Female Scammer Marina Petuhova
E-mail: marinapet1978@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Marina |
Location [Address]: | Novocheboksarsk |
Age: | 33 |
Birth Date: | 12/4/1982 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
This woman did call me to say hello, She does speak good english but tried to tell me that she isn't a scam. Guys Beware! Hi Paul my passport name is Anzhela and i'm from Russia! I'm sorry but this is my first time when i'm meeting somebody via internet, and with some one who is not from Russia, so i'm kind a nervous and exited! Also sorry if i'll make some mistakes in this letter, ok!? Well, where should i start from,lol! First i'm able to speak and write in Enghlish preety well, so i think that I'll be able to understand every thing you want to tell me, accept the slang words! All my life I had studed it at school and din't had a chance to practising, So that is why i'm starting my conversation with you and hope that you'll be able to help me with language. So i'm from little town Nyagan'(linina street house 45-2) and i'm sure that you never heard about it. It's in deep north of our country ,Siberia if you know and it's realy cold right now around here. I wish that you could see this place some when and i also could show you around, but not in the nearest time. In several days i go to work and live in a wonderful place where i wanted to work for all my life- Your country. It will be pleasure and work for me in the same time, so this trip will be huge plus in my life. I have graduated the Phisical University and i'm a diplomed specialist in Sport education. Currently i'm studing on second high education in other university on financial manager and working in the same time So, while i'm studing an having a good marks i'm able to go and work every where i want using international work programms. And i choosed it, because i was dreaming about it all my life. So i've got like 6 month to spend there, bu not sure which way i want to come to living And my plan was to meet some one like you who knows more that i about your contry. So that is my story and why i'm bothering you! Guess you don't mind about it.. I would like to tell some more about me... I'm 27 year old and my birthday was in January 7th, not long time ago. I think that i have a nice body and could be a model some when I'm 93/59/91 not the perfect one, but it's ok. What do you think? I'm got a blue eyes and light brown hair... I live with my parents in the same flat and that is the other reason why i want to go to this trip! I'm not saying that they are rude with me or some thing But i'm 27 and i need to live my own life and find some one to be with and live with.. My fathers name is Slava and he is working as a Mechanic on the factory And my motheres mane is Uliya and she's a senior teacher in the Kindergarden, sounds fun! I can say that we are happy family and have a lot of fun tofether... Oh, i've forgot, we also have a dog, but it's more then a mouse and it's name is Kotleta. I'll send you some pics so you'll be able to understand whom i'm talking about... Guess that you'll like them, seems like they all want me to come to this trip Every one is trying to help me in everything even Kotleta))))) I'm planing to leave Russia really soon. I have found work agency which provides work and first of all i need to went to the Moskow and get all my documents And tiskets, and then all documents will be done i'm free to go where every i want. Please don't be thinking that i'm trying to ask you a place to stay or some like money, or other, help. You don't even know me and never heard from me before... I'm just asking if you don't mind to be my friend and i could be your friend/girlfriend! And may be i could see you soon, and get to know you in person. I'm sure that we could have a nice time together and a lot of fun! But i'm still here and waiting their info letter that i should come to them to Moskow, i guess it should be on this week or may be monday-tuesday. Well, i guess it enough to bother you,but it was a big pleasure for me to write to you. I'm not sure if you'll write me back, but i'll be glad if you'll do it, realy! Even if you don't like me as a women we can be at least friends. So if you want to make me happy please reply to me! Take care and have a nice time Me,Anzhela Hi it me again, I have wrote to you yesterday about myself. Do you remember? I decided to write you something and tell that i'm very happy that you have wrote to me and i do hope that our correspondence will ends with something special. I do not have many good friends and i do hope that we will become at least good friends and possibly more. I'm not able to check my e-mail on coming messages and i don't know if you already have replied to me, because i write you from another pc. If you have replied to me already thank you very much. I will see everything tomorrow Kisses Anzhela p.s. i send you pic of me+my family pic Hello It is great pleasure to read your letter today, I have wrote to you that i'm new in internet relationship and i'm so happy that i have found you from the first time, it will be so great to see you in person, becuase internet is only virtual relationship and everybody needs real relationship. You know I can work in any city of your area, because it is free choice and agency only helps me to get all travel documents visa and ticket. If we will meet in your city,I hope that we will like each other and now at least i know somebody in USA and I have the destination. I do hope I have met my right man! I think if we will understand that we have much common we could think about our future together. If not I will just work, spend free time with you as a friend and return back when my visa will ends. I want tell more about me, about my character for you to understand me better,because it is very important to understand each other. I have one great lack, I am very impatient and i