Female Scammer marie williams

marie williams

Female Scammer marie williams

E-mail: willymarie2916@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: marie
Location [Address]: Bundaberg
Age: 42
Birth Date: 1978-05-19

Reports :

-Original Message-
I am so glad because I received your letter.Today I had a very busy day,I have to solve some important problems with my school but unfortualy I don't solve nothing. Is so difficult ,I don't know what to do and nobody don't listen me ,nobody don't want to help me.My friends when they need help came to me and of course every time help them ,but when I need their help,nobody don't look at me.Let me to explain you About my university,I am now in the last year and if I can't pay my diploma to take it,if not I did the university for nothing and only in one year I can have the chance to take my diploma again.It costs 270$ but for me this means a lot of money,I have on a month 120$,is a normal salary in my country.Until now my mother help me to pay the school but now what I have to pay is the diploma exam,not the school,the school year I already pay it and my mother cant help me again.I hope I didn't bored you with my problem ,but I really need to speak with somebody about this,I am fell so alone in this moments.For 6 months ago my mother had cancer and she had to do a surgery and the surgery was costing a lot so that's why everything we had is gone.Before we had money for bad days how we called,but now after she paid the surgery,the medicaments,they both were very expensive the financial situation has complete changed.



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