Female Scammer mean missy

mean missy

Female Scammer mean missy

E-mail: elenacojocaru26@yahoo.com
 5 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: mean
Location [Address]: Bucharest
Birth Date:
mean missy

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Reports :

Scam Report:

Richard Mertinze, other aliases are Richard Carvalho, Richard Scott, Richard Williams, he met me on Christian Mingle.
I am a widow and he said he was too.
He instantly captured my heart with his phone calls, texts, pictures and affectionate letters. .
He is extremely good at what he does. .
He is quite the smooth talker and always knows exactly what to say. .
He knows the Bible like the back of his hand. .
He said he attended the Assembly of God church in Miami. .
Phone (305) 340-4285 & (305) 900-2490.
Address is listed as 1227 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33130.
His email address used is richardmertinze@gmail.com and for his daughter Serena Ashley, smertinze@outlook.com.
He said he was born in Milan, Italy.
Although, he does not speak much Italian and his English accent and grammar should be much better since he has lived in America over 35+ years.
His birthdate was 9/19/56.
Only son to his Italian dad who passed away in 2006 and his American mother who passed away in 2009.
They moved to Miami, FL when he was 24 years old.
He went to college in CA and met his wife Michelle.
She died in a car accident in 2009.
His website is http://rmdrilling.com/en .
He received an oil rig contract in CA, near Sacramento for $7 million, then said later it was for $5M.
He had 9 workers with him. He has been there since April 2016 and is supposedly still there today at the end of Oct 2016.
He has endured many problems and shortfalls with needing parts and money.
(Same story I’ve read about on many blogs for scammers.) He did ask for money and he is affiliated with Vuyokazi Bopheka in Cape Town, South Africa at letsgop@outlook.com posing as his broker.
I paid for a background check on him and it came back clean.
Over the months, I kept googling his name, because something just didn’t seem to add up about him.
Finally something came up on Richard Mertinze with dating scammers.
After googling on many sites, I finally put the pieces together that Richard Mertinze had used several aliases, like Richard Carvalho, Richard Scott and Richard Williams.
His pictures were the same guy I had been talking to.
Typical storyline, he was going to be rich, he was going to move to Texas (where I live), we were going to get married, told me to find a house for us to buy, he would be finishing his contract soon, we would go into business together, he loved me with all his heart, he would sing to me and talk of how we would serve in the church together, etc… He said he would have Serena fly from Miami to Texas once he was finished with his contract.
She had been staying with a friend of his in Miami, which became more unbelievable the longer I had conversations with Richard.
Every day he texted “I love you, kiss kiss kiss??.



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