Female Scammer sindy becky
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First Name: | sindy |
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-Original Message-
I think of you all the time missing you. You're so neccessary for methat it's difficult for me staying here alone without you. If only youhappen to know how badly I wait for the time I'll be able to read anew letter from you!Now I know I'm madly in love. I want to come to you, to hug you tofeel you're real and it wasn't just a dream. I wanna be yours. My dearPatrice I can't wait to be together with you. If we menaged to creatserious and trustful relationships, I would be the happiest woman inthe world. I like everything in your character. have very seriousintentions to you. After a long time I feel I've found someone who'llcare of me and support. I'm absolutely honest with you now and Ireally want to spend the rest of my life with you. My feelings to youare so strong that I'm scared to death to lose you. I appreciate youso much! I need real love, trust and honesty . I begging God to giveme a chance to meet you. I want to know you better and experiencehappiness. Maybe then we will want to creat a family and to betogether forever... I talked to the menager. He was very polite andhelping. I decided to sign the contract with this agency. I've alreadypaid them the first part of money for their service. That's for visaand all other neccessary documents for my trip. It was more then Iexpected. I thought it would cost about $200 but unfortunately itoccered to be $500 because of some difficulties I wasn't aware about.That's not a very good news. It means that maybe my funds won't beenough for the trip. I feel shy telling you it but maybe I'll needyour help with paying for the other part of the price. I still havesome money left: my own and my relatives'. I'll have to pay for theinsurence of the flight and for the tickets. The price of the ticketsis unknown now because travel agents have to make up my route. Theprice depands on the distance for expence. It's difficult for me toask you for help but I want to be honest - I don't earn much. I hopeyou'll understand me. I've never asked anyone for anything like thisso I feel ill at ease. The only thing that makes me do it is my greatdesire to be with you. I hope it won't be an unsolvable problem foryou. Our lifes depend for happiness on money. It's so unfair!So that's the progress of our meeting at the . The menager says theyneed further information about you: your full name, home address,calling number and the nearest airport to your city. I'd be verythankful to you if you could send me this information as soon as youcan. The sooner, the better.The menager says they are responsible for all the people going abroadusing their agency. After I give him all information about you he willtell me the total price of the trip. I'm sending you my address as anexample of what you should send me. Russia.republic Tatarstan.