Female Scammer Victoria Clark

Victoria Clark

Female Scammer Victoria Clark

E-mail: clark2323@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Victoria
Location [Address]: ukraine
Age: 38
Birth Date: 5/6/1984
Victoria Clark

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Reports :

---Original Message---

Letter 1

Hi, my friend! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all those wonderful compliments! I’m starting to think all that time I spend at the gym is really paying off! ? Honestly, it’s so nice to hear such kind words from someone as pleasant as you. Thanks again! And God bless your mom! I’m so happy to know she’s made it to such a wonderful age, and I wish her nothing but the best!
I love the way you describe how you start and end your day. It sounds so peaceful! ? Today, I found myself thinking a lot about you. It’s truly amazing how happy I am to have met you!
As for my phone – it’s broken again. It's one of those cheap Chinese iPhone copies. I've dropped it twice already and spent more money fixing it than it’s even worth. At this point, I don’t want to spend another ruble on it! But maybe I’ll give it to my goddaughter, she likes to play with it, and who knows, maybe she’s the reason it broke in the first place ? But how could I be mad at a child?
I hope your day is going well. I wanted to ask, have you ever communicated online before? Do you have any experience with it? I’ve tried a couple of times, but it never worked out. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with the people, we just didn’t understand each other, and I think that’s the most important thing in any relationship, don’t you think?
What qualities are most important to you in a woman? Is it all about attraction, or do you think it’s also important to have useful skills like cooking, creating a comfortable home, or being able to show affection at night? Personally, I think I have the qualities a good woman should have. My mom taught me well. I’m a good cook (or so I hope! ?), I work hard, and I try to take care of myself, so my man wouldn’t be ashamed of me. I just haven’t found that special man yet, the one I’d want to do all this for.
What I really want from a man is to feel safe and protected by him. I want him to be the most trustworthy person in my life, someone I can share a thousand experiences with, laugh and have fun with. I want to be the kind of woman who would go to the ends of the earth for him, without hesitation.
If we were to meet one day, how would you want to spend that day? If you could dream up the perfect date, where would we go, and what would we do together? I have so many ideas of what I’d like to try with you, but I’d love to know if our thoughts align. ?
Richard, I’m so sorry, but I can’t write more today. It’s getting late, and I need to go. But I’ll write more next time. Thinking of you, Richard.
Your friend,
Victoria Clark

Letter 2

Hello, my friend Richard!!! How’s everything going with you? What’s new today? I’ve never received such graceful compliments from anyone before. I’m truly flattered, and your words lifted my spirits for the whole evening! It would be so wonderful to share a slow dance with you, feel your strong embrace, and snuggle together. Mmmmm, you really make me fantasize! ? You’re right, money can’t buy love. It’s priceless.
You know, Richard, our correspondence has added something truly special to my life. Every day now feels different, not just a routine. I look forward to the evening with great anticipation, hoping to read your words and hear those warm, kind things you always say. It’s such a wonderful feeling!
I also wanted to remind you that I have a higher education, and I passed state exams in English. But it’s been so long that I feel like I’m losing my fluency, especially since there aren’t many English speakers around here. I’ve only encountered a few people who speak English in the last few years, so please don’t pay too much attention to my mistakes. I’m doing my best, though! ?
I had a day off today, and I’m used to waking up early, even when I don’t have to work. Today, I woke up at 7 a.m. and spent some time cleaning and helping my friend Elena in the kitchen. She’s a great cook, but she’s also very particular about things, and she doesn’t like anyone telling her how to do it. So, it was a bit of a challenge, but I told her she’s the “chief cook,” and I’m just here to follow orders! ? After some back and forth, she let me help with the simpler tasks.
In the afternoon, I had some time just for myself. It was lovely! I’m curious, what do you do when you have a lot of free time? Do you have any hobbies? Do you enjoy traveling? I know it might sound strange, but I’m not a fan of shopping like most women. I don’t like teasing myself with things I can’t afford.
I usually have two days off each week, and sometimes I help Elena look after her kids. I’m not sure how good I am at babysitting, but I’m a godmother to her youngest children. Elena doesn’t ask me to help too often, but I try not to refuse. So, today I took the kids to the park. We ate ice cream, watched pigeons, and had a lovely time together. It wasn’t hard work, but by the evening, I was exhausted. I’m ready to sleep now!
Good night, my friend! Sending you a big hello from Russia. Please send me some pictures! Take care of yourself, and goodbye for now.
Victoria Clark

Letter 3

Hello, it’s me again! I’m so happy to hear from you! I truly enjoy our correspondence – it feels like I’m reading a love story ? You never miss a chance to give me a compliment! Those small gestures of attention will always be appreciated by any woman, and if you’re a romantic, you’ll charm any woman, for sure. I’m so happy that you see something special in me and treat me differently from most girls.
I really believe that dreams do come true! You know, we have an expression here in Russia (though I’m not sure how to translate it exactly, but I’ll try): "The distance between people is like fire and wind. The real fire gets stronger with the wind, while a small light can be blown out by it." I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. You might say that we’re not in a real relationship yet, and you’d be right, but in a way, you’ve already entered my life. You’re already in my thoughts, and even now, it’s hard to imagine a day without you. The most important thing is that I enjoy our communication. I feel the same comfort you do when we talk.
We’re still getting to know each other, but the truth is, no matter how many pictures I send, you still don’t know me in real life. I’m afraid of disappointing you or being disappointed by you, but who knows? Life is all about taking chances. I truly believe it’s better to regret something you’ve tried than to regret never trying at all.
I hope you don’t think it’s strange that I write to you every day. I just enjoy it so much, and I would be so sad if one day you stopped writing. Now, I know I’ve found a friend, and I really appreciate that.
I wish you all the best. I’m waiting for your next letter and thinking of you.
Miss you, Richard.
Victoria Clark



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