Female Scammer vita 


Female Scammer vita 

E-mail: vikulya_81@inbox.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: vita
Location [Address]:
Birth Date:

Reports :

-Original Message-
You are like a wonderful dream that came into my life, I think and dream about you very often, I dream about our future meeting, this could be the best present for me!!! My dear , I think that there is something between us that make me trust you and open my heart for you, I would like to give you my full trust because I see in your letters how sincere and serious you are towards me. My parents are pleased, that I shall meet you. They are glad, that I at last have met the person to whom I have big respect and serious intentions. My daddy always spoke me,that the man in relations mainer and, that the woman should listen to him always. And I always argued with him concerning it. During those moments of the life when I had relations with the person, I always tried to be the leader in these relations. But with you , I feel, that all differently. I would like to be obedient and gentle to to you. Probably mine the daddy of the rights when speaks, that the main instinct of the woman, it to be near to the man and to be obedient to him. He speaks, that the woman can be happy, only if lives thus. I have such opinion to you, for the first time and consequently I think of it much. I think, probably the destiny not casually acquainted me with you! In this letter, I wished to send you a photo. But I have forgotten to take myself a photo. Therefore I, will send you a photo in following messages. Agent has informed me - date and all detailed information, of my flight to you. I will know only after all payment of air tickets. And If all is good, and I will pay, in the specified terms. Then 3 july, I will be already in USA, your city, in your embraces :-))) Probably tomorrow. I will not have the Internet. Therefore, do not lose me.



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