Female Scammer Natalia
E-mail: netrwueua@yahoo.com
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Scam Danger:
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First Name: | Natalia |
Location [Address]: | Krasnojarsk |
Age: | 37 |
Birth Date: | 10/5/1978 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1I am glad for the scammer information that is listed over the internet, it is a huge help in stopping the scams. I will post all letters: Letter#1 What's up! I have been lonely last time and decide to write you today. I saw your profile on craiglist sitewhen I was there. But now I am not - it seems to me that people just don't come there or so. Itried to write to some guys but they didn't reply to me.
So this is my last attempt in such way. Ifyou don't answer to me - it is ok but I will decide to myself that the meeting over the internet isnot for me. I deleted my profile and will not get another one. No way! So let me try last time. Myreal name is Natalia and I am a real 29 woman. Will be 30 next year. It is really so. I am easygoing, attractive, intellegent and fun. I would like to find a real man at least not older that me.
It is my position in life. I ask you if you will be interested to tell me your real age and yourreal name (not some nickname as it everywhere over the internet - we are not animals to go bynickname). We could be friends or may be more later if we will like each other. So if youinteresting in me reply to me right here, ok? Oh, by the way I am from another country if youare not against such relations. By for now. Hope to see your reply. Have a nice day. Waiting Natalia Letter# 2: Hello Rick! This is Natalia. I hope you had a good day.
I was a little sad because I was alone here during these days because asyou know I have no boyfriend now. I hope one day I will meet right person and we will betogether! This is one of my purposes of my life! I want to meet a man who will love me andI want to create my own family together with him. I want to have kids. I like them. I think oneboy and one girl! I would like to take care about my kids and about my future husband I woulddo all I can to make it happen.
I think it will happen already in your country because I thinkI will have opportunity to move there. I will get a job there and will live there. My governmentwill help me with it. I will go to the government agency next week and will figure out aboutprocess of preparing my documents. I think I will do it in the end of next week! I am nervousa little. I will pray that everything will be ok and I can get all necessary documents!
My friendsdescribe me like a cheerful, tender, romantic and careful person. I am optimist and very activeperson! I like sport and I am trying to make for healthy life style of myself. I like ice-skating,tennis, skis, jogging and swimming. These kinds of sport are my favorites. I go to the pool3 times per week. Some of my friends do the same! One or two times per week I am going to geta cross country skiing with my friends in winter. Also I like mountain skis.
I know about waterski but I have never tried it. I think one day I will be able to do try it. One time I jumped fromplane with parachute. It was last summer. I liked it very much!!! I got amazing feelings! Did youtry it before? Some of my friends said I was crazy but I don't think so! I think I will try to jumpagain! I want to feel that feelings again! Do you like get adrenaline? It's indescribable feeling. Ifyou have ever felt something like this you know what I am talking about. Also during winter I goto ice rink. Usually I am ice-skating 3-4 times per month! I am quite a good skater! What aboutyou Rick? Can you tell me what do you like to do and what is your favorite kind of sport?At the summer time I like to go to river or to lake to swim. I wan to tell you I like active rest.
Doyou know what do I mean? I like any kinds of outdoors like picnics, camping and more other.I like the nature and feel better if I can be closer to it. I like to feel fresh air, clear water and otherthings. I like mountains and forest! Rick I would like you to tell me about what you like too!See you later Rick! I will write you again soon! Please write me back too! I think of youRick! Sincerely your Natalia. P.S. I will send you other picture in my next e-mail. Letter#3 Hello there Rick. This is your friends Natalia from the other side of the Earth. How is your day? My day is good. There are a lot of patients. How is the weather there? Here isgood weather - not very cold and little rainy.
Right now I am writing you at my work and thenI will go to internet club to send this e-mail. We have one internet club close to my work here.So I can use their service. May I ask you? Rick where do you use internet service? Do youhave internet at your home? Or do you use internet at your work? I have no internet at my home.Can you tell me about your home more? I live together with mom in small apartment. It's tworoom small apartment. Also we have one little hall, kitchen and bathroom. My home is locatedin 15 minutes of walking from work and I go to my work by feet often. Sometimes I move towork on a bus. I understand that it may looks strange that we live in so small apartment, but it'sa usual thing here. I like our home. Our apartment is very cozy.Today I want to tell you about my interests in more details.
