Female Scammer Rose Whoyle
E-mail: rosewhoyle@hotmail.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Rose |
Location [Address]: | |
Age: | 25 |
Birth Date: | 9/4/1990 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
-Original Message-
My dearest its me here, i am glad to hear from you this evening and your letters the same as medicine for my heart and i need more medicine for my body,i need your touches and hugs,i need your kisses. Dear i would gladly send you my phone # but the last time i had it before it was crashed in metro(undeground) and i have not seen it from those time, i do have one at work but i am busy often and if someone hear your english not sure that they can understand that you want to talk to me but i will try to call you by myself later soon. How are you doing there ? I am fine but more and more tired with every day here,i catch my boss today and she was in a beautiful mood and she said i can plan vacation,but no later than from 7 of November, because she has a plan for work for December here will not be many doctors and i will need to go, i start the process with papers and i will get everything ready very soon,so please send me 3 digit name of the airport near you and i will give you the info hopefully on weekend, i think i can fly to you there for two weeks we can spend together, will that be ok for the first time ? and we can make plans after, what to do the next.are you ready for my visit Roberto ? will you be my tour guide,my friend,my boyfriend,my soulmate ? it is how my dad has told to me that if the lady want to work, you should give her an opportunity to do it, but if she does not,you should give her chance to stay home for some time, i am ready for changes dearest,i feel i can trust you and your writings show me the way you feel and this way is so close to my heart and my private and i am sure we will be able to become the Family in future and support each other as in every right family,so lets make the plans and i think to start from papers now because it will be good idea and we wont do it in future,we can visit my family here later and i know they will be happy to see us together,i did cooked chicken yesterday and had my cousins for a visit they send you all their best regards and wish to see us together someday soon, it was later at night and they were tired also and we just talk not for long and they did like chicken so much,i served it with potatoes and vegetables and i cook the ***** by myself,it is little bit spicy but i am sure you will love it a lot,my prince Roberto i want to make all your dreams to come true,everything brings me only positive emotions now, so what is about you ? you are always in my heart and i can not describe in words how do i feel sometimes but it is beautiful feeling,i do have more pictures for you we have little beach here in St.Petersburg but it was made the last year but i keep in fit and my body is the same as before i like training but my body need your care,do you understand me my dearest ? sometimes i can have a tear at night because of being lonely without you please tell me we will be together soon and you will never let me go and you will hug me so gentle and never let me go anywhere ! Looking forward to hearing from you soon With million kisses