Female Scammer Mila 


Female Scammer Mila 

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First Name: Mila
Location [Address]: Mila (milawater78@yahoo.com) to Bruce
Birth Date:

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She now is Mila on yahoo personals her new address is milawater78@yahoo.com . her Mums is the same as others on here galinaworld@mail.ru . she doesnt know that i know. i was supious from the start just kinda played it out to see what kind of scam it was i knew it had to be one. i havent decided what to do yet. think ill just have fun and waste her time. Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:31:18 +0400 From: milawater78@yahoo.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more To: Subject: Your Russian friend. Hi Bruce ! Have good day! Bruce , you ask, where I live - to To regret it is far from you. Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, To learn each other. I for the first time have acquaintance through the Internet. It was very difficult to me to place my structure in a service of acquaintances, because I am in Russia, the service of acquaintances does not accept the members from this country. I had to specify in a structure, that I am in USA. In this letter I shall inform you a little information myself and if the dialogue with me will be interesting to you, I shall tell about myself in more detail in the following letters. I live in an average part of Russia, in city Izhevsk. But if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that it not Will be a problem for us because I have made a little Travel to other countries. I was in the several countries of Europe; For example Turkey, Italy, Germany. I made these travel as The tourist. Therefore Bruce , you should not have excitement be relative That we not beside. I such woman, that if I shall like The person for a meeting I shall reach even on the moon. Besides in Our days is not a problem to make such travel. I not I worry about it and I have necessary feelings to get acquainted and it is possible To have relations with the person of other state. It is very interesting - Other culture, thinking, traditions. For me this new- Probably and you Bruce Can learn , that such the Russian woman. I wait for yours e-mail, my American friend. Yours Mila. Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 21:14:49 +0400 From: milawater78@yahoo.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more To: Subject: Glad to hear from you HI Bruce ! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. You have not sent a picture yourselves, please make it. I shall wait a picture you. Bruce You e-mail means for me, that I too was interesting to you. You Really Bruce , see a picture of me nice? - OK, in the following Messages I shall send you other pictures of me. Bruce , at me is present to you It is a lot of questions and I would like to ask them in the messages, I hope you Will allow to me answers to them - OK? You for me the nice person, And on this for me it is important to know your opinion on some things. I to search in the person for love and comprehension. The relevant value to have fairness, as well as you to consider. I to not like when to me lie and do not want to speak the truth. Even if I already to know this truth. As most relevant in life I to consider family!I met only one person. But it was very bad!!! It is hurt to me to tell to you about it because my former guy is a lot of saws and when he was drunk he beat me. Likely therefore I do not want to have what relations with Russian men! I think, that you read my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to get acquainted with the good person for relations . I shall try to tell a little about my character. I do not know as it to start, I think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me Good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and The woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good The person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to an end Very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not Career or other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what to care of him. Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life? Excuse Bruce , that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know It about you. I have shortly written to you my outlooks on life if to you there will be it interesting, That we can discuss these themes in more detail then. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours faithfully Mila. Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 20:55:28 +0400 From: milawater78@yahoo.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more To: Subject: Hi, sunshine Hi my lovely Bruce! I am very glad to news from you. I like your photo. I missed without yours e-mail. Today on work I thought of you and, it was pleasant for me to know, that there is a person, which which thinks about to me, reads my ideas and writes something for me. And how you Bruce? You these days missed on dialogue with me? Today we with friends plan to have some entertainment. It will be possible it is club or a disco. It is a pity, that now not there are opportunities to invite you there because you it is far. I think, that we with you could carry out perfectly together evening. I hope, that we shall make still it in the future and we can well have fun. I am sure, that it will be good time for us Bruce! We shall drink easy wine, then to dance, while our legs can maintain it. And after that we probably shall reach somewhere else....., and where I shall make with you some things. Ideas about it me beforehand raise. My imagination very much advanced and I can represent for myself many details of ours appointments. I write only to you and is interested in you.Probably, dear, it is time to me to finish this letter, and I now shall write that a lot of superfluous and I shall have then confusion before you. I wait for yours e-mail, my lovely. Embraces and my kiss!!! Yours Mila Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 19:24:37 +0400 From: milawater78@yahoo.