Female Scammer Tatyana
E-mail: stina0608@gmail.com
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Tatyana |
Location [Address]: | Cheboksary |
Age: | 32 |
Birth Date: | 3/3/1983 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Letter 1She sent me a note on my e-mail account after responding to her through www.AsianFriendFinder.com. Her are some of her e-mails in order from first to last e-mail.Hello !!! I am glad to get acquainted with you.Forgive that I at once could not answer you. I had affairs.And only now I have free time to answer you.I had registered on a site of acquaintances to get acquainted with good man.I never got acquainted with men through the Internet earlier!!I hope that you will answer me!I wait with impatience of the answer!!!Tatyana!!! Bye-Bye:)) It again me!It is very a pity that between us there is a distinction in time!I think, that should inform at once to you some things concerning my character. I the romantic woman, and me am pleasant to read love novels and as I like to look films about love, about fine relations between the man and the woman. I would like to meet the same person in a life to live with him all life. But frequently such relations very quickly come to an end. I want to find the good person for serious relations, it is possible and for creation of family. I think, that the love is necessary for this purpose. While I have not met in the life Such person to whom I would decide to give myself and the life. Write please, what you think of it??Tell to me what woman you dream To meet in the life?Excuse that I ask such questions you! I understand that we are completely not familiar with you! But me it is important for knowing to continue our acquaintance. Now I should work! I shall write later! It again me!It is very a pity that between us there is a distinction in time!I think, that should inform at once to you some things concerning my character. I the romantic woman, and me am pleasant to read love novels and as I like to look films about love, about fine relations between the man and the woman. I would like to meet the same person in a life to live with him all life. But frequently such relations very quickly come to an end. I want to find the good person for serious relations, it is possible and for creation of family. I think, that the love is necessary for this purpose. While I have not met in the life Such person to whom I would decide to give myself and the life. Write please, what you think of it??Tell to me what woman you dream To meet in the life?Excuse that I ask such questions you! I understand that we are completely not familiar with you! But me it is important for knowing to continue our acquaintance. Now I should work! I shall write later! It again me!I have written to you letter but you yet haven't answered to me!If you don't want to correspond with me tell to me!I shall not take offence!!I wait!! Tatyana!!!! Hello!I have understood why you have not answered me!! I have absolutely overlooked that between our countries there is a distinction in time zone!I feel a silly woman!I hope that tomorrow you will write to me!Tatyana!!!! hello my friend!!!, I was very glad to receive yours e-mail because itspeaks me, that I too have interested you.:)You liked my photo??? I hope, what yes, and I shall send to you of more photos later.My friend, at me to you is a lot of questions. I want to set them in the letters, I hope you will answer me sincerely?-Ok?oh excuse, but it is time to me to accept the next patients.I shall write to you later!!Tatyana!!!! Hi my friend!!!As I also promised I write to you as soon as was released.Unfortunately at me a tough job and I spend a lot of time for it.But for you I shall try to find a free time always.I have overlooked to tell to you about the work! I work as the children's doctor!!I the pediatrist!! I like my work!!!I very much love children therefore have chosen this trade!!! Children - flowers of a life!!Therefore we should care of them!! You love children??Where you work?? You like your work??? It is very interesting to me to know where you work!I I hope do not set to you too many questions? I hope to you not difficultly to answer my questions?Simply it is very interesting to me to learn about you more!Now I should come back again to the work so I shall write to you on later.Tatyana!!!!!! Hello!!I hope I do not write to you too many letters!Now I have finished work and now I shall go home!!I shall try to write to you the letter from a house in the evening!!I live far from work!Sometimes I go home on foot! To me 45-50 minutes are necessary to go on foot approximately!Therefore after work I at once leave home! Now at us very quickly darkens! I am afraid to go at night!In Russia different crimes very are frequently made! Therefore I am always very cautious!And how struggle with criminality in your country?? I heard on the TV that at you few criminals! It is the truth??Now I have run! I hope you will answer my questions!Tatyana!!!!bye-bye:))) I have overlooked to tell where I live!Actually I live in Russia!! When I did the questionnaire on a site of acquaintances I could not put the Russian postal index! Therefore I had to tell that I live in America!I am not guilty that the site did not accept my postal index!I live approximately in 850 kilometers from Moscow!I Live in Mary El !My settlement borders on the Kirov area! You heard about the city of Kirov??I live settlement Novyy Toryal! I send you a map of the republic that you knew where I live!!My settlement not so big! It is very interesting to me where you live!Please tell to me a little about the city!I work as the Pediatrician in the settlement! I very much like my work! Unfortunately many children are sick! I am glad that I can to help them! I want to tell to you why I till now one!In my life one was man. I thought that I love ithim.I thought that he too loves me. I met him