Female Scammer Tatyana
E-mail: tanya_1080@mail.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Tatyana |
Location [Address]: | unknown Pervomaisk (Ukraine) |
Age: | 27 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Tanechka, Tani, Tantana, Tanus |
Reports :
Hello, my dear man, Richard. I even don't know why, but I decided to begin my new letter from this words… Because for such short time you really became very close and dear person for me. I feel that we have enough things in common. Often we have similar point or view. We have very good understanding between us and real interest to each other. I have such feeling that you and I know each other already for a very long time. And we went though some different life things together and kept our friendship. Maybe it sounds strange, but I really feel so. When I read your letters, image of you is in my head. And I imaging as you tells me this entire in real world. As we discuss something, or I just sharing to you something from my past… After I summarize all this, I may absolute sure say, that you are my dear man! I hope, so do I for you. Thank you for picture, I like it, don't stop sending it, please, you are absolute right, from it I may also better learn you and your life around. Yes, I like pancakes very much, especially with some fruit jam. But current time I try to eat it not so often, since I try to make my body a little bit less in volume (smile).
Now I understand more better situation with kids in your country, but myself I don't know where is that point in which child can be taken out of family or what is normal in common. About physical letter, in fact it's not so good idea and the reason of it is that I work in post and know very well how it works in my country (smile). Usual letters are enough often being lost on the way from one point to another, I don't know how it happened for sure, maybe currier are lost it or stolen on it way. But it's enough ordinary situation when people don't get such letters and use to it. Our country is enough big and sometimes letter from one end to another may go for 2 months. And it doesn't depends much about if the price of this letter is low or high. It's just question of hard logistic.
Thank you for your comments on my previous letter, it was really interesting to know your opinion about what I wrote you last time. Hope this days you are fine with everything there? Don't forget, that if you want to share with me something, you always can do it. I'm fine here, the weather is still pretty good, but I don't care (smile). I'm again absolute free from my work for today, so I may concentrate on my thoughts and write you new letter. If I have enough time, then I plan to meet my friend Neeno later.
I really like our correspondence with you. I like what it gives me, what kind of pleasures, new feelings, emotions and maybe even some fantasies… I feel myself, that with each new letter I become more opened for you. If in my first letters I afraid to write you something, I was trying to choose the right words, because I didn't know how you may take it… But now I already feel and see that I can write you almost absolute all what is in my head, in my heart. And I believe that it good achievement for this moment. But on the other hand I very good understand that any relations need to be developed. And somewhere in future we need to do some more serious step to develop ours relation also. And only time will show us the right moment for it. You know, last night I thought about what I really want from our communication? If I want it continue the same way for many more months or years? Or if I would like it soon to go in real life? I decided for sure, that I don't want everything would stop at one place now! I don't want it become some kind of pen-pal. But from the other side, I don't want to hurry up now on the high emotional wave. I think I still would like to learn you a little bit better first. And what about you? Did you ever think about our communication from this side? I mean if you think where it may brings you and me in future and what can we get from it? Or maybe already now you may say for sure, that you and I can't have common future? Please, don't be afraid to tell me, what you really think about it!
In one of my previous letters I wrote you about feeling of loneliness. I wrote you that I really tired from it and sure, that people shouldn't be lonely in their life. I really believe that loneliness killing people from inside. It makes their life not so interesting, more monotonous and boring. Since person can become really happy only when this person has his soul mate. Yes, now you are in my life. But you are very far from me. So I still think that I'm lonely in some meaning. No, it's not the same loneliness as it was few weeks ago, but it's still loneliness... And last time I dream more and more that I'm not lonely anymore. I think I already wrote you once about such dreams and that it's my main goal in life for this moment, but now I admire, that I think about it too often. And last time these dreams became a little bit different. One very important thing appeared in it. In the past I didn't imagine some concrete man or face in my fantasies. But short time ago in all my dreams your face became to appear, your image. But, please, just don't laugh at me (smile). I really write you as it happen. And I think, that it doesn't depend on me, it happens somehow automatically (smile). Hope you are not against (smile)? If you wish I may replace your face in my dreams for black square (smile). You know even now, when I tell you all this, my mood becoming better. I sit and smile from words which I write you. I afraid that you may read it and think "why she writes me all this silly things"? Please, don't think so (smile). I'm really happy that you are in my life now!
I'm sure from the beginning one simple question could be in your head "Why so nice and young woman are so lonely in her life?" I think even my explanations about my country, religion, my ex-husband maybe didn't convince you. But all this is really true. Every day I see many men's eyes which looking at me with interest. But what I may see in it? Only one desire – to have some fun and *** with me. And when I understand it, it's becoming so sad. Since they don't care about my inner world. They don't care about my character. They just want young body with nice face. Sorry guys, it's not interesting for me (smile). And it was one of the reasons why I chose internet, letters and another country to look for my destiny. I want that at first, man could learn my inner world, my thoughts and understand if I'm good for him or not. And for I could do the same. And let me repeat, I'm really glad, that you are in my life now. Because through your letters I may see that you have really strong interest to me and it's not the same as I see on the streets often. Thank you for that! I will stop on this. Wish you good day. Hope that for you was really interesting to read what I wrote you here. And as usual in your next letter you write me your own thoughts and share with me something interesting. And don't forget to send me new pictures (smile)! p.s. I'm sending you picture which I had on my flash card. It was done in the spring on some holiday for kids in our village.