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more To: Subject: Evening with the friends Hi my dear Bruce! I am glad again to speak with you! You write me, that you would like to be with me that evening!I write you in the evening because I send you the mail from my girlfriend as at my place there is no Internet. You did not suffice to me too very much! Though we and not badly have had fun, but on soul there was what that a melancholy! By the way, yesterday I had quite good evening with my friends. We reached in one club also there were there some hours. First we had the good supper and some glasses of champagne, then played bowling Also danced. Impressions have remained good, only when I saw , as some my girlfriends danced and kissed the men - I had small envy to them. I thought of you and represented for itself, what you beside Bruce. That you too embrace me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. And you Bruce, when see around the in love pairs people, - that recollect me? As frequently you with the friends reach in any bar or club? When you are in these places girls frequently try to get acquainted with you? To me very much frequently men approach and try to begin acquaintance, but I at once I help them to understand, that with me these things to fail. Bruce, I frequently I think above your messages and I understand, that you it is serious concerning me. I too do not look at our dialogue as on an entertainment, and I write you some very personal words and things, as to the close person. And I want to tell to you Bruce, that I am glad, that at me is such the person - as you! I wait for your messages and I think of you. Mine to you gentle Kisses! Yours Mila. Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:45:57 +0400 From: milawater78@yahoo.com View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more To: Subject: My kisses only for you Hi my lovely Bruce! I am glad to see yours e-mail. to me pleasantly to learn , that you support idea to meet and also wish me to see and to spend with me time. Me to not irritate, that you to be more senior than me. I to search for the mature man, which would be to wise and scientific life. I like the men which is more senior than me and can learn me to something in this short life. I to want to connect destiny with the man of such age as you.My full name Irina. I think, that in our following messages we can discuss in more detail our meeting and establish time and a place for this purpose. I want to tell to you dear, that it is very pleasant, for the woman to be convinced that exist the man which waits her also wants to hold in the hands. Such idea influences opinions women and her behaviour. Therefore thank you Bruce, that you have given me to feel it. And what you have ideas and imaginations about that day, when you will meet me? Inform me please it. Dear, at me there is a plenty of ideas, how we can to spend together our time. Also I shall be going for you some surprises and I think, that you will be pleased it. I shall be to inform you Bruce, about some ideas in the following messages . But you should know, that when you will be in my hands it is not fast you can get out of my embraces. I now shall not write about those things by which I shall make with you, but you will remember for a long time it !!! Now I finish the letter. I shall wait for your messages . My gentle kisses! Yours Mila. HERES MUMS LETTERS!!!!! Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:46:19 +0400 From: galinaworld@mail.ru Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: Good day mr. Bruce. Yours faithfully to you ms. Galina, Irina's mum. my daughter told about very much you both I think also I think, that you are very interesting to her. I hope, that you understand, that I as her mum wish to her happiness and I worry for her life. Probably Irina to you did not tell, but she had in the past failure in the personal relations and long time was injured because of it. I very much would like to save her from similar mistakes. And I to you I shall be very grateful if you will inform me honourly your intentions concerning my daughter. Irina spoke me, that you with her plan to meet and consequently I would like to know, that you think of her. Excuse me for this letter. I do not think to interfere with your relations, but as the fond mother I worry for the daughter. Yours faithfully to you. ms. Galina. Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:35:25 +0400 From: galinaworld@mail.ru Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: Subject: Bruce Bruce! I am glad that you well concern to my daughter. I wish my daughter a lot of happiness and I hope that you with her will be happy. We with her daddy wish you much good luck and to us of more grandsons. I am glad that you not will to cause my daughter a pain. Because because of her last relations she was so is broken and was in despair and she would not like to live at all. But I have told to her that is necessary to continue to live and hope for the best. All the best. ms. Galina . Keywords:



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