Female Scammer Olga Chemekova
E-mail: createtolove1979@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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First Name: | Olga |
Location [Address]: | Russia, 150000, Yaroslavl, Len Yaroslavl (Russia) |
Age: | 26 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Helga, Lelya, Olchik, Olechka, |
Reports :
Letter 1
From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: Hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Hello Date: Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:56:35 AM Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:56:35 +0000 [View Source] Hi! Have good day!. Thank that you have answered to me. The computerin service of acquaintances found to me some structures of peoplewhich coincide with my inquiry. I preliminary studied them and hasdecided to send you to the first the message because your structureseems to me more interesting. I hope, that You have time to send mesome messages that we could it is better to find out each other. Ishall tell a little about myself; my age of 26 years old , my name isOlga. I was not married and I live in an apartment of my parents. Ilike home cosiness and I dream to meet a man who I can share all mylife with. Some years, after the ending of training I work nurse inchildren\'s hospital. To me to like productive leisure, periodically goin for sports for maintenance of a body. I like to travel and be indifferent places, but my work does not allow me to do it frequently. Ihave many friends, we sometimes together spend time, play billiardsand tennis, we have other entertainment. I send you the picture thatyou knew my person. Also I want to ask you to send me some pictures ofyou. Please ask things interesting you about me and inform me some theinformation on you: what you love an entertainment? What yourcharacter? What You love qualities in women? Whether You had the wife?I shall answer on your questions and to inform you it is more aboutitself in following E-mail! I shall be to wait for your messages. Yourfriend Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: Hellreich@comcast.net Subject: If is my life Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 2:35:50 PM Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:35:50 +0000 [View Source] Hi. I am glad to receive again your message, every day we start tolearn each other better and for me it is an interesting thing, Yourse-mail. last time at me on soul is present boredom, not Occurs anyjoyful things and your message now for me As a solar beam. , thanks,that you wrote to me some answers to my questions. Yours e-mail whatyou the person gradually helps me to understand. Lovely for anentertainment I like to go in parks, on picnics, to dances, in thevisitors to the friends. Lovely what is your name? I send you otherpicture of. I hope, that it will be To like you. Tell to me more indetail about the family. Whether it is a lot of at You relatives? Whatat you with them of the relation? As frequently you Gather? In myfamily very much close relations. I to you already Informed, that Ilive with mum and the daddy. We live in a cosy apartment, where Thereare three inhabited rooms, and as kitchen, a balcony and a bathroom. Ihave a room. I the only child at the parents. A name my FatherVladimir, him 51 years old and he Works the builder. My mother Olga,her 48 years old. Now she does not work some years and Is engaged inhousekeeping. We like each other, sometimes We are chosen for city foran entertainment. In the summer we go on a beach and on fishing.During the winter period of time we go for a drive on skates and aski. This good time for me! In private life I have emptiness. Lastrelations at me were the last year. One was The boyfriend, but I haveleft him. we did not like each other and had various interests. Amongassociates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for seriousrelations. Good men to become it is ever less and annoyingly in Nexttime to test disappointment when you think that has met The suitableperson. Likely therefore I also have addressed in serviceacquaintances. Probably here I can find the person who will be Me tolove, appreciate and understand. It is not important for me hisfinancial situation and work by which he makes. I have specified in astructure that I search more Advanced age because I think, that theperson which has lived There is enough years, already has experienceand has learned to appreciate women and to address With them. I shallbe ready to give myself all without the rest to such person and Ithink, that the main advantage of the woman is fidelity and skill Tomake family happy, without quarrels and conflicts. On it I I finishthe letter. , write to me the ideas that I Has told to you. I wait foryour messages. