Female Scammer Olga Tomilina

Olga Tomilina

Female Scammer Olga Tomilina

E-mail: Olgafed3@yahoo.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Olga
Location [Address]: From Shevekhov 25 miles SE of Irkutsk Uses Moscow address for money: 121552,Russia,Moscow,street Ost
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
You are ready to give me money as soon as I will arrive to you. But I don't have money! As should arrive!? I've borrowed slightly from the parents, but to me all the same does not suffice. I hoped that you can help me. And you will be my angel - keeper. I think, and I dream of that time, when we can conduct together. You know: I'll return you money! Understand correctly. We build ours with you the future! Probably we are intended for each other. I think you understand me! If you listen to your heart and inner voice, you will find the real choice, I believe. Please tell me that what you decide.. I'll respect to you what you can do. I don't want to loose time with anybody. I'll go on my way to find I dream and miss. That's the happiness. You see all this for the sake of our happiness!!! I wait your letters.



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