Female Scammer Natalia Cherkasova

Natalia Cherkasova

Female Scammer Natalia Cherkasova

E-mail: angelnatalya90@yahoo.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Natalia
Location [Address]: unknown Kiknur (Russia)
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Nata, Natali, Nataliya, Natalo

Reports :

Scamming scenario:

She has conned me out of over 7k now she started with she left her camera charger back at home in independence Missouri then went to Johannesburg and Uganda now she jas soppobly got to Kenya she os supposed to be a freelance photographer with all kinds of different problems she has used need money for food and internet, hotel,flight tickets hospital stays immigration fees visa has expired cab fair she will start a little slow at least did with me started with a 25 dollars card becouse was waiting for her bank to clear a 19000 dollar check from last job has sent me pics of soppobly a emails from her bank she has claimed to ise schools first fcu but when she gets to her destination the card wont work and has never happen to her before but if you can help she will surely pay you back and she will send you plenty of pictures of her but can't do video call she has used western union moneygram and iTunes card or steam card she may even offer to have her manager or a bank friend send you money she will try to get you to give her online access but isnt true anyway i can go on and on have talked with this person for several months.



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