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: Hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Have good day Date: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:57:12 AM Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:57:12 +0000 [View Source] Hi Edward. It is pleasant, that you studied my some ideas in the lastmessage. Edward, I usually do not tell about the deep ideas andopinions, but to you has written, because has felt desire to open itto you. I more independent woman, but probably sometimes am necessarythat there was one man, which can to open and trust - sometimesfrequently it happens hardly to reflect on all these things. I amglad, that has found at you understanding me, you see it happens notfrequently. Lovely on a photo my dog. Her name Chara. Edward It istime to me to go to do some home work and it is necessary to meet thefriends. By the way I told by him, that got acquainted with you, andparents too. Have good day. I wait for your letters. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: Hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Hi, my dear Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:29:52 AM Sat, 11 Mar 2006 16:29:52 +0000 [View Source] HI dear Edward!Edward, today I have very intense day on my work. I found a little timewhat to send you this news and And to inform, that I miss, when I waityours e-mail. Yours Olga.P.S. Edward, write to me I is glad to your letters. Your letters give to me forces. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: Hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Hi, sweetness Date: Sunday, March 12, 2006 12:24:54 PM Sun, 12 Mar 2006 17:24:54 +0000 [View Source] Dear Edward! Thanks for this e-mail from you. your letters are verypleasant to me. This week there is a new theme for considerings, andthese new ideas excite me. I do not know as you Edward, but for mestarts to have importance our exchange e-mail. These are new emotionsin my quiet heart. For me it is not usual, to get acquainted with theman on e-mail, for many miles from me and it is possible to haverelations. I did not inform you earlier Edward the address because itis not enough knew you. I live in average area of Russia, in cityYaroslavl. To regret it is far from you, differently it was notnecessary for us much e-mail, to find out each other. We could meet,talk, to spend some time together and it is quite good to find outeach other. But for us it will be not a fast way. But I hope, that itwill not be problem for us if we shall decide to make it in thefuture. I already made some travel to other countries. I travelled, asthe tourist, to Europe (it is Turkey, Italy, Egipt). Therefore Edward, you should not have excitements of that is present distance betweenus. I such woman, that if I shall like the person for a meeting withhim, I shall reach even on the moon. In our days is not a problem tomake such travel. I not I worry about it and even I have devotedfeelings, having got acquainted with The person on the other hand. Forme it is very interesting feelings- To find out the person with otherculture, thinking, traditions. It One of things - which draws me toyou. Not the main thing,- But new and interesting. Probably if ourrelations will be strong and you Edward, you can find out themysterious Russian woman. I hope, that for you it is interesting tofind out and test love of such woman? I I think, road Edward That youcannot resist to mine for a long time female magic, If happen so, thatwe shall be the person to To the person. My favourite colour yellow. Ilike different music. I listen to Russian music frequently. You knowany Russian executors? It is pleasant to me Red hot chilly peppersusually. My favourite foodstuffs is a pizza and various salads. I alsoprefer meat dishes, but it seems, that it is very harmful to mystomach. On it I finish my message to you Edward. I wait for yourmessages. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Hello, gorgeous Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:08:25 AM Wed, 15 Mar 2006 16:08:25 +0000 [View Source] Hi my dear! I now read yours e-mail, and it was interesting to me tofind out your opinion that I spoke you in my last message. Ourexchange of opinions is interesting to me and I think, that now I canmake some opinion on what your character. Dear, I would like to findout, how you like to spend the free time. I very cheerful person alsothink out Various entertainments for itself and the friends. To me tolike to help them to make life interesting. It can be differentthings: Dances, cinema, parties or entertainments on the nature. Butif to speak frankly in the last these entertainments give time I haveless than pleasure. I frequently dream of romantic evening with thefavourite person, it can be a supper or simply walk . I think, that init there is a lot of charm. You the romantic person Ed? Whether youthink, sometimes, of such things? You like cosy evenings with thefamily? I very much love holidays when all family gathers, behind onetable. It is very cosy and comfortable for me. And how you like tocarry out holidays dear? What for you makes a cosiness and rest? Tellto me please about it Ed. Ed, excuse me for a question: whether thereis at you now any woman? I think, that you are good, as the man and Tolike many women. Because at me good taste, and you to like me. Whatyour private life now, Please tell about it. Probably you have to meany frank questions? I shall answer them. Write to me more in detailabout the feelings and desires, to me to like to read, when you tellabout yourself, I am ready To listen about it. I wait for yourmessages. My embraces. