Female Scammer olya sukhorukova

olya sukhorukova

Female Scammer olya sukhorukova

E-mail: olya@invitation.co.ua
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: olya
Location [Address]: Kiev
Age: 31
Birth Date: 31/5/1988
olya sukhorukova

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Honey I'm so happy to hear from you, thanks God you answer, Kitten please forgive me about everything it, I wanted To explain you everything when you'd come to me, but probably it's for Luck that you knew everything earlier. Sorry about all this. But Russ I'm not fake, I was and I'm seriouse about you and everything That I've writen to you in my letters are truth, please believe me, I've never lied you nothing about me and about my feelings to you. Now I send you my real photo, I've thought that you'd not like me as I Really look, that's why I send you the photo of model, now I'm also not Sure that you will like my appearance, I can only hope on it... Also, Russ I want to ask you, if you not like me just write me about It, I'll be waiting to hear your opinion.. I want just to know can I Hope on relationship with you or not...



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