Female Scammer Sandra Fredrick

Sandra Fredrick

Female Scammer Sandra Fredrick

E-mail: lonlly2007@yahoo.co.uk
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Sandra
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 31
Birth Date:
Aliases: Samdra, Sandrah

Reports :

We got your questions and happy to answer it. We understood that you are going to visit ** and use for it short term tourist visa. We also understood that you are going to visit your romantic partner, who is the resident of ** and who is going to take full responsibility for your staying there. Here we are providing you with the list of necessary documents and other procedures, that you should be going through. As we could also understand you are going to apply for visa through service of travel agent in Azerbaijan, who has experience in it. So I think yours travel agent should already provide you with the same information. Required documents for all application for Schengen-visa to ** (All requirements mentioned in section 1 must be presented by all applicants).

What must the invitation contain: Information about why you have been invited, for example to a wedding or a christening proposed dates for the visits and, if relevant, the dates of the family gathering information about the person inviting you, for example about his/her work and home information about the relationship between you and the person inviting you, for example whether you are related if the person inviting you is also giving a financial guarantee, this should be stated in the invitation. You will need also to visit any Visa Application Centre of Schengen Area which is represented in Azerbaijan and provide them with your biometric information. After it this appears at Visa Information System ( VIS). The VIS is now being progressively deployed in all EU Schengen States' consulates and embassies worldwide (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, **, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Croatia). The Visa Information System aims at simplifying the visa application process and border control procedures as well as fighting the counterfeit of documents and theft of identity.

Under the VIS, mandatory fingerprinting is introduced for all Schengen (short stay) visa categories. Consular sections must collect biometric data – fingerprinting of ten fingers - from all visa applicants. Consequently, all visa applicants, irrespective of nationality, shall be required to present themselves at the consular section of The Embassy of ** or at the Visa Application Centre any of indicated Schengen States at the time of their visa application. Then you will need to pay fees for visa application and wait while ** Embassy in Ankara review it. In according to our recent practice and information that you provided us, in cases similar to yours we believe that everything should be fine with your visa application and you should get tourist short term visa to ** without problems.



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