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Russia Date: Friday, March 17, 2006 12:22:40 PM Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:22:40 +0000 [View Source] Hi Edward! Have good day! You have not sent a picture yourselvesplease do it. I shall wait a picture you. Edward, you ask, where Ilive - to regret it is far from you. Otherwise it was not necessaryfor us much e-mail, to learn each other. I live in an average part ofRussia, in city Yaroslavl. But if we shall decide to meet, I hope,that it not will be a problem for us because I have made a littletravel to other countries. I was in the several countries of Europe;for example Turkey, Egypt. I made these travel as the tourist.Therefore Edward, you should not have excitement be relative that wenot beside. I such woman, that if I shall like the person for ameeting I shall reach even on the moon. Besides in our days is not aproblem to make such travel. I not I worry about it and I havenecessary feelings to get acquainted and it is possible to haverelations with the person of other state. It is very interesting -other culture, thinking, traditions. For me this new- probably and youEdward can learn , that such the Russian woman. You also you askconcerning other address in my structure; first I specified in astructure the country, but then a computer of service acquaintancesdid not accept my structure and informed, that I tried enter theinformation once again. I did it still few times, but it again askedme to do new attempt. Then I did experiment and specified in astructure, that I from other country and my structure at once was itis accepted. I think, that it or a mistake with programs of a computeror this the service of acquaintances works not with each country. Onit I stop the letter. Write and ask questions. I shall wait for yourse-mail. Yours Olga From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Evening with the friends Date: Saturday, March 18, 2006 11:11:46 AM Sat, 18 Mar 2006 16:11:46 +0000 [View Source] Hi my dear Edward! I am glad again to speak with you! You write me, Bythe way, yesterday I had quite good evening with my friends. Wereached in one club also there were there some hours. First we had thegood supper and some glasses of champagne, then played bowling Alsodanced. Impressions have remained good, only when I saw , as some mygirlfriends danced and kissed the men - I had small envy to them. Ithought of you and represented for itself, what you beside Edward.That you too embrace me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. Andyou Edward, when see around the in love pairs people, - that recollectme? As frequently you with the friends reach in any bar or club? Whenyou are in these places girls frequently try to get acquainted withyou? To me very much frequently men approach and try to beginacquaintance, but I at once I help them to understand, that with methese things to fail. Edward, I frequently I think above your messagesand I understand, that you it is serious concerning me. I too do notlook at our dialogue as on an entertainment, and I write you some verypersonal words and things, as to the close person. And I want to tellto you Edward, that I am glad, that at me is such the person - as you!I wait for your messages and I think of you. Mine to you gentleKisses! Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Are you OK? Date: Monday, March 20, 2006 1:07:53 PM Mon, 20 Mar 2006 18:07:53 +0000 [View Source] Hi mine lovely! I hope, that at you all OK! It was pleasant for me toread your message and thank for your words. I send you other picture,probably to those pictures which you already saw, you got used. Ihope, that This picture will give again to you good emotions. Today mywork is finished earlier and I, having written to you this letter, Ishall prepare for a dinner for my family. Mine to mum is sick a littleand today to me to prepare for it. By the way, dear, what foodstuffsis loved for you? That you prefer; sweets, meat, a fish? Inform me itEd. I am able to consult not bad on to kitchen, my mum cared of itmany years back. You can be convinced of it, in due time. I easilymake various salads, soups, and also game and a fish. In the greaterdegree I prefer a fish, and also to me very much to like fruit; kivi,bananas, pineapples and a melon. Today houses I shall prepare for thechinese hen and vegetable salad. Probably you Ed, love the tastyfoodstuffs. We have proverb; \" the way to heart of the man - passesthrough his stomach! \" I was many times convinced of it when observedof my father. Therefore Ed, I shall reach to your heart with the helpof my culinary abilities. It is a joke!!! Now I go on kitchen . Ihope, that mine the daddy will be pleased. I wait for your messages!My kisses. