Male Scammer Alex Green

Scammer Alex Green

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Alex
Location [Address]: 13 North Labone Lane, Accra Ghana

Reports :

Scamming scenario:

We met on Match. He winked at me. The chat on Match didn't work well so he suggested we email on Hangouts. He was very charming. He says he is posted in a top secret zone in the Middle East so he can't Skype or send anything from where he is, not even a selfie or voice clip. He did send me 3 photos, one in uniform, one portrait in front of a rock wall and the profile photo, as well as a photo of his daughter. He mentioned his daughter going on a school trip soon early on in the first days of conversation. Then a week later, he shows me an email supposedly from the daughter's temporary guardian, Fred. She has been in an accident; the hospital in China won't operate till full payment is made. Alvin can't send any money since he is in a top secret location. Fred has managed to put up most of the money, can I help. $8117.50USD . Alvin then says he has a safe box with a security shipping company, All Planet LLC. (the company cannot be found anywhere and website is bogus, just a domain) Can he have the box shipped to me so I can use the funds to pay for the operation, obviously it can't be sent to him, and he wants this kept secret from Fred. Can I give him my address and info. There may be charges. I received an email from M. Jason Williams from All Planet LLC, the box will be shipped to me just as soon as I pay $1082 in levies. So now Alvin tells me I must cancel the shipment. There may be charges. $76 to be paid in bitcoins. I said I would have a friend check it out. There was no more communication between us after this.



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