Female Scammer Mariya
E-mail: mmariyasa@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Mariya |
Location [Address]: | Kirov |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | 25-04-1983 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1Dear, As it is good, that you have written the letter for me. I am very glad to see yours the message. I received your letter 20/11. I think it you have not received my letters. Well, I shall try to explain once again to you my news from travel company. Yes, you have correctly written. There is no direct flight from helyabinsk up to London. It is necessary to do change in Moscow. It not the problem for me to move across Russia. Do not experience about this. Yes, I shall require also in international the passport and the visa plus 4 tickets and medical insurance. To me searched for flights on 23th December. If to pay my travel 1th December. To me will make the visa 22th December exactly in 2 weeks. O.K. I asked to count up all cost of travel. These are greater money 735.44euros. But it not the most expensive flights. Also me warn, that many Russian tourists go to have a rest for Christmas holidays and consequently it is necessary to hasten with the order of flight. I without your help and can do opinion nothing. I shall wait yours for idea, because our meeting in your hands. Thanks you for all sweet words. I respect with you, to an ohm that we have trust. I am happy, because have got acquainted with you :)) YOU learn me to a life and force to smile. Your Mariya Subject: Re: (no subject) Darling Gary, me painfully to tell to you these words. I cannot go on a meeting with you today. I shall remain up to 29th in Moscow. Because have transferred my travel because of a problem. I could not receive the visa because of theft of money. The police does not promise anything to me, but it is necessary to press and hope for the best only. I do not know that you now think of me. But I the fair person also wish to see you in a reality for this Holiday. Yes, I also understand you. You trust me and consequently always helped. But now you have most not pleasant ideas also as well as I. I Think we have an opportunity to meet. Because the visa have not arrested also police promises to search for the thief. I shall wait for news and to inform you quickly. Do not leave me. I wish to feel your care of me. Maria Subject: Re: (no subject) Hello my Gary. My darling Gary. My love. I know what you think now when you read my letter. I know that you thought, I'm in airplane now and fly to you. No, Gary. But please, read thing firstly, before you decide something. I change my flight. Gary!!! I do not know what to say, ow can I describe you situation which happened with me! Really, Gary, I have not enough words and all which I had I spend to damn myself... Well, I explain you. esterday I have received your information and there was the happiest. But we have not sung to receive translation. Because the office was closed. Today in the morning I and the aunt successfully were in bank. The aunt left in the airport with mine The luggage - I thought, that it was easier for me to go in in Embassy without it. And I was the most happiest woman in the world! I thought that I will go the embassy now, then receive visa (in that moment I know that I will do it in time)... I came to the metro station and sit in the train. But I got out from the train already without money!!! Gary, somebody cut my handbag and steal my purse with all money. I just return from the militia office, but I even do not know how the thiefs looks like!!! There was a lot of people in the metro. Policeman told me that may be they follow me even from the bank, it is usual for Moscow. All my documents was with my aunt. I had only passport but it was in another pocket of the bag and I have it still. My love. I do not know, can you forgive me or not. I promise that I return you all the money which you spend on me. You are the best man in the world and I thought to made you the most happy. But I made you only problems... My love. Just tell me what to do. Hope that still your, Maria Subject: Re[10]: Re Hello my dear Gary! I just return here in the Internet-center from the Embassy. Dear Gary. I have something to tell you right now. It is really serious and I even do not know what to do my love. Well, here is a problem. I tried to receive visa and I had an interview... Everything was fine, my visa is ready. Just one problem. I could not receive it!!! Only one reason. When I issue my documents in Russia I made all the things right. But I may be you know that I have not my own bank account. And one of the terms of visa receiving- I must prove my responsibility. There are two ways, as Embassy worker told me. First is to show bank account documents to prove that I have money on it. But I have not account, Gary! And the second way is to show enough cash! This way I must have 100 euros per each day of my staying in English!!! I have not such money, Gary, I do not know what to do! And now I have only one way to ask your help again. Dear Really, I made all the things right. I tried to do as better as possible. One my fault I have got my travel agent wrong in this aspect. I want to cry now, my Gary!!! What can I do... I can only hope in your help. I want to stay with you 30 ull days and I need 3.000 euros... But please, just do not get me wrong, I need only to show that money in the Embassy and second Garye in the airport! I will not spend even one cent and I will return you whole amount in the moment when we meet. Just help me, dear Gary. Or even write me and we'll decide together what to do... Please, forgive me... I know that I made you problems. But you are only one my man. And I'm your woman, I know. I could ask you and only you and nobody more. Write to me the answer. Your Mariya