As you know I like sport and myfavorite kinds of sport are swimming, tennis, ice-skating. Of course I like more other kinds ofsports like a basketball, volleyball and other. I am trying to keep myself updated about sports. Doyou know that Russian men's soccer team won England yesterday! It's great. Did youknow/watch about it Rick? I am glad. Do you like biathlon? I like it. I am a fan of this kindof sport. I already wrote you that I like not just watch sport, also I like play sports too. I go tothe pool to swim constantly, usually 2-3 times per week. In the winter I like to get cross countryskiing or mountain skis.
Did you try it before? In the summer I like to play tennis and volleyball.I hope you are not tired from my monologue about sport. I will finish about it.I want to ask you about your favorite kinds of music and movies. I hope you will tell me about it.My favorite types of music are pop, dance, techno and rock. I like bands and singers like BonJovi, Madonna, Cold Play, Sheryl Crown, Shakira, Depeche Mode and others. Also I listenRussian music but I am not sure that you have heard about Russian musicians. I like Zemfira,Night snipers, Dima Bilan, Guests from the Future. My favorite genres of movies are adventure,action, thriller and comedy. My favorite movies are Gladiator, Green Mile, Sixth Sense, PulpFiction, The Troy, Pirates of the Caribbean Sea (just first part) and others. Favorite Russianmovies: Turkish Gambit, 9th Company, Escape and others.
Also I like animation films like Iceage (1 and 2 part), Madagascar, Monster's Corporation. Did you watch any of these films? Didyou like it? What are your favorite actors? I like Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp, DemiMoore, Sandra Bullock, Michelle Pfeiffer and others. I am not sure that I was correct whenwriting names of actors was. I hope you can understand what I meant.Do you like to read? What is your first serious book you read Rick? My first serious bookswere read in the school. It was Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov and War and Peaceby Lev Tolstoy. Did you hear about it? They were very famous Russian writers. Also I like toread Stephen King, and others.I would like to hear about your hobbies. I will tell you about my hobbies too! I like gardening.My favorite flowers are orchids, roses and lilies. My favorite colors are white, green and blue.Also I like homework. It may seem strange for you. I just like to keep my apartment cleanly andbrightly.
I am a neat person and I like order. I like to cook. I am a good cook. I can cook manydifference dishes. I have some books with many recipes. I think it's good when woman couldcook many dishes. But the main thing is to cook well. Do you agree Rick?Ok. I have to go. I will write you more tomorrow. I hope this e-mail could help you to knowabout me little more. I will wait for your response Rick! Your friend Natalia Letter#4 Hello my dear friend Rick! How are you? I missed you and your letters. I am glad that I have possibility to write you!Rick I hope you will be glad too when you will get message from me! I have prepared otherpicture of me for you. This picture was taken by one of my friends last summer in TurkeyMarmaris area when we have been on vacation. I would like to get recent pictures from you.I promise I will send pictures in my letters. I will do it as often as I can.I think you remember when I have told you about agency and documents I am preparing to cometo your country to get a job and perhaps to meet you! I think if we will want to meet eachother in future we can discuss it and try to meet in future. Do you agree Rick? Sorry,I am looking aside. I wrote you in my letters that I had to go to agency to check when mydocuments will be done. The agency is located in the other town. The name of this town isYalutorovsk. So I spent all the day to go there, to figure out all details about processof preparing my documents and to return to my town. I got compensatory holiday from mywork and went to Yalutorovsk town. I went back in the evening.,br> I figure out that almostall documents will be done during one week and all documents will be done in November! I amso glad and so excited! The agent of government agency said me to come to agency next week.He said the documents will be done till then. I was very happy and came back to my home withgood mood! I hope you are glad for me too! I think if document will be really done soon!As you know this is the best way for me to communicate with you. It's more convenient for meto use internet. I am not skilled in computers. My friends taught me how to use mail client,how to use e-mail address and some things more. I think it will be enough for me tocommunicate with you as much as we want. Do you agree with me Rick? I hope you canunderstand me that this is best way for me right now.Oh, by the way, here is information about official holidays here. We celebrate: New Year - 31December, Christmas - 7 January, Fatherland defender's day - 23 February, Internationalwomen's day - 8 March, the day of working people - 1 May, Victory day - 9 May, IndependenceDay - 12 June, The day of national unity - 4 November, Constitution day - 12 December. Myfavorite holidays are the New Year and the Christmas. Also we have other holidays here. Thatholidays not official, but people celebrate it all the same. I mean holidays like Valentines Day -14 February. Old new year - 14 January and other. I hope after you read my letter you couldlearn some more information about Russia.Rick I have to finish my e-mail to you. I have to go now. See you tomorrow. ok? I will waitfor your reply! Have a nice day and take care Rick. Your Natalia Letter#4 Rick hi from Natalia. I hope you are feeling good and you are glad to get my new message!
