shall not write now about
that I shall make with you, but you will remember for a long time it
!!! Now I finish the letter. I shall wait for your messages .
Hi my dear xxx! Have good day! I am glad, that my letters pleasant for you.
How do you feel? I 'm very good! I a little excited, and yesterday I hardly fell asleep.
I was grasped with an idea about our meeting.
It is joyful event for me from i have much emotions.
Such as excitement both the big impatience and expectation of this day .
You have brought the whole sea of emotions in my life Ian, and it
is difficult for me to consult with it, but I can tell, that it
pleasantly and gave me new push and the purpose for life.
I think, lovely, that it is necessary for us to arrange our meeting so
that there were no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs.
I can arrange on my work, that to have some days free for me.
Ian, and will your work be to allow you to make it?
Probably you have the intense schedule on work also you should be busy.
Then we can meet more close from you or even I could arrive to you for some days.
For me there is no problem to make long travel.
If such way more convenient for you and my arrival not will create
inconvenience for you Ian, let's choose this plan.
It for me even it is more good, because I can see as you live, your friends,
you can show me where you live and different places loved for you and
if sometime you will need to visit your work.
My work not so important also also here can manage without me,
therefore I do not worry about my work. Inform me dear, the opinions!
My dear I to wish to ask you for me one of the important questions....
If it is a good way for you too I shall make preparations for travel.
If you not against someday we could speak by phone
a little, i would like to speak with you, to hear your voice.
Dear Ian I ask you to give me number of your home telephone number.
It is possible the worker or a mobile phone.
My hugs and kisses!!! Your Mariya.
Hi my lovely xxx!
It is pleasant for me to read your words.
I am glad to learn, that you are ready to accept me in the house.
Thank, that you trust me , my dear. Ian, I want to tell to you that
in the past the message I wanted to check, as far as seriously you
treat me . Forgive for this lovely, but you should understand me. For
me it was very important to know, whether will you agree to accept me
in the the house. If you insisted, that we met somewhere in hotel or
in the other place, - that to me should to think, you don't want to
invite me at itself because you have somebody or you not is serious
enough to me, and you want to meet me only for fun. It check - was
small precaution. I heard, that many people get acquainted to have
only sex with the new person, though in the profile inform, that have
serious intentions. I hope I have not offended you, I know you