Female Scammer Nadezhda
E-mail: nadeva80@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Nadezhda |
Location [Address]: | unknown Samara (Russia) |
Age: | 26 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Nada, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadia, |
Reports :
You know, I think I never get tired of thanking you Richard (smile)! And I believe that I am doing it right. This feeling of immense gratitude to you really is within me. And I do not want to be silent about it! I am grateful to you for answering my first short letter. I am grateful to you for letting me know you better and for showing a serious interest in me and developing relations with me! It really means a lot to me and I will never forget about it! Having started communicating with you, discussing various things, events, thoughts, I really started a new life. And this life is brighter, filled with interest, new emotions and new experience. And I like it much more than the life that I had before your appearance in my life! You know that I promised to be always sincere with you and I do it! But it's really easy to be sincere when you speak words about the real bright feelings, emotions and impressions that you have from communicating with the person. But, you can be sure that if it will be some kind of difficult situation between you and me, perhaps even a misunderstanding or mistakes, I will be the same sincere! I will always tell you my thoughts, which are in my head and my feelings, which are in my heart! Because I'm sure this is the best way to quickly solve any problem or avoid any offense or unspoken. And all I want to ask you now is that you give me one very important promise. Please, promise me that you will always be the same sincere with me!? That you won't be afraid to tell me the truth, because of fear of offending me or for other reasons. It is really very important for me to know what you think, how you feel and what you want in a relationship with me. Will you promise me this? If we can achieve this in our relationship, it will be a very important achievement. Since it's one of the foundations on which our future relations will be built. Because mutual respect, trust, the ability to speak openly about any problems, the ability to hear each other and care for each other - this is what should be at the heart of any serious relationship. Do you agree with me on this?
Thank you for your new picture, as usual I liked it. You looks very respectable. Yes, I told you about my music taste, I like light, romantic music, such as Madonna or Elthon Jhon, or some local songs on my native language. And yes, sometimes I have such mood that I would like to listen to classical music, it help me to relax maximal and it's good music for dreams. I am doing well here; the weather does not change significantly. I still spend most of the time at my work. My mood is good. Hope you have it there the same way. Although you know, it seems to me that some of my colleagues began to notice changes in my appearance, in my behavior. They see that I have become somehow wistful, dreamy, as if I were somewhere else deep in my thoughts (smile). Some of them even ask me directly about it. Some of them smile mysteriously when they look at me. None of them know about our communication with you, but my friends about I wrote you before, so I think all these changes in me are a big mystery for them.
You know, when I sent my last letter, there was still some small fear. It was a fear of how you would react to that letter? What will you write me in a new letter? Perhaps I in vain told you all that? Yes, it is not easy to get rid of all fears at once (smile)! But when I read your new letter, I realized that I did everything right. Thank you again for your wisdom, for your understanding of my thoughts, my emotions and my state of mind. And I hope you do the same with my current letter (smile). You know, if you or I tell to absolutely strangers that we were able to receive such a strong closeness, understanding, convey our desires and dreams through letters, then I think no one will believe that it was possible to do it. They will think that we are two crazy persons (smile). Recently I read an interesting fact, it turns out that some psychiatrists believe that love is a form of mental illness (smile). If so, then I want to be sick all my life! Because I love you Richard. And now I can finally say it! I removed the last doubts from my head. I gave answers to myself to the main questions, and now I am absolutely confident in my feelings for you! This is not a fleeting clouding of mind or ordinary sympathy, I am sure that this is true love! Now I understand and am sure that I love you! And I even think that this feeling appeared neither today nor yesterday, it appeared much earlier... But I did not want; I was afraid to think about it and I was afraid to admit it to myself. You cannot imagine what pleasure, lightness and emotional lift I have now! Especially when I write these words about my love for you. It's not likely! Thank you for letting me get this very best feeling in the world again! Hugs and kisses. p.s. I make this nice picture from my bedroom for you could see, how dreamy I'm this days and how much I want to feel this romance as on that picture in my wall.