about a floor of year. All seemed that хорjшо!But однажlы I have seen him with other woman!! During that moment at me all has turned over inside!I could not believe the eyes! Ithe kissed and embraced another жеyщнину!My heart has been broken! After that case I did not want to live!To you sometime changed?? It is very hurt! Even I shall not wish the enemy to go through change!After that case I have left him. Since then I have understood as a lot of pain can bring love!It was very difficult for me to go through that time!! Even now it is hard for me to recollect it! Hello Steve !!I am glad to see your letter!!!I have now come for work and at once have checked up a mail! I am very happy that you answer me!Unfortunately I now have not enough time! I simply wanted to tell that have received your letter!I shall write to you during a lunch break!! Now at me on reception the small child was! I surveyed him and appeared that he is very sick! At him a pneumonia.To me began so it is a pity him! It has come to hospital one! I have asked where his parents, He has told that they at home - drunk!It is very awful! Parents do not bring up the child! he requires medical aid and to parents on it to spit!I was in a shock when it have heard! To me began so it is a pity this child.Now I have put him in chamber on treatment. he should recover.To me has carried that I have family! My mum always tries to help me.I already spoke you about the father. Recently he started to drink very strongly vodka. I many times talked to him that he has ceased to drink.But he does not listen to me. My mum too tried to talk to him. It is very hard for me to look as my father every day drinks.I never drink vodka. I drink only on holidays a few fault.I do not understand as it is possible to drink vodka every day. What for people have thought up alcohol? Alcohol has brought to people so much burning!You with me agree? It is important for me to know that you think in this occasion. Excuse that I could not write to you after work! I had many patients!Already very much late and I want to sleep! I wanted to wish you good night! Though at you now probably morning. I wish you successful day!I am now very tired and I want to sleep! I peep to you this letter from a house!Now I have gone to sleep! Bye-Bye!!!! Now at me on reception the small child was! I surveyed him and appeared that he is very sick! At him a pneumonia.To me began so it is a pity him! It has come to hospital one! I have asked where his parents, He has told that they at home - drunk!It is very awful! Parents do not bring up the child! he requires medical aid and to parents on it to spit!I was in a shock when it have heard! To me began so it is a pity this child.Now I have put him in chamber on treatment. he should recover.To me has carried that I have family! My mum always tries to help me.I already spoke you about the father. Recently he started to drink very strongly vodka. I many times talked to him that he has ceased to drink.But he does not listen to me. My mum too tried to talk to him. It is very hard for me to look as my father every day drinks.I never drink vodka. I drink only on holidays a few fault.I do not understand as it is possible to drink vodka every day. What for people have thought up alcohol? Alcohol has brought to people so much burning!You with me agree? It is important for me to know that you think in this occasion. Today at us fine weather. Since morning the sun shines and sing birdies.I have overlooked to tell to you where I was born! I was born in the city of Samara!! But then I with parents have moved to republic Mari El!!!I live near to the river near to the River Volga!! You probably heard about this river. It is one of the biggest rivers in Europe!!In the summer I many times bathed in this river! You like to float??I like to float!In my settlement there are many parks!!Near to my house there is a wood! In the summer I with the sister go to a wood and I collect mushrooms and berries!!You were in a wood?? You collected mushrooms???It is pleasant for me that you agree with me to the account of vodka!!Unfortunately Russian men do not understand me! Therefore it is pleasant for me that I have got acquainted with you!!!It seems to me that you very well understand me!! Therefore I with pleasure shall answer you!!You liked my photos. They were made by my sister. She studies on rates. I understand you that you have written.Sometimes after work I walk with the girlfriend on park! bye-bye!! I just ate and again I write to you!I hope, that at you all OK! By the way, dear, what foodstuffs is liked for you? That you prefer:Sweets, meat, a fish? Inform me it. I am able not badTo consult on kitchen, my mum cared of it many years back.You can be convinced of it, in due time I easily do variousSalads, soups, and also game and a fish. In the greater degree I preferFish, and also very much to like me fruit: kivi, bananas, pineapples andMelon. Today houses I shall prepare for the Chinese hen and vegetableSalad. Probably you love the tasty foodstuffs? At usThere is a proverb; " the way to heart of the man - passes through his stomach! " I was many times convinced of it when observed of my father.Therefore?????, I shall reach to your heart with the help of mineCulinary abilities. It is a joke!!!I wait for your messages! Yours Tatyana!!!! Nearly has not overlooked to tell that at my place there is a computer.I use a computer of a house and on work. I heard that there are programs allowing to communicate in a chat!Yesterday I have caused the master that he has adjusted to me programs for chat!I wanted to communicate to you in chat!But expert on computers of me has afflicted! He has told that at me very old computer, therefore any programs are not established!Expert advised to me throw out my computer! But I want to continue our correspondence!It is very pity, but while we can correspond only on e-mail!