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: About the future Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:11:36 AM Wed, 22 Mar 2006 10:11:36 +0000 [View Source] Hi my dear Ed! I am glad to speak again with you! Thank for yourse-mail. I am glad Ed, that in our relations there is a promotion andwe became more close people. I tell about you mine much to parents andfriends. They hope, that will sometime get acquainted with you Ed.They insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my parents areespecially persevering. I have told him , that is serious I treat youEd, also that you the good person. You know Ed, that parents alwayswish children only good and are pleased, when their children are happyin all. The daddy loves mine fishing and he now goes pleased on anapartment and speaks, that now he has person , which can be invitedfor fishing. I for a long time laughed and have told to him, that atall I do not know, you like it to do whether or not. Also that heearly it is pleased, in fact it is possible to you not interestingly.Also know, that he answered? he has told, that in the summer he willbe going for you good fishing tackle also will learn you to cookpresent to an ear. And you Ed, told to close people about me? Whatthey have opinion? inform me please it. You have any plans concerningour relations? I think, that for us will be very much it is good, ifwe can carry out some days together. It will be to strengthen ourrelations and will help us to learn better each other. Probably thenext month we can meet. For example in Europe or the other place.Understand me correctly Ed, I cannot yet to invite you to itself. Ilive at the parents and for the present not enough I know you for thispurpose. Between us there were only we messages and I think, that tous it is better, all over again to meet in the friend place. I verymuch would want to be with you alone, to see you the eyes and a touchto you! Dear so we can make full opinion on us to learn about manythings. Let\'s be to discuss it Ed. The large thank for such perfectphoto. It very much was pleasant to me. I shall leave it in thephotoalbum. I wait for your opinions, I miss also a kiss of you. YoursOlga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: Subjects: a good way Date: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:21:40 AM Thu, 23 Mar 2006 16:21:40 +0000 [View Source] Hi mine dear Ed! Have good day! I am glad, that my messages pleasantfor you. How you feel yourself , dear? I - ok. I a little excited, andyesterday I hardly fell asleep. I was grasped with an idea about toour meeting. For me and I have this joyful event from it muchemotions. Such as excitement both the big impatience and expectationof this day . You have brought the whole sea of emotions in my lifeEd, and it is difficult for me with it to consult, but I can tell,that it pleasantly and gave me new push and the purpose for life. Ithink, lovely, that it is necessary for us to arrange our meeting sothat there were no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. Ican arrange on my work, that to have some days free for me. Ed, andyour work will be to allow you to make it? Probably you have theintense schedule with the work also you should be absent. Then we canmeet more close from you or even I could arrive to you on some days.For me there is no problem to make longer travel. If such way moreconvenient for you and my arrival to not create inconvenience for youEd, let\'s choose this plan. It for me even it is more good, because Ican see as you live , your friends, you can show me the city andvarious, , that you can loved for you, a place. And if for you it isnecessary to visit the work. At the work I can take holiday, thereforeI do not worry about the affairs. Inform me dear, the opinions! If itis a good way for you too I shall make preparations for travel. Mykisses and embraces. Yours Olga. From: Olga [Add to Address Book] To: hellreich@comcast.net Subject: I adore you! Date: Monday, March 27, 2006 12:22:21 PM Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:22:21 +0000 [View Source] Hi my lovely! It is pleasant for me to read your words. I am glad tolearn, that you are ready to accept me in the house.My new photo,where I have left on walk with the girlfriend and she has taken withherself the camera. We went for a walk in a court yard of a house andrecollected the pleasant moments from our life. Thank, that you trustme, my dear. Ed, I want to tell to you that in the past the message Iwanted to check, as far as seriously you treat to me . Forgive forthis lovely, but you should understand me. For me was it is veryimportant to know, whether you will agree to accept me in the thehouse whether or not. If you insisted, that we met somewhere in hotelor in the other place, - that to me should to think, what not you wantto play host to me because you have the wife or or you not it isserious enough to me, and you want to meet me for an entertainment. Itcheck - was small precaution. I heard, that many people get acquaintedto have only sex with the new person, though in the structure inform,that have serious intentions. Now I am sure in you Ed, and I am glad,that you appeared really that the person whom I want to meet! Loved, Iwith big pleasure, I shall carry out at you some days. These days Ishall reach in agency of travel and to receive t