Male Scammer Barry raymond

Scammer Barry raymond

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Barry
Location [Address]:
Age: 60

Reports :

I So can I now call you my love 18:14 Are you sleeping already No I made a mistake by sending it to you Okay dearie ,d.,
So answer my question "'De a message I will always be there for you and I promise never to hurt your feelings Isn't there someone else in your life
Nope I told you that am divorced I thank God for bringing you to my life One of my friends just told me he doesn't believe in God it is comic book I was so shocked Hmmmmm divorce that your friend No
I don't know him he is a youngster his mom wrote him off So what are you doing Am watching television So send me your nhotos i _me a message m., Barry Raymond k.
last seen today at I really like and admire you and I love you will you be the woman of my lifeYou don't know me I know but love is a thing of one step at a time That is true So are you giving me a chance Yes we can get to know each other better If I don't answer it's because I'm busy Hello dearie
YESTERDAY Good morning my dear Sorry
I was out only got home now and saw your message how are you my love Am doing alright my love how was your day Crazy was out with the landlord and his wife y Okay love where went you guys
We went to town and got a present for her grandchild Okay love So what are you doing I'm having a whiskey and coke now Am watching football So can I now call you my love,A Type a message Am watching television
So send me your photos Send me one so long I don't understand I want a pic of you Ape a message



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