Female Scammer Maitha 


Female Scammer Maitha 

E-mail: maithaabdelnour@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Maitha
Location [Address]: Dubai
Age: 29
Birth Date:

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my new friend. I was very glad to receive your letter. Excuse that I might not write to you at once. I work much and I have no a house of the computer. I write you from my girlfriend. I would like to tell to you about a few about myself: As you already know my name ***. To me of 23 years and I live in Russia in city under name Cheboksary. It's locate n distance of 1000 kms from Moscow. I work in a shop. My work isn't interesting. I love children. I do not have children but very much would like to have. I want to find persons which It might be. Which respected and would love me. For some reason I could not find such person In Russia because our men not so well concern to girls. They like to drink alcoholic Drinks. I know that the out of Russia men so do not concern to alcohol and well concern To girls. I think that I can like you. Tell me about it. I think that good relations are under construction on trust and respect of people to each other. I think that we should find out each other better that we relations were more strong. I live with the parents. To my mum of 48 years and daddy 52 years. They are happy in the marriage and till now like each other. My mum all life worked at school in elementary grades, and daddy worked as the builder. Daddy developed projects of buildings. Now mine mum and daddy on pension. I too want which such husband I would love all life and the husband would love me.



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