I am glad always when Ican get your e-mails and especially I am glad when I can get picture from you. Here is a pictureas I promised. I hope you will like this picture. This picture was taken when I have visited ouraccountant's office. Usually my friends take pictures of me, but sometimes it can be any personwhich I can ask to take a photo. I will send more pictures next time.Today we have a quiet and cool weather. The temperature -4 degrees of Celsius - it's not so cold.But usually we have more cold temperature during this time of year. We will have a lot of snowsoon I suppose! I like when we have big amount of snow. Together with friends we can play inthe snow and throw snowballs. I like it very much! Usually we have a lot of fun. I think I amactive person and like active rest. As I wrote you before I like play sport and any kinds ofoutdoors. I like swimming, jogging, fishing and more other. Rick do you know any girlswho like fishing? I like summer fishing and not like winter fishing because I think summerfishing is more active kind of fishing and I don't like to sit at the same place long time. Butwinter fishing imply sitting mostly. I hope you can understand me. In the past when my dad wasalive we went together to fishing often. He liked fishing too!I don't remember if I told you that I live in small apartment. Actually my apartment also hasbathroom, kitchen and little hall. My address is:Stroiteley st., 8-22ZavodoukovskTyumen' area627140Russia And my full name is Natalia Katsunova.
Can you send me your home address and full name? Maybe someday I will send handwrittenletter to you! Would you like me to do it Rick? Also I want to warn you. Do not send meany packages! I heard many stories when packages from foreign countries were stolen andreceiver didn't see them at all! Our post office is working not properly. I am sorry. I just don'twant that it will happen. Our town is very small and we don't have metro and trams. The mostpopular transport here is busses or taxi. Sometimes I use bus to get to my work place. Sometimes(not often) I am walking to my work because I live not so far form work. If I will use bus it takesabout 7-10 minutes of time, but if I will walk it take about 15-17 minutes to reach my work. Butusually I use my car to get to work. Yes I have a car and I have driver license. The name of car isOka. It's small russian car of white color. I got it from my dad. When he was alive he taught mehow to drive. I am not very experienced driver but I think I drive car not bad. I use my car formy purposes very often. I use it when I move to work, to shop or when I move to other town. Idon't have a garage and I leave my car at parking lot. It cost me 800 rubles per month. Can youtell me how often you use your car? Is car an imprescriptible thing in your life? Can you livewithout car Rick? I think I could.As you know I have a medical education. To get my profession I studied in Tyumen'. I finishedTyumen' Medical Academy. I have studied at dentist faculty during 6 years. I have a diploma. Iwant to tell you that all my life I wanted to be a doctor. I want to help people and want to healthem, especially children. I think its good profession. That's why I decided to go to learn to be adoctor. I like kids and want to have my own one day. I hope it will happen in close future. I thinkI will be good mother. Anyway I will try to be good mother and will do all I can to make ithappen. But before need to find a man who will love me and I have to get new job and come toyour country. I think I will try to find that man in your country. Maybe I already don't have tosearch for him.