sometimes make decisions very fast, but all the way i think before doing something. I had some experience in my life when i was dissapointed when my decisions ended other result when i wanted, but i was really happy when i was on the way to my dream!!! I can show my character sometimes if somebody act rude with me i can act back same way.I do not like rude and not polite people. And I don't wait to meet on 1000 man,becuase i know exactly there are no ideal things on this earth. I just want to meet attentive, noble and kind man . I am myself very kind and I can forgive many things in relationship. There are only one thing which i cant forgive -it is if my man sleep with another woman. It really hurts and i had this experience before and dont want it again. I am one man woman myself! My favorite activity is dances. i dance from my childhood and i have visited numerous dance classes and visit dance class every week. I finished The Phisical Univercity, instructor-teacher faculty. I can be dear hello, i hope you are well there after Valentines day and think about me) i write you again from Moscow in Moscow and I think I have almost completed my trip to you. It was very hard day today and I am a little tired. Everything was not so easy like I thought yesterday. You cant evn imagine how i'm glad to know that you want to meet me, it makes me feel better. Moscow is such a crazy city. It is rather diffcult to live here I think so. My small town is more friendly. Well,about my news. Before interview on visa,agency told, i had to test my blood.It was necessary condition at them for people,who want to to travel abroad. I am in very good health doctor told, all of my tastes are all right, I only need some vitamins .I think it is becuase of the bad foods and cold weather problem. I have to eat much more fruits and vegetables, the doctor said! Agency also gave me complete info about flight and price on their service, i have to pay them whole cost of trip tomorrow and they will give me insurance and tickets and having tickets i will get visa in the Embassy tomorrow. They arranged me international passport today and i had scanned it for you. They also printed me info about trip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""ForeignWorkTours"", 129085,Moscow, Mira street-2, office 1009. Trip Information Client full name: Ms.Angzhela Levshina Calculation: Round trip tickets-1085 USD Passport-150 USD Visa-100 USD insurance-200 service cost-200 USD ------------------------ Total Price: USD 1735.00 (round-trip tickets) Flight Info 19th Feb: Flights: Moscow, Russian Federation - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Wednesday, February 19, 2007 Flights Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation to William B Hartsfield (ATL), Atlanta, Georgia, USA LEGEND: 1st=First, Biz=Business, Eco=Economy, N/A=Class does not exist, No=All seats full, OP=Flight operated by another carrier, R=On Request Flight Departing Arriving Stops / Aircraft Duration Seats available 1st Biz Eco Delta Air Lines DL 047 Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation Terminal 2 12:25 William B Hartsfield (ATL), Atlanta, Georgia, USA Terminal S 16:15 Please use our service. Best regards. WTU-Tours Manager Dmitriy . February 15, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honey I am so glad to see that I am almost near my goal, and our meeting it waiting for us. I think I will wait for you in the airport so long as you need, I mean if you need any time to arrive in airport.It is not a problem to wait there because I know that it is the end of my trip and I have time to improve my condition (some perfume) after long jorney. I want you to see me in good shape! I think everything will be all right. Rather I am sure everything will be all right!. They have told in travel office that I have to show paper that I booked tickets is Moscow when I will visit Embassy. People from Embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally and I have tickets with return data.it is very strong rule. I have much money, but my flight from my town to Moscow and living here for a 2 days with all this blood tests costed so much (about 500$), because so many kilometrs from there to Moscow. I didn't guess that tickets will costs so much.They told that it is aircompanies raised prices after january on 15-20 and I have to buy tickets till my intervew, because of such rule. I didnt even expected that all turns like that Maybe you could borrow me some money today? I am sure I will be able to return it back in a few weeks after my arriving. I will earn some money in your city and at first to return all money to you. In Agency they have told me that you may send it to use western union system, because we don't have much time till my intervew tomorrow on Saturday, then everything will be ok I'll get the visa and i'll get on the plane on sunday! I have only about 750 US dollars now and I need about 985 US dollars from your side to have enough money to fly to you 19th Feb.! If everything will be all right between us I can stay with you longer than three months, maximum I can stay about 6 months for first time! We should change only the date of my returning flight. You may send it to any bank of Moscow. I have been to the bank to try to learn something and they tell me that it is very easy, I am not sure I know all well, but they tell it is not a problem to do. You will send me transfer information and your full name and I will get a cash. Please send the money today by Western Union on my name to Moscow. My address here is Russia, Moscow, Sovetkaya street, build 9, flat 111. Anzhela Levshina I Kiss you many times, I am tired today, you know it is hard enough to be in foreign city. So many different emotions. I so much hope that you will help me because it is only you can help me now, my friends are too poor to help and I don't know anybody here. Thank you in advance. See you soon, Anzhela!!!