Scammer David Sidwell
★★★★☆ 11 ratings     
Scam Danger:
Details |
First Name: | David |
Location [Address]: | |
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Reports :
I met David Sidwell Wheeler on in November 2016. By December 2016 I gave him 27k. He said he was in Syria. In the war zone and needed to get out. That people were trying to help him. I asked if he was in the service why couldn't he get out when he wanted to if it was a volunteer service that he was doing. He stated he was from Wisconsin. He said the government doesn't care about us. They dump you here and could care less whether you live or die.
He told me about everything regarding the military. He said he was a 30 year veteran and was asked to do this secret mission to track down (the bad guys and interigate them. When I wouldn't here from him for 24 hours I would get upset. He would say how can you get upset with me. We were attacked and I was wounded and I lost four men. He was very, very convincing. I had hours and hours and hours of emails. I also said I wanted proof that he was who he was because he said he had no family to help him and all of his assets were frozen until her returned to the united states.