Perhaps when I will come to your country and we can meet each other in futurewe could be more than just a friends but I think it's not time to talk about it. I think we need somemore time and we need to meet before we will be sure about it. I hope you are agreeing that thesethings are serious and we don't need to hurry. But anyway when I will find man I will love I wantto marry him. I want wedding, because I have never been married and I didn't had wedding. Ithink every woman want wedding with a white wedding dress, champagne, gifts and guests. Idon't want to tell that I want big and expensive wedding, no! I just want that this moment of mylife was unforgettable for me and for my future husband! I hope you understand. What do youthink about it Rick? Please let me know about your point of view. I would like to knowabout it. I want to ask you, would you really like to meet me in person? Do you like me? I likeyou and feel affection to you and to your letters and I think if we will have possibility to see eachother in real life it would be very, very nice!!!! I hope my letter not too long for you and youdidn't tired to read it? I hope you could learn more information about me. I would be glad to tellyou about myself more. Well, that's all for now Rick. See you soon again! Your good friend Natalia. Letter#5 Hello Rick! This is your Natalia. I hope you glad to get my letter today. I missed a lot! I was busy, I preparedto my trip and I visited my friend Marina who is in the hospital. I visit her every day and I havegood news - she almost recovered completely and will leave hospital tomorrow.
I am glad forher! Also I have not very good news too. Do you remember I have asked the housing departmentto install phone line? So they asked Phone Company about it and they said that it can be installedafter 2 next weeks. Not earlier! I am sad a little. I don't know now, do I have to get phone if Iwill leave Russia soon? I am not sure. I forgot to ask you, how are you Rick? Did you missme like I did? I am feeling good and my mood is nice. I hope you feel the same. I awoke thismorning with very good thoughts. I have seen a dream about us. Yes, I know exactly that it wasyou and me in my dream. You know, it was a wonderful dream! We had a leisurely walk on theseaside. We were going so close from the coast that the waves caress our feet. There was sobeautiful blue sky and the seagulls were whirling just around our heads. We were holding on ourhands, talking and laughing about something. Suddenly we stopped. Our eyes had met - I wasready to sink in the depth of your eyes... Then we had a long passion kiss. It was amazing! Soreal! I couldn't forget it! After this you lifted me up and brought me from the coast to the placewhere the sand was not so wet. You laid me carefully down on the sand and began to flatter me!Dzing-dzing-dzing-dzing-dzing!!!!!!!!! What's going on? Damn, it was my alarm clock, it awokeme and I couldn't watch my dream till the end. The dream was so natural! I began to believe thatit is a truth. It was so romantic! What do you think? Is it possible? Would you like it? If you haddreams about us can you tell me about it in details? I will be glad to hear your dream! Rick,I want to ask you one not modest question. Can we talk about sex together with you? Are you allright if we will talk about it? I hope it will not make you mad at me? I think we are adult peopleand we are so close to each other so we can talk about it without any timidity.
Do you agree?Please let me know about your point of view and in next letters we could talk about it. Because Ithink it is an important question. Am I right? Ok I will finish my e-mail. I love you and think ofyou! Rick I have attached picture for you. It was taken when I was at the black sea resort. Ialready mentioned I have been there some time ago.Hope to see you soon Rick. Your only Natalia Letter#6 ( getting to be very skeptical at this point,but i did send my information to this person anyway. was a mistake on my part) Hi again my zamechatelny (I mean wonderful) Rick! I want to tell you I had a lot of work. I am tired a lot, but it's not a problem. I have got tothe internet club right now and am writing to you this letter. I met my friend Marina todayand she ask me to tell you Hi from her! She glad that you and me became closer to each other! Itold her that I have found the real love and will be with you soon and it will be the happy lifebecause I really love you and I hope you really love me too! You are the man I dreamed about allmy life! Now I think our meeting is necessary thing! Do you agree with me? Do you want tomeet me like I want? Today we have a good weather.
The day was sunny and warm. Snow ismelting everywhere and the drops of water are falling down from the roofs of buildings. Thewinter is going away and the spring is coming. Rick I want to ask you one thing. Can youtell me convenient and closest airport in your city or in the closest city to you. I meanInternational airport. Perhaps you have more than one airport close to you so let me know aboutall of them. I think it will be more convenient for me to choose destination point. If you haveonly regional airport close to you, please tell me about it too. I will figure out how to reach it too.Rick I want to tell you I thought about you all the day even when I was tired. All the time Ithink of you and remember you because I want to meet you. I wait for a moment when