Female Scammer Olga Sutyagina

Olga Sutyagina

Female Scammer Olga Sutyagina

 10 ratings     

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First Name: Olga
Location [Address]: Kotelnich
Birth Date:

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Scamming scenario:

Scammer report read more information about Scammer after registration Total photos: 4 View big photos 1 234Next She use as well name Elean, Alena, Tatyana, Add/read comments (total: 10) # Name: Olga Sutyagina # E-mail: olgasut27@mail.ru # Address: Russia , Kotelnich # Seen at: http://www.romances..om/album/ # Dangerous: 78% # Details: Dear ****** !!! How are you? I hope you are all right. I'm writing to you because I miss you greatly. This morning I was walking about the town with my friend Irina and her boy-friend. The seemed so happy. I even envied her and wished you had been with me there. They laughed, kissed and walked hand-in-hand. They payed attention to me spas modically. I'm upset as I want to be by your side. I have foreign passport because I went on rest in Turkey. I needed to make only visa and will buy the ticket aboard the plane. To receive the visa It is necessary 350 $ and I do not have such money. If you can to me to help with this money?I shall try to do the visa and to come to you. Please, email back what you think of it? Love you Your Olga.



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