Female Scammer Nadezhda Patrusheva
E-mail: nadyapat1977@mail.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Nadezhda |
Location [Address]: | unknown Kazan (Russia) |
Age: | 26 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Nada, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadia, |
Reports :
-Original Message-
I am very glad to see your letter, since I always look forward to hearing from you letters. After all, with every letter our relations are developing and developing into friendships, they are growing day by day. They become more than friendship. You agree with me? After all, we still do not know each other enough. My dear please tell me how your going now business?! What new things do you have in your life?! I guess I can guess - it's me Beautiful Bjorn I would like ask you, can you send me your new photos? Since I want to see you more, because I believe that Anyway, photos give more ideas about a person, especially since I am very interested in you about a person like mine friend. I hope you understand what I’m talking about now. How is your health?! I really want to know what is happening to you and what you plan in future life, what are you bind it all - tell me ok?! I'm fine, here I am again working today and with great interest to read your letter. I have some kind of festive mood and inspiration soon because the New Year. I think anyway holiday is very good at acting on people. With the advent of the holiday, it’s still inside the soul of the heart that somehow it becomes warm and joy, inspiration, perhaps poetry.
I would also like to talk with you today about one of the most important issues - this is a religious issue. Since I think that if a person has no faith, then this person is more empty, he has no inner wealth, he has no kindness and regrets to other people. Anyway, I believe that the endowment of spiritual value makes a person more human, more rich inner state of life. I do not mean money, I hope you understand me? In general, what does it mean personally for I am rich and that I respect a person very much is when a person is endowed with such qualities as kindness, honesty, respect for a loved one, or generally respect for a person, I understand, the purity of relations, such qualities for me are very important in a person. I represent a loved one who does not drink, who does not change, which devotee is very important to me. Since when a person drinks alcohol, then quarrels arise in the family, raise my voice, which I can’t tolerate, what I don’t want to expect from life, because in the past I was very burned by this, perhaps because she was inexperienced. Indeed, I had no experience, but was just a small representation, silly girl about a good hassle-free life. I just want to say that I really believe in God since indeed I am born in a simple peasant family. I can proudly say that my religion is Christianity. I do not to know this in reality or not, but people have been familiar with God since childhood, since there are books about it. Even in schools now have a special subject that develop the spirituality, culture and faith of children. I take it that right, because now all over the world there are a lot of different acts of terrorism, violence and ******. I take that person who know and realize the whole situation of life, who really believes in God, then his truth will always be pure. I I am very glad that my parents baptized me as a child and I am grateful to them for this. On holiday which are associated with I always attend church. I’m even going to go there in order that God would help me find a man about whom I to dream for a long time. And today I meet you mine! You understand - how important it is for me to be in communication with you. I was brought up with faith in God and this faith helps me in my life. But I believe that to believe or not to believe in God is everyone’s personal business and each person’s position on this issue must be respected. What do you think? do you agree with me?! I believe and always pray that God will send help to those who need it. Tell me about your views on this question?
So even now I can give a small example so that you can at least understand me a little about what I want to say. So next to my apartment there are neighbors with whom we communicate well and come to visit. So this family there is a son who was sent to the Army. Okay, the word Army - I perfectly understand that every man should be prepared for life and I believe that the Army is helping this disposition of life. Next, what I want to say this son send to a place called Chechnya (Grozny). did you hear about this republic?! There were fierce battles in Chechnya and fights, there are mostly terrorists hiding with the faith of Islam. Which cook for terrorist attacks, you probably don’t even know but it is so. Here is this boy who went into the army - it turns out to be my neighbor, and so he got to where now there are small fierce skirmishes. We’ll show it all on TV. And he was telling what was on his neck chain with a cross, since he was baptized just like me. And this cross helped him from a bullet wound, that is, a bullet bend the cross and enter only a short distance into the chest. And he told me that before that it’s wrong to believe in God and when all this happened and this cross was saved, now he’s even become so serious and say what God really is. I think that you are not tired and do not get bored listening to me my dear and maybe you are not interested?! I’m not tired of your stories?! BUT everything is true and it is a fact that once again confirms that God is on this The earth. Well, I’d like to see your new photos. Of course if you have them? Can you send me them?! They are will help me feel your presence next to me. I want to feel your gentle look, your smile. I become attached to you and I have a very big sympathy for you. The desire to have a family, a loved one nearby, eeling caring and constant support in difficult times, this is what every person in life strives for. It is mine the cherished desire in my life for good honest people to have it that way. My parents tell me that I should always be open. First of all, they say hello to you!!! You them very like and in spite of our different ages it is not so much to embarrass them, but even more so. So all is well ok! They dream that I would finally be not alone and have a family. Yes, and I myself also want this Life will show Daroug and a loved one. I hope you will answer me as soon as possible. Once again I want to say that to me It’s insanely nice to have contact with you. Since I believe that you and I are on the right track, you just need to listen to to the heart. Well, that’s where I finish.