Female Scammer natalia rysak

natalia rysak

Female Scammer natalia rysak

E-mail: Nataliastomatdoctua@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: natalia
Location [Address]:
Age: 32
Birth Date: 19/9/1987
natalia rysak

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my dear one!!!! My angel, my knight as your affairs???? My angel I am happy as never to receive your letters again and again!!!!! You are my inspiration, my support in this hard life!!!!! You that the man of which I think always..... With which I want to be.... Your letters, your gentle words and in particular your photo force to beat my heart fastly and fastly.... Earlier I never would think, that someone can cause in me such strong emotions..... But you have appeared and all has changed..... I am happy, madly happy that have found you!!!!!!! I am ready to shout about it for the whole world!!!! Yesterday I after internet-cafe went to be engaged in a sports hall so it is tired that has hardly reached a house and since morning of fur-trees have risen from bed, Even thought to not go for work, but from work you will not get to anywhere and at the same time the letter to you to write it would be desirable. I so would not like to be full, therefore I look after myself. After training took a hot bath. You would like to take with me a bath filled with fragrant foam and petals of roses???.... My dear Ken today I have accepted that decision about which you asked... I for a long time thought all last day.... You have appeared in my life as a ray of light and I do not want you to lose.... Never... I see, I believe, that you really love me and I open for you the heart....



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