Female Scammer Tatyana 


Female Scammer Tatyana 

E-mail: tanya_fierylady@mail.ru
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Tatyana
Location [Address]: unknown Donetsk (Ukraine); Krasniy Lu
Age: 27
Birth Date:
Aliases: Christina, Cristina, Khrystyna

Reports :

Good evening Jim. Another day is over. what's new? I couldn't sleep yesterday long time. so today was a weird day for me. It all began. with little things. .. at first I slept because I didn't hear the alarm. I just had Breakfast, and I didn't even have time to wash it. dishes. I quickly ran to work. I'm late for my work. because traffic in the city was slow. But there was nothing wrong with that. it. I'm really glad you liked my pictures. I don't wear bikinis that often. I'm embarrassed to be wearing a bikini for some reason. Yes, I really like massage. That's very good. I'd love to give you a massage. Dear I really liked your photos. What did you do with the fish? Butchering? Today I cooked dinner and washed the dishes, it's cutlets with salad, it was very tasty. When I did all of this, I was listening to the radio and thinking about life ... And I thought. .. - Uh ... if I had a man, then maybe I wouldn't sleep. alarm. .. he woke me up, and even I could wash it. dishes I didn't have time to wash. Of course, living in couple very good ... How do you feel at home? I think that in a relationship, a man should help a woman and evenly distribute all duty. It would be convenient and for .. and for fun ... For example, I know a few men who can cook ... and like to do It. My friend Marina's husband is only " the King of the table», ... I tried a lot of the dishes he prepared and I want to say that it it was delicious ... No, of course I don't require my chosen one to be a cook .. = )).. It's not necessary. But if he could even wash the dishes ... and use iron! Then I would be very happy! Hihihi ... Jim, tell me how you are to submit it? Tell me your opinion on this issue. OK? I hope you like my photos. I will wait.



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