Female Scammer Natalia Nikonova

Natalia Nikonova

Female Scammer Natalia Nikonova

E-mail: natka_kss86@yahoo.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Natalia
Location [Address]: Russia, 117485, Moscow, Profso Kordovo (Russia); Krasnoyarsk
Age: 25
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ana, Anechka, Aneshka, Ania, A

Reports :

Scamming scenario:
Hello my dear, my sweet Jay !!! How is your day my dear? How is your mood, health? I hope everything is fine with you there without me? Jay my dear, forgive me for not immediately replying to you. I know that you were waiting for a letter from me, but unfortunately I had a lot of work and I just did not find free time to write. Please forgive me if I made you wait with my answer. Jay that's as soon as I had a free minute, I immediately proceeded to write a letter to you.You know, Jay, today, when I woke up to work in the morning, my mood was excellent and my thoughts from the morning were about you and our future meeting. I wanted to wait until today for the end of my working day and only then send you a letter, but recently I received a call from a travel agency and I feel very upset about the news that my agent told me. That is why I decided to write you a letter right away. Jay, please do not think that something is wrong with the design of my journey to you. I signed a visa application agreement with a travel agency and everything is fine with that. Jay today my agent called me and told me that until Friday until December 14, I need to pay them money for the paperwork for the visa and also for their services. This is $ 510. I told her that I would not be able to pay until Friday, since my salary will be only at the end of the month and only then will I be able to pay them. She also said that they always take money in advance, since this money is needed for paperwork, and even more so on Saturday they should transfer the documents for consideration to your embassy. If I do not pay them, they will stop processing my documents and impose a fine on me according to the contract that I signed, a fine of $ 1020. Jay now you are probably very upset and this is my fault, since I did not carefully read the contract and did not notice the payment clause and now I don't know what to do. My salary will be only at the end of the month, but they do not want to wait and demand that I pay the money until Friday. Today I tried to borrow money from my colleagues and also from my parents, but now they also have no money and cannot help me. so I am now with tears in my eyes asking for your help with this money. I am ashamed in front of you because of this, but the thought of our meeting is pushing me to this act. Please Jay, don't be angry with me because of my request and if you can help me with $ 510, then I ask you to help me. I promise you that this money will not be lost and I will return this money back from my salary. I am now at a loss and I do not know who else to turn for help. Therefore, I decided to address you and I now only have to hope for your trust and what you also want so much to meet me. Please tell me, can you help me with this money for documents and for a visa? I ask you not to turn away from me now and help me, ok.Well, now I can only wait with anxiety in my heart for your answer. I will pray to God that you do not get angry with me and understand my situation. My mood is now very bad, but in my heart I hope that after reading your answer, my mood will rise. Please just don't make me wait and answer me right away, ok.I look forward to hearing from you. Your Olga.



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