Female Scammer Natalia Semenova

Natalia Semenova

Female Scammer Natalia Semenova

E-mail: natmacpic12@rambler.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Natalia
Location [Address]: Russia, 665724, Bratsk, Vozro Bratsk (Russia)
Age: 21
Birth Date:
Aliases: Nata, Natali, Nataliya, Natalo

Reports :

Of course she was always tired but she made very good money! I think I can do it too! Now she is in Europe, working for 3 months. She wrote me she liked to work in the USA better! I want to find a man who can tell me about the life over there and maybe of course something more then just a friend!!! I don't have a boyfriend so I'm free for new adventures!!! I'm in Russia now, but soon I will leave Russia to make my trip so you can forget about our distance. I've never been abroad, only in the South of Russia, the Black Sea, Sochi. I like warm climate )) According to my visa I can work in your country for 3 months, I can prolong it to 6 months if I want. After 6 months staying over there I can go home or try to get a green card.



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