Female Scammer rita dominic

rita dominic

Female Scammer rita dominic

E-mail: ritadominic779@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: rita
Location [Address]: Accra
Age: 35
Birth Date: 12/3/1984

Reports :

-Original Message-
In your letter I have seen a lot of your love to me! I very much appreciate it! But you would know, how hardly to me to write this letter. I today called in the embassy in Moscow and learned there how I can arrive to you, to me there gave such answer,that the best variant of arrival to you it will be registration of visa B-2, its validity of 90 days from the date of arrival in , and registration in very short term, only one or two days, but I am very strong frustration when I have learned its price, a total cost of the visa of 500 American dollars, the visa costs only 100 dollars, but plus to this it is necessary to pay 250 dollars on consular gathering and as on medical insurance and all this together makes about 500 dollars when to me have told this price, at me on cheeks flew tears... I explained them, that, he is that person without which I can not to live, and I very much would like it to see, they have answered me, that anything do they may not, all of them understand, but rules are rules, on another in any way it is impossible, but they have told me, that I might ask this money to the visa for you, they me have told, that loving person should pay for the loved, I in him has told, that it slightly is not polite, but they to me have explained, that all of you will understand, I very much hope for your understanding.



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