Female Scammer Mariya Shubenkina

Mariya Shubenkina

Female Scammer Mariya Shubenkina

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Scam Danger: 


First Name: Mariya
Location [Address]: Marij-el
Birth Date:

Reports :

Scamming scenario:

Russian Dating Scammer ' Mariya Schubenkina' Also has used named 'Yuliya Yanaeva' of Matrosova 51, Stavropol, Russia, photo of yuliya is same as mariya passport photo. Money Letter: Hi favourite XXXXXX! I am glad to read your message and to learn , that I can hope for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient. Because I had to address to you for the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you XXXXX, - the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life. After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! XXXXXX, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the staying charges for me. It will be for me 1550 $. Here tickets, insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges. With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of cost. It near 500 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days near 1050 $ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear, that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in 8-9 days, 1050 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so, not become angry about me please! I very much miss on you and I wait for ours meetings. I wait for your messages XXXXX! Thousand kisses. Yours Mariya. P.S. Russia, Republic Marij-el, Zvenigovo 425060. Mariya Shubenkina. Street Lenina 38 Box 1. BIG TUR AGENCY. Mariya Shubenkina - Russia, Republic Marij-el, Zvenigovo 425060. Street Lenina 38 Box 1.



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