Female Scammer Nancy Morris

Nancy Morris

Female Scammer Nancy Morris

E-mail: nancybabe93@live.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Nancy
Location [Address]: unknown Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Age: 33
Birth Date:

Reports :

Scam Report:
This lady started to correspond with me around mid-December. Her letters were all the more vicious as they expressed, at least in the beginning, a strong wish to build up a serious and sincere relationship, based on mutual trust. Gradually her letters lost their personal quality, especially after she decided she wanted to visit me in my country, making it very clear she was ready to cover all expenses herself. She was never very eager to talk with me neither on the phone nor in skype. She described how she had made all her way to Moscow to contact the Embassy in view of obtaining visa. For some reason she could not send me any photos from Moscow. In the end she discovered she had no cash for travelling to my country and asked me to help her with 1500 $.



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