Female Scammer zhanna tsukanova

zhanna tsukanova

Female Scammer zhanna tsukanova

E-mail: zannacukanova254@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: zhanna
Location [Address]: odessa
Age: 26
Birth Date: 1995-10-11
zhanna tsukanova

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zhanna tsukanova

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zhanna tsukanova

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zhanna tsukanova

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zhanna tsukanova

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Reports :

--Original Message--

Letter 1


I hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of the year too.
I just love spring when everything starts to wake up after hibernation. For me, this is one of the most beautiful moments of the year, when everything becomes brighter and more colorful.
And at this moment it always seems to me that our hearts can wake up and come alive if we want it. Do we agree with each other on this issue?
I understand that it may seem impudent for me to write to you first, but I like to take risks!
I wanted make a positive

Letter 2

Hello !
I hope you are in a good mood?
and my letter will please you,
I am a lonely girl and so I decided to write and find a loving, sweet, kind man who will love me and take care of me!
my name is Zhanna Tsukanova
I hope you enjoy my messages and you will write to me and I will tell you more about myself, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!!

Letter 3

How are you? I hope you are also fond of this springtime when everything comes alive and awakens.
Do you want to know what I love most in spring?
This is what nature comes to life, and everything begins to bloom and smell.
But the most important thing is that spring reminds me that everything can change for the better, including our mood and our hearts.
I'm reminded that just like nature, our hearts have the potential to awaken and thrive. Are we in accord regarding this issue? It could be seen as brazen for me to contact you first, but I like to live on the edge! I wanted to make a positive impression on you.
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Zhanna Tsukanova.
It's possible that you're perplexed as to why I'm contacting you.
The reason is, I'm seeking to meet a good man. I want to have a relationship with any man who are 39+,
I think that's a best age for a man. I find maturity and stability very attractive, and older men tend to have those qualities.
I appreciate the experience and wisdom that older men can give me, and therefore I prefer them.
Just like a good French wine, a good man is someone who has been cultivated over time and has developed a certain richness and depth. Are you confident that you can meet the demands and responsibilities of this role?
I'll tell you a little about myself, I am a very cheerful, brave woman.
Jokes and good company are two things that always bring a smile to my face.
I live in Odessa, in the beautiful city of Astana. Have you ever heard of my city? What is the name of your city?
Tell me about your hobbies and talents, it would be great to learn something about you.
In the next message I will tell you more. Feel free to write to me.
I hope to see you soon!!!

Letter 4

I hope you enjoy this wonderful time of the year.
Do you want to know what I love most in spring? For me, this is one of the most beautiful moments of the year, when everything becomes brighter and more colorful.
And I believe that, like nature, our hearts can come alive and blossom. Can we assume that we have mutual understanding?
It may seem too tempting of me to contact you first, but I love challenging myself!
I wanted make a good impression on you.

Letter 5

Hello,my love.
How are you?How is your mood today?
I couldn`t asleep this night,i was thinking about our meeting,our feelings,relationship.
I am imagining our days together.
I think it will be very romantic, passionate and unforgettable days when we are together and what are your thoughts about it?
When we will be together I want to give you feeling of independence and love, understanding, kindness, support.
I will be always on the side of you, even if you are not right, I will always support you, because my man for me will always be the best. Happy relationship it`s where everything is done with love and respect.
I know that not all days will be happy and unclouded in our life.
But our love will help us with it. We will be loyal, sincere, truthful each other, we will respect each other and ready to listen and support each other, are you agree with me?
How do you imagine our relationship should be?
I haven`t my own apartment here,i rent it.What did you mean about my relocation?and work situation? Today i am feeling very sad,they said us at work that we will need to stay at home because of the virus, quarantine and they will not be able to give us salary for this month
i didn`t expect it,they didn`t warn us before,i am really shocked because i need to pay for the rent of the apartment and buy the food and now i don`t know what i will do without salary.(((( Would you love us to meet?If yes,where and when?
Thank you for being with me,the thoughts about you warm my heart.
With love,Zhanna Tsukanova

Letter 6

Hello,my love,Gerard.
How are you?How is your mood today?
I couldn`t asleep this night,i was thinking about our meeting,our feelings,relationship.
I am imagining our days together.
I think it will be very romantic, passionate and unforgettable days when we are together and what are your thoughts about it?
When we will be together I want to give you feeling of independence and love, understanding, kindness, support.
I will be always on the side of you, even if you are not right, I will always support you, because my man for me will always be the best. Happy relationship it`s where everything is done with love and respect.
I know that not all days will be happy and unclouded in our life.
But our love will help us with it. We will be loyal, sincere, truthful each other, we will respect each other and ready to listen and support each other, are you agree with me?
How do you imagine our relationship should be?
I haven`t my own apartment here,i rent it.What did you mean about my relocation?and work situation? Today i am feeling very sad,they said us at work that we will need to stay at home because of the virus, quarantine and they will not be able to give us salary for this month
i didn`t expect it,they didn`t warn us before,i am really shocked because i need to pay for the rent of the apartment and buy the food and now i don`t know what i will do without salary.(((( Would you love us to meet?If yes,where and when?
Thank you for being with me.
oughts about you warm my heart.
With love,Zhanna